英语人>词典>汉英 : 表示部分的 的英文翻译,例句
表示部分的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与表示部分的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the first part,two methods calculating the coefficients of nilpotentclass normal forms are proposed.one is the iteration search method based onrepresentation theory of Li-algebra,and another is a new matrixrepresentation method based on the adjoint operator concepts,both are ableto be used to analyse the normal form problems with high orders and largedimensions efficiently.


Weight-saving opportunities are available today, Childers said, and IAC and other suppliers are pointing out that they can respond quickly with parts - not just parts in development.


To reduce the state space, FPTA records the integer values of clocks together with the order of decimal fraction instead of the real number values.


That equals 27.1. Divide that by three and it's 9.0333, the threes going out forever. Thus she was second. Which, all the same, didn't make it any easier. Because even if the math is right, it's logically still just naturally tough to get.


An ambiguous condition exists if the exponent of the IEEE double-precision representation is too large to be accommodated by the internal representation.

如果 IEEE 的双精确表示法的指数部分大於能以内部表示法容纳时,将会有模稜两可的情况存在。

Based on the above work, a method is presented for translating LFC function definitions into the intermediate representation, which includes analyses of recursive parameters and definition forms of functions, parameter substitution, representation translation of patterns and expressions, transformation of function definitions from incomplete construction forms to complete construction forms, and pattern-matching translation.


For example, the character denoting "house" contains a character denoting a pig in the lower part.


After firing the torpedoes the forward part would lose weight and the submarine would be out of balance.


After firing the torpedoes the forward part would lose weight and the submarine would be out of balance.


Obstruents—stops and fricatives----classified as voicedare voiced through only a small part of the articulation when they occur at the end of an utterance or before a voiceless sound.2,so-called voiced stops and affricates/b,d/are voiceless when syllable initial,except when immediately preceded by a voiced sound 3,the approximants/w,r/are at least partially voiceless when they occur after initial /p,k/This is due to the overlapping of the gesture required for aspiration with the voicing gesture required for the approximant.

1 , Obstruents站和fricatives ----列为表达的通过表示只有一小部分的衔接当他们出现在年底的话语或之前清音。 2 ,所谓表示停止与affricates / B辑,数/音节时有发言权的初始,除非立即之前表示无害 3 ,逼近/ w中,俄/至少部分是无声这种情况发生时经初步/磷,钾/这是由于重叠的手势所需的愿望与呼声姿态所需逼近。

更多网络解释与表示部分的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Deep yellow:深黃色

然后用它们的复制对象和它们进行修剪,制作出阴影部分图形,并在笔头上画一个白色的椭圆形表示它的高亮部分;最后用方格纸工具画一个8列1栏的网格,填充为浅黄色(Pale Yellow)和深黄色(Deep Yellow)轮廓线,这是笔头前


区分事实和意见不难做到:凡是含有赞同(approval)或不赞同(disapproval)等态度的部分就是意见表述,反之一般为事实陈述. 把握作者态度同样要关注作者表示意见的部分,根据其中表示意见的词汇判断态度的褒贬. 相关回复:


bare-NP adverb of location 表示場所的副詞名詞 | endearment 表示鍾愛的話語或文字 | partitive article 表份冠詞;部分冠詞





scientific notation:科学记数法

④科学记数法(Scientific notation)默认总长度8、小数位数为2、任何数字用一位整数、若干小数和指数所构成. 表示指数的字母可以用E、用D,指数部分可带正负号也可不带. 甚至指数部分不用字母D或E,只用符号表示也是可以被接收的. 如123,


partitive 表分词 | partitive 表示部分的 | partiversal 半锥背斜


partitionedsectionalizedsegmented 分段的 | partitive 表分词 | partitive 表示部分的


partitions /划分/ | partitive /区分的/表示部分的/表分词/ | partiversal /半锥背斜/


partitive /区分的/表示部分的/表分词/ | partiversal /半锥背斜/ | partizan /党羽/同类/游击队/