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表达性 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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This thesis improves Extended Duration Calculus so that discrete state variables can be arbitrary types and any Boolean typed terms can be seen as formulas.


CLINICAL PRESENTATION: We present a patient who deeloped a partial expressie aphasia 9 days after deeloping meningitis, consistent with cerebral asospasm, after lumbosacral spinal surgery.


In his middle stage, Merleau-Ponty thinks on the base of theory of gestural expression that any kind of human actions has expressivity and the ability of inaugurating a new meaning and opening a field.


According to the theory of second language acquisition ,the essay expounds opinions on strengthening ability of expressivity as speaking and writing situations in college English teaching , proceeded from present situations in English teaching in colleges .


Natal :: pertaining to birthnebulous :: cloudy; hazynefarious :: very wickedniggardly :: meanly stingy; parsimoniousnocturnal :: done at nightnoisome :: foul smelling; unwholesomenomadic :: wanderingnoncommittal :: neutral; unpledged; undecidednotori...


The dissertation considers that there is an inner relationship between various elements of e- ducology and a given culture, which produces"the culturalcharacter of educology". Educational problems have factual bases, but their nature should be considered as subjectivity, valuableness, and historicity, which distinguish educational problems from educational facts and related prob- lems of other disciplines. Besides having a logical feature of scientific concepts, the nature of edu- cational concepts should be considered as historicity, normativity, valuableness and expressivity. Educological activity is a kind of subjective activity. The subjects of educology are not only the subjects of knowledge, but also the subjects of value and practice. Educological works are products of their whole soul life, which embody their life and social ideals.


This principle concerns about that if it is hard to make difference from the factors of awork expressed and the ideas embodied by the expression , or that the factors expressed in a work is so limited that the same orsimilar expression of others does not constitute an infringement of copyright.


According to Searle's classification of speech acts, verbal irony can be further divided into assertive irony, directive irony, commissive irony and expressive irony.


Because of the interaction between designative language with expressive language in the development of the Western civilization, legal individual can tell the truth, not only articulating the innate self's rational thinking, but also her or his desires.


Furthermore, ambiguity still remains in the effect and mechanism of the expressive writing on the posttraumatic stress responses.


更多网络解释与表达性相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


..Consistent.一致性:规则不能有逻辑上冲突 | ..Expressible.可表达性:可以口语化表达 | ..Business-Oriented:企业可以理解的,重要的参与感


软件具有"思想表达混合性"的特征,兼具"思想"(idea)和"表达"(expression)两重性,是软件和传统版权作品的重要区别. 所以,用版权法保护软件,除了体现出其具有的优点外,还显示出其不可克服的局限性. "思想/表达二分法"是版权法的基石与遵循的核心原则.



expressive aphasia:表达性失语

expiratory center 呼气中枢 | expressive aphasia 表达性失语 | extending 伸直

expressive speech:表性言语

expressive psychopathology 表达性精神病理学 | expressive speech 表性言语 | expressive symbol system 表达性符号系统


expression statement 表达式语句 | expressiveness 可表达性 | extended addressing 扩充编址


idiosyncracy 有个人独特行的异质 独特性 | illustrative 富于表达性的 | sinister 黑暗的 不详的 邪恶的

expressive psychopathology:表达性精神病理学

expressive movement 表达性运动 | expressive psychopathology 表达性精神病理学 | expressive speech 表性言语

receptive language:接受性语言

两个比较大的区别是:(1)Lovaas方法强调接受性语言(Receptive language)先于表达性语言(Expressive language);但是VB方法更强调表达性语言的构成,先从孩子感兴趣的东西开始,然后教给孩子认为有价值的"词",然后引导他们自己来使用这个词;

Metastatic tumours:转移性肿瘤

转移性肿瘤(metastatic tumours)垂体的转移灶(pituitary tumour deposits),垂体继发性肿瘤(secondary in pintuitary). 免疫组织化学特征是原发性肿瘤所表达的免疫标记. 一些肿瘤有特征性的免疫组织化学标记. 乳腺癌可表达雌激素受体和孕激素受体.