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行列式的展开 的英文翻译、例句


expansion of a determinant
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Dixon method was adopted to construct a 22×22 Dixon matrix and then the greatest common divisor of two columns was extracted.

结合矢量法和复数法建立了4个几何约束方程式,使用Dixon结式构造22 22的Dixon矩阵,对两列提取公因式后展开矩阵的行列式得到一元64次多项式方程,回代过程中去掉6组增根后得到58组解。

Dixon method was adopted to construct a 22×22 Dixon matrix and then the greatest common divisor of two columns was extracted. After expanding the determinant of the matrix, a 64 degree univariate polynomial equation was obtained and 6 extraneous roots were canceled in the process of solving the other 3 variables.


Firstly, four geometric loop equations are set up by using vector method in complex number fields. Secondly, three constraint equations are used to construct the Dixon resultants, which is a 6×6 matrix and contain two variables to be eliminated. Extract the greatest common divisor of two rows and two columns of Dixon matrix and compute its determinant to obtain a new equation. This equation together with the forth constraint equation can be used to construct a Sylvester resultant.

首先使用矢量法和复数法建立4个几何约束方程式;再使用Dixon结式法对3个方程式构造一个含有2个变元的6×6 Dixon矩阵,提取其中2行列元素的公因式,将新矩阵的行列式展开后得到二元高次多项式方程,该方程与剩下一个方程使用Sylvester结式消去一变元,得到一元高次方程。

First,the determinant is regarded as a function of or- der n and denoted by D;Second,the determinant is expanded by row or by column,then the relation in both of Dand subdeterminants will be examined in details to set up certain a recursion,generally speaking,it must be a homogenous or a non homogenous recursion;fi- nally the coefficients of the general solution are found out with the aid.

给出了用递归关系方法求任意 n 阶行列式的值的一般方法:首先,把已知的 n 阶行列式看作为阶数 n 的一个函数,记为 D;其次,按行或按列展开这个行列式,并仔细观察存在于余子式及 D里的关系,建立关于 D的某一递归关系,此关系总为一个齐次的或非齐次的递归关系;最后,借助于 D(0)、D(1)和D(2)等求出递归关系的通解的系数。

更多网络解释与行列式的展开相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



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