英语人>词典>汉英 : 行动缓慢地 的英文翻译,例句
行动缓慢地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与行动缓慢地相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Like hundreds of thousands of other Haitians, she is patiently waiting for a relief operation that has proved agonisingly slow to get going.


Now there is a certain town, Thryoessa, perched upon a rock on the river Alpheus, the border city Pylus; this they would destroy, and pitched their camp about it, but when they had crossed their whole plain, Minerva darted down by night from Olympus and bade us set ourselves in array; and she found willing soldiers in Pylos, for the men meant fighting.

多沙的 普洛斯境内有一座城堡,斯罗厄萨,矗立在陡峭的山岩,远离阿菲俄斯河,地处边睡。他们包围了这座石城,急不可待地试图攻破。然而,当他们扫过整个平原,雅典娜冲破夜色,向我们跑来,来自俄林波斯的使者,召呼我们武装备战。在普洛斯,他所招聚的不是一支行动迟滞缓慢的军队,而是一帮求战心切的兵勇。

T. rex was no slacker. But the popular image of a nimble predator turning on a dime and chasing down prey with lightning speed is fiction, new computer models show. The terrifying tyrannosaur was actually a slowpoke.


After the great war of 1870–71 the House of Habsburg set to work with all its determination to exterminate the dangerous German element – about whose inner feelings and attitude there could be no doubt – slowly but deliberately.


更多网络解释与行动缓慢地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Fixed unrealistically slow kicked clearances:固定不切实际地缓慢展开清拆行动

- Off ball runs from behind ball now done at higher... | - Fixed unrealistically slow kicked clearances -固定不切实际地缓慢展开清拆行动 | - Fixed advantage being played then play called back a few seco...


螳螂科(Mantidae)近2,000种体型大、行动缓慢的昆虫,特徵是前胸(上部)长,前足股节腹面有沟,沟两侧有刺列,胫节(下部)可嵌入沟内. 它只吃活虫,以有刺的前足牢牢钳食它的猎物. 受惊时,振翅沙沙作响,同时显露鲜明的警戒色. 常见於植丛中而非地面上,