英语人>词典>汉英 : 衰败 的英文翻译,例句
衰败 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
downfall  ·  corrosions

be on the go · fall into decay
更多网络例句与衰败相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

While her sons wrestle with their own personal difficulties and secrets, Pancho's wife, Amalia, attends to the normal inter-personal conflicts that occur within an extended family and bridges the gap between the three generations by hosting the family's large music-filled cookouts and lively dinners. For the Duques, will family allegiance come first or will their secrets and acrimonious conflicts over love, lust and control of the family fortune, be their downfall?

她的儿子奋斗他们的自己困难和秘密, Pancho\'s 妻子, Amalia,注意在一个大家族和桥里面发生的正常的在个人之间的冲突那缝隙在主机租贷的三世代家庭之间\'s 大的音乐填充的野餐和活泼的晚餐为 Duques,将会家庭忠贞被提出第一或者决意在爱、贪欲和家庭财富的控制上的他们的秘密和严厉的冲突,他们的衰败是吗?

I fond Simon wheeler dozing comfortably by the barroom stove of the dilapidated tavern in the decayed mining camp of Angel's, and I noticed that he was fat and baldheaded. He looked gentle, and his face showed him to be a happy, peaceful man.


But I did do some reading and here is what I found. A neutrino is a particle that comes from beta decay and has three different types called flavors.


Each flavor has its own antineutrino or antimatter and forms from the opposite beta decay.


World's Best Sellers: The Final Decryption of The Power to the New World, the Top Secret Decisive Weapon of the Final Success of War and Peace, Destruction or Survival, Death or Life, Prosperity or Ruin, and Stand or Kneel Down The Best Sellers on Billboard Through 30 Countries and for the 4.2 Billion English and Chinese: Fire-new Energy, Astronautics, Nucleonics, Bionomy, The Laws(ISBN/EAN13:1442131241/9781442131248) and The Laws PlusISBN/EAN1

最终解密开启人类发现新大陆新纪元的动力方程式:战争与和平、毁灭或生存、胜利或失败、死亡或生命、繁荣或衰败、站立或跪下的最终决定性超级机密武器,光走得比蜗牛慢,宇宙飞船飞得比光速还快,人们从场态重现历史和预知未来,微型的核武比氢弹的威力还强大30多个国家的排行榜上畅销书:《The Laws(ISBN/EAN13:1442131241/9781442131248)》和《The Laws PlusISBN/EAN1

Ethnicism was Chinesenized and a new country stood up on the debris of political corruption.


I will not dwell on, nor mourn over, our untimely decay, nor reproach my paleface brothers with hastening it as we too may have been somewhat to blame.


But legend didn't ascribe the fall of the Toltecs to a lack of military prowess. Rather, Aztecs believed that the Toltec empire fell because Quetzalcoatl had left Tula for his homeland in the east.


Iraq was supposed to signal the US's new global might: in fact, it may well prove to be a harbinger of its decline. And that decline could be far more precipitous than anyone has previously reckoned.


The basis for the theory of platonic decline of polities lies in the theory of ideas with soul.


更多网络解释与衰败相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

at a low ebb:衰败

at a loss 困惑 | at a low ebb 衰败 | at a moment's notice 即刻


niche [生]小生境 | bedraggled 衰败的,破旧的 | cirrhosis [医]硬化

urban blight:城市衰败

ground trainer 地面教练设备 | urban blight 城市衰败 | bitterbrush (产于北美洲西部干旱地区的)蔷薇科淡灰色灌木


创业点子; ,小本创业; 今日,系四川地震后的第一个纪念日,在此为地震死难的人们默哀10分钟. 相关文章: 一个很现实的问题 衰败城市 (Urban Decay) 部分彩妆品一览 她走了 我哭


旅游设施 Tourist facilities | 城市衰败 Urban decay | 农业 AGRICULTURE


power力量 | declined衰败 | grew成长

Echoing Decay:衰败回响

Barter in Blood 鲜血交易 | Echoing Decay 衰败回响 | Hunger of the Nim 泞族饥渴

Echoing Decay:衰败回想

2 Darkblast 黑暗冲击波 | 1 Echoing Decay 衰败回想 | 1 Swords to Plowshares 化剑为犁

Things come alive or they fall flat:事物可以重生或衰败

Never seen him quarrel with my mother even once 从没看到他和我妈妈吵过架 | Things come alive or they fall flat 事物可以重生或衰败 | You can smell the pine wood burnin' 你可以闻到松树林在燃烧

衰落,衰败 in decay 腐朽:fall into decay

debate about sth. 讨论/辩论某事 | fall into decay 衰落,衰败 in decay 腐朽 | deceive sb. Into doing sth. 骗某人做某事