英语人>词典>汉英 : 被侵蚀 的英文翻译,例句
被侵蚀 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
corrode  ·  corroded  ·  corrodes

更多网络例句与被侵蚀相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Look at the distant Abajo Mountains, the White Rim Road looping the eroded chasm, and those standing rocks, my heart has already flown over there.

看远方的Abajo山,这White Rim环绕著被侵蚀的峡谷,和那些站立的岩石,我的心已飞到那儿了。

Lower the existing soil and emerging into the soil parent material (such as volcanic ash and alluvium, as well as eroded soil) on, are actively engaged in the process of soil formation.


Despite the erosion of its position, the cell-phone behemoth still has the heftiest share in the industry.

尽管 Nokia 的市场地位被侵蚀,这个手机怪兽仍然在这个产业中拥有举足轻重的市占率。

It was a condition resulting from Teeter's HIV, and the eroded bone, his doctor said, was too fragile for running. He recommended that Teeter, 46, find a new sport.


Water and wind created this smooth, heavily eroded terrace of barren rock known as the Esplanade on the north rim of the Grand Canyon.


However, only isolated snapshots of eroding symbiont genomes have previously been available.


The Constructicons, sadly, were caught up in the Corruption, but before it could happen, they modified themselves further, damaging the neuromimetic connections so that when Devastator was formed, he had the mind of an idiot.


Gold is seen as a hedge against inflation which erodes the value of assets.


Home to a variety of animals, including kangaroos and wallabies, the rock basin known as Wilpena Pound was carved from ancient mountains by erosion.


The fused quartz brick is used as hot repair materials of glass furnace because of its low thermal expansion coefficient.


更多网络解释与被侵蚀相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


corroboratory /确证的/ | corroboree /土人的夜间祭祀/ | corrode /剥蚀/使腐蚀/侵蚀/破坏/腐蚀/被侵蚀/


4月30日,第二个地图包发布,包含3张多人游戏地图:万岁(Banzai)取材于日军敌后深处场景;侵蚀(Corrosion)设定在一处苏联的火车编组场;潜艇厂(Sub Pens)则以一处被炸毁的潜艇制造厂为场景.


引起河道沉积物淤积(siltation)的一个主要原因是热带森林的刀耕火种. 当地面的植物被砍伐及烧毁一切生物后,上层土壤变得对风或水的侵蚀十分脆弱. 在地球上的一些区域,整个国家的土壤都被侵蚀. 例如马达加斯加正中的高原,


在压力释放(pressure release),或称为风化卸荷(unloading),发生在物体以上的物质(不一定是岩石)被侵蚀作用或其他过程移走后,被移走的物质以下的岩石会以表面水平的方式膨胀及破裂.

corroboratory:确定的; 证实的 (形)

corroborator 确证者 (名) | corroboratory 确定的; 证实的 (形) | corrode 使腐蚀, 破坏, 侵蚀; 腐蚀, 被侵蚀 (动)

Lechuguilla's rock had not been eaten away by running rainwater:龙舌兰洞中的岩石并非被流水侵蚀

but unlike all other limestone caves|但是,和其它石灰岩溶... | Lechuguilla's rock had not been eaten away by running rainwater.|龙舌兰洞中的岩石并非被流水侵蚀 | Something else was responsible.|而是因为其...


investment in capital construction 基建投资 | seaworn 被海水侵蚀的 | gold sodium chloride 氯化金钠 氯金酸钠


corroded grain 被腐蚀颗粒 | corroded 侵蚀的 | corrodent 腐蚀剂


abrasive 研磨剂 | corroded 被侵蚀的 | corrosive 腐蚀性的

Winds blowed it away:(被风侵蚀)

Warmth followed by coldness in circle An endless suffering(让冷暖无尽的轮回) | Winds blowed it away (被风侵蚀) | Rains washed it off(被雨冲洗)