英语人>词典>汉英 : 血色 的英文翻译,例句
血色 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

redness of the skin
更多网络例句与血色相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Abbess left them, and Little John bound up the vein quickly. But he saw that Robin's lips were almost white, and heard how his breath came with fluttering swiftness.


Its aery arch with light like blood


Grangerford was very tall and very slim, and had a darkish-paly complexion, not a sign of red in it anywheres; he was clean shaved every morning all over his thin face, and he had the thinnest kind of lips, and the thinnest kind of nostrils, and a high nose, and heavy eyebrows, and the blackest kind of eyes, sunk so deep back that they seemed like they was looking out of caverns at you, as you may say.


For example, Ariana is remembering the prophecy that the moon will turn to blood and also that various things will happen with the sun.


To face you must drink high arrack , you have to be made is burning hot, the best banks face Hin redness of the skin.


There were many casualties among the high ranks of the Crusade, including its first and only Grand Admiral, first Captain General and first Chief Assassin.


Cameron suggests hemochromatosis but House points out that it wouldn't explain the personality changes.


But the Creator's common device for ordinary people is to let the passage of time wash away old traces, leaving only pale-red bloodstains and a vague pain; and he lets men live on ignobly amid these, to keep this quasi-human world going.


Use the Horn of the Frostbrood to call forth a Frostbrood Vanquisher and with it slay 200 Scarlet Soldiers and destroy 15 Scarlet Ballistas.


I'm weak My face is turning white God knows where to lead me The love is all I have I'm weak My face still turning white As God knows what it is doing The thought is only of you Of you...


更多网络解释与血色相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Scarlet Augur:血色預言師 血色占兆師

Scarlet Evoker 血色招魂師 血色塑能師 | Scarlet Augur 血色預言師 血色占兆師 | Deepmoss Matriarch 深苔雌蜘蛛 深苔蜘蛛族母

Scarlet Diviner:血色教士 血色預言師

Scarlet Sorcerer 血色魔術師 血色巫士 | Scarlet Diviner 血色教士 血色預言師 | Scarlet Evoker 血色招魂師 血色塑能師

Scarlet Enchanter:血色巫術師 血色附魔師

Horde Defender 部落保衛者 部落防衛者 | Scarlet Enchanter 血色巫術師 血色附魔師 | Scarlet Warder 血色典獄官 血色守衛

Scarlet Evoker:血色招魂師 血色塑能師

Scarlet Diviner 血色教士 血色預言師 | Scarlet Evoker 血色招魂師 血色塑能師 | Scarlet Augur 血色預言師 血色占兆師

Scarlet Invoker Scarlet Evoker:血色塑能師

Scorpion Scorpid Worker 蠍子 | Scarlet Invoker Scarlet Evoker 血色塑能師 | Scarlet Trooper Scarlet Cavalier 血色騎兵

Hereditary Hemochromatosis:(遗传性血色病)

这种叫做遗传性血色病(hereditary hemochromatosis)的遗传病发病率高达0.5%到0.3%,是所有遗传病中最突出的一个. 这项研究为遗传性血色病的治疗指明了一条新途径.

hemochromogen:血色原; 血色本质 (名)

hemochromatosis 血色沉着病 (名) | hemochromogen 血色原; 血色本质 (名) | hemocyanin 血蓝质; 血蓝蛋白 (名)

hemochromogen crystal test:血色原结晶试验

1.血色原结晶试验(hemochromogen crystal test)血红素与各种碱基结合的化合物称为血色原,高山用葡萄糖还原血红蛋白,研究出容易形成血色原结晶的试剂,故称高山试剂.

Scarlet Warder:血色典獄官 血色守衛

Scarlet Enchanter 血色巫術師 血色附魔師 | Scarlet Warder 血色典獄官 血色守衛 | Spirestone Battle Lord 尖石統帥 尖石戰鬥統帥


血色元 hemochromogen | 血色计;血液比色计 hemochromometer | 血色元蛋白 hemochromoprotein