英语人>词典>汉英 : 行动敏捷 的英文翻译,例句
行动敏捷 的英文翻译、例句


physical agility · stir oneself
更多网络例句与行动敏捷相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Euler early after the sheep and Tibetan wild argali sheep constantly cross-breeding of the skin after the formation of a combination of high-quality goat type species, with strong disease resistance, cold resistance, fitness, and growth and development of fast, high-volume production of meat, fresh meat No smell of mutton taste, commodity rates, operation agility, teamwork and strong resistance, feeding coarse, easily bred and hides, and skin thickness, strong, flexible, and strong features such as heat, is the best skin products market.


He said he'd once been young, thin, and fast, the starting guard on the Coal Hill High School basketball team, which he had led to the state championship over Little Rock Central High in the 1930s; he'd gained all his weight in the years when he was the county bootlegger, and never lost it.


The snail darter is a small fish, three inches long, swift and pretty in the water but totally uninteresting out of it.


A popular legend refers to a goat herder by the name of Kaldi, who observed his goats acting unusual

流行的说法是一个名叫 Kaldi 的牧羊人发现山羊吃了一种浆果后行动敏捷

Virtual bone dragons posture lightsome, action quick, easy to grab a pair of long arms and hands, and long and narrow jaw bone.


And they shackled him hand and foot and would take of him ne bail ne mainprise but preferred a charge against him for he was a malefactor.


J : Come on, I think you are quick off the mark. You will do a good job during the play.


My friend is one of these very active, emotional persons; he isalways moving at a fast pace, in a white heat, so to speak.


My friend is one of these ery actie, emotional persons; he is always moing at a fast pace, in a white heat, so to speak.


G, Wednesday (the god Woden, like Mercury, was quick and eloquent); Thunresd?

g, 星期三(沃登,象墨丘利一样,行动敏捷,善于词辩); Thunresd?

更多网络解释与行动敏捷相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

physical agility:行动敏捷

physical aggression 身体攻击 | physical agility 行动敏捷 | physical and chemical stimulus 理化性刺激

Ibizan Hound:伊维萨猎犬(体形瘦长、行动敏捷)

Pioneer summer camp 少年先锋队夏令营 | Ibizan hound 伊维萨猎犬(体形瘦长、行动敏捷) | patella [解] 膝盖骨

Look lively:行动敏捷些, 拿出劲头来

look like the cat after it had eaten the canary 带着洋洋得意的样子. | look lively 行动敏捷些, 拿出劲头来. | look nippy 赶快.

musk deer:麝香鹿

草原栖息着多种鹿类--瞪羚(gazelle)、有个奇怪圆鼻子的赛加羚(saiga)、麝香鹿(musk deer),此外,还有成群的剑羚(kulan)和野驴,这些动物的肉都可以吃,但是,它们行动敏捷,生性警觉,极难猎捕.

musk deer:香鹿

草原栖息着多种鹿类--瞪羚(gazelle)、有个奇怪圆鼻子的赛加羚(saiga)、麝香鹿(musk deer),此外,还有成群的剑羚(kulan)和野驴,这些动物的肉都可以吃,但是,它们行动敏捷,生性警觉,极难猎捕.

look nippy:赶快

look lively 行动敏捷些, 拿出劲头来. | look nippy 赶快. | look of verjuice 愠怒的脸色.

patella:[解] 膝盖骨

Ibizan hound 伊维萨猎犬(体形瘦长、行动敏捷) | patella [解] 膝盖骨 | molten glass 熔融态玻璃, 玻璃液

Pioneer summer camp:少年先锋队夏令营

pinch pass rolling 平整, 光整, 冷轧 | Pioneer summer camp 少年先锋队夏令营 | Ibizan hound 伊维萨猎犬(体形瘦长、行动敏捷)


学 名:Pseudohaje goldii 英 名:Gold's Tree Cobra 科 名:蝙蝠蛇科(Elapidae) 分 佈:西非及中非;栖居在河流沿岸的森林中. 生态习性:卵生,每次产下10-20枚卵. 本种为非洲相当罕见的蛇种,行动敏捷,即使在地面上也可快速行动,

cut a feather:作精细无益的区别, 争论过于细小的事情 船头破浪前进 出风头, 炫耀 行动敏捷

crop sb.'s feathers 杀某人的威风, 挫某人锐气 | cut a feather 作精细无益的区别, 争论过于细小的事情 船头破浪前进 出风头, 炫耀 行动敏捷 | cut sb. out of all feather 使某人黯然失色