英语人>词典>汉英 : 行乐 的英文翻译,例句
行乐 的英文翻译、例句


go on the spree · seek pleasure · indulge in pleasures · seek amusement
更多网络例句与行乐相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Las Vegas is the most extreme and allegorical of American settlements, bizarre and beautiful in its venality and in its devotion to immediate gratification, a place the tone of which is set by mobsters and call girls and ladies' room attendants with amyl nitrite poppers in their uniform pockets.


His understanding to the apothegm of Mr.Keating was to have fun in time by doing everything he wanted to.

Keating 的警句,他的理解就是及使行乐,做自己想做的事,于是斗胆易稿来冒犯成人们的尊严,他以近乎幽默的方式来接受惩罚,只是不能理解为何Keating并不赞许如此做法。

The very idea of entertainment stems from the biological evolutionism and theory of human nature.


The personal tragedies of these figures are elevated to universality and represent the forlornness of human existence.


If you continue your 20-something merrymaking, you turn into a blob.


The presence of dynamic and aggressive Mars in fixed and fiery Leo suggests you've got plenty of gusto and oomph to push ahead and get things done, especially when it comes to love and merrymaking.


The presence of dynamic and aggressiveMars in fixed and fiery Leo suggests you've got plenty of gusto andoomph to push ahead and get things done, especially when it comes tolove and merrymaking.


Then I became interested in ancient figures: Qu Yuan's hopelessness, Li Bai's self-indulgence, Tao Yuan-ming's Utopia and Zheng Ban-qiao's muddleheadedness, all of which became transfiguration of truthfulness and goodness in my heart.


I, Nebuchadnezzar, was at home in my palace, content and prosperous.


Wah Zai continues to work hard, to get award; Jacky Cheung's 《雪狼湖》 was very successful for its show at Beijing, Andy Hui, Denise, Edmund all got awards; Eason got a baby daughter, he will remerge in 05, bet will be fruitful; Sammi is working hard for her movie 《长恨歌》; Anthony and Sandy and your students recorded the CD 《乐行佛国》 in Sanskrit for you...

华仔,继续努力,继续奖;学友的《雪狼湖》在北京演出空前成功;安仔、阿诗、娘炳、霆锋在颁奖礼奖无敌; Eason生了个小女孩, 05 将会是他出击的一年,必定大放异彩; Sammi努力地演出《长恨歌》; Anthony与忆莲及徒儿们为师傅录了用藏文唱颂的《乐行佛国

更多网络解释与行乐相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Sempre libera:及时行乐

8饮酒歌Libiamo ne 'lieti calici 3:53 | 9及时行乐Sempre libera 4:37 | >Falstaff


merrillite 陨磷钙钠石 | merrymaker 行乐者 | merrymaker 嬉戏者


recreationalsportful 娱乐的 | recreationist 行乐的人 | recreationist 作消遣的人

carpe diem:及时行乐

摘要:"及时行乐"(Carpe Diem) 是文艺复兴时期诗歌中非常普遍的一个主题,它的产生有着深刻的历史背景,对当时的英国社会有着深远的影响和积极的现实意义.

carpe diem:(不必担忧未来,及时行乐. ) *出 自拉丁语,英语中也常使用

Seize the day. * 直译"把握今天". 多在军队中用. | Carpe diem. (不必担忧未来,及时行乐. ) *出 自拉丁语,英语中也常使用. | 183. 越早越好. The sooner, the better.


picnicker 郊游的人 | picnicky 行乐的 | picnicky 郊游的


picnicker /郊游的人/ | picnicky /郊游的/行乐的/ | picnometer /比重管/

go on the spree:行乐

go on the rampage 暴跳如雷 | go on the spree 行乐 | go on the stage 上舞台


Offshoot分支,支流 | Picnicking郊游的,行乐的 | Ambush埋伏

Eat, Drink and be Merry:及时行乐

Easy does it. 不要操之过急. | Eat, drink, and be merry. 及时行乐. | Empty vessels make the most sound. 空桶响叮当.