英语人>词典>汉英 : 补充证据 的英文翻译,例句
补充证据 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

adminicular evidence
更多网络例句与补充证据相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And accuser just wants adminicle, have to ask him author to appear in court attest or undertake notarization to autograph to notarial place, this cost cannot be borne at all.


Especially, the accused the authenticity demur that once add up to Alexandrine author to commending creative work,just signs, the court often asks again accuser square adminicle.


Proceed with is defined from its in article, elaborated the accused to assume basis of the connotation of quote responsibility, limits, law and reason, analysed quote time limit and its rationality, collect evidence and the accused delay to offer to accuser, witness to the accused proper motion, adminicle problem undertook detailed specification.


Then, by way of supplementary proof, the apologist institutes an impartial comparison of Christianity with the various rival religious systems of the world -- Brahminism, Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, Confucianism, Taoism, Mohammedanism -- and shows how in the person of its founder, in its moral and religious ideal and influence, the Christian religion is immeasurably superior to all others, and alone has a claim to our assent as the absolute, divinely-revealed religion.

那么,透过补充证据,代言人院所一个公正的比较,基督教与各竞争对手的宗教系统中的世界-b rahminism,佛教, z oroastrianism,儒家,道家, m ohammedanism-表明了如何在人的,其创办人,在其道德和宗教理想和影响力,基督教宗教是不可估量优于所有其他国家,并单独有一个自称我们的赞同,因为绝对的,神圣的天启宗教。

While discussing Ta'azir Crimes , more new contents such as testimony, pension compensation, justicer's authority and criminal law application are also discussed as a complementarity so that the study is advanced greatly on the base of previous achievements.


To improve the recognition confidence degree,the velocity and gray information of small targets is regarded as the major evidence,and the track information of the targets is treated as the supplement evidence.


The discovery of the evidences for unequable climate affords precious data for the unequablity of the Cretaceous climate from continent center at mid-low latitudes which is a great supplement to the previous indirect data mainly from continental margin and oceans at mid-high latitudes.


It involves research on objects, historical documents and their background, each of which has its own path of development, and between which there exist complementary and intercrossing relationships.


Preliminary research shows that supplemental vitamin A improves the likelihood that the measles vaccine will provide protection. 6 Vitamin A has, since the 1920s, been the subject of much research into the prevention and treatment of childhood exanthems, particularly measles. 7 This nutrient has a critical role in proper immune function , and there is evidence that supplementation with vitamin A reduces the incidence and severity of, and deaths from, childhood measles. 8 9 The World Health Organization has therefore recommended that children with signs of deficiency receive supplementation with vitamin A. The recommended amounts are 100,000 IU for children younger than one year and 200,000 IU for children older than one year, immediately upon diagnosis, and repeated once the next day and once in one to four weeks.

11初步研究表明,补充维生素A的可能性,提高麻疹疫苗将提供保护。6维生素A已自20世纪20年代,被纳入预防和童年exanthems,特别是麻疹治疗中的许多研究课题。7本养分有在适当的关键作用免疫功能,并有证据表明,补充维生素A减少发病率和严重程度,以及,儿童麻疹死亡。8 9世界卫生组织已因此,建议与不足的迹象儿童得到补充与维生素A的建议金额10万国际单位的儿童未满一年,20万国际单位的儿童一年以上,立即诊断,重复一遍,第二天,一次在1至4周。

We corroborate Wrights surprising idea that the back dials were in the form of spirals , with remarkable additional evidence from the inscriptions .

我们知道佐证 wrights 惊讶背面分别拨号的形式热风,从铭文显著补充证据

更多网络解释与补充证据相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


adminicle 辅助物 | adminicle 副证 | adminicle 补充证据


adminicle 副证 | adminicle 补充证据 | adminicula 腹背齿


使用镇痉剂(antispasmodic)次数不要太多,以避免产生副作用. 7、 特定疗法:水分和电解质的补充,对水状腹泻及有脱水现象的病人是相当重要的. 以抗生素治疗E. coli O157和其他肠道出血性大肠杆菌(EHEC)之效果并不确定,有证据显示:以TMP-SMX治疗,

Conclusive Evidence:最终证据

>对>关于初步证据的规定作了补充,当提单已被转让于善意的第三人时,便不能接受与此相反的证据,即提单的善意受让人所持提单则具有最终证据(Conclusive Evidence)的效力,当其提出以上同样的索赔


其主要功能有二,第一,审查证据,以决定证据的充足程度是否达到签发起诉书(indictment)的标准;第二,与起诉方合作发现起诉材料中尚未包含的证据. 从以上功能可以看出,美国的大陪审团起着调查、核实和补充证据的作用.


adminicle 补充证据 | adminicula 腹背齿 | administerativeadministrative 行政的

adminicular:补充的, 辅助的

adminicle | 辅助物, 补充证据 | adminicular | 补充的, 辅助的 | adminiculate | 用旁证证实

adminicular evidence:辅助证据

adjusting link 调节连杆 | adminicular evidence 辅助证据 | adminicular evidence 补充证据

adminicular evidence:补充证据

adminicular evidence 辅助证据 | adminicular evidence 补充证据 | admissible evidence 可接受的证据

adminicular evidence:辅助证据,补充证据

adjustment tax 调节税 | adminicular evidence 辅助证据,补充证据 | administer 实施,监管