英语人>词典>汉英 : 血液 的英文翻译,例句
血液 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
blood  ·  blooding  ·  bloods  ·  sanguis

更多网络例句与血液相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Pissed6-"My blood cries out for the vengeance of my people's blood.Which can only be repaid with at least twice as much blood.Or maybe three times as much blood.Like if you went to hell,and it was full of blood.And that blood was on fire.And it was raining blood.And maybe that would be enough blood.Ehh,but probably not."


Gelsemium total alkaloids improved some blood and immune function of mice when it less than 0.30mg/kg body weight, but more than 1.5mg/kg body weight, the gelsemium total alkaloids can reduced some blood and immune function of mice; below the dose of 3%, GEB"s power can improve some blood and immune function of broilers, but GEB"s power can reduce some blood and immune function of broilers above the dose of 6%.


The SWS-2000 blood perfusion machine, which can perfuse and filter blood, mainly provides power and monitoring for extracorporeal blood circulation, and secure the life from poison, food or medicine intoxication and acute left heart failure.

项目简介 SWS-2000型血液灌流机能够做血液灌流和血液滤过,主要是提供血液体外循环动力及对体外循环进行监控,可抢救各种毒物、药物、食物中毒和急性左心衰等病症。

Fluorescent instruments.the colonies of the specimens yielding growth were identified by the vitek32 instruments and kb method was used for the drug sensitivity tests.results three hundred and thirtyone bacteria strains were isolated from a total of 3104 blood culture specimens,with a positive rate of 10.7%.of the identified bacteria,g+ cocci accounted for 50.3%,g-bacilli accounted for 44.7%,fungi accounted for 3.0%,and anaerobian accounted for 1.1%.the susceptibility rates of g-bacilli to imipenem,amikacin and cefoperazone/sulbactam were high.the susceptibility rate of g+ cocci to vancomycin and imipenem were also high.conclusion g+ cocci prevail over g-bacilli in the blood specimens.the staphylococci are the chief bacteria in the childrens blood specimens.both g+ cocci and g-bacilli are sensitive to imipenem.

结果 在3 104份血液培养标本中分离出病原菌331株,阳性检出率为10.7%。病原菌以革兰阳性需氧球菌居首位(50.3%),革兰阴性需氧杆菌次之(44.7%),真菌占3.0%,厌氧菌占1.1%。血液培养中的g+球菌对万古霉素和亚胺培南较为敏感,g-杆菌对亚胺培南、舒普深、丁胺卡那较为敏感。结论血液培养病原菌以g+球菌为主,g-杆菌次之;儿童血液培养病原菌以葡萄球菌属为主;亚胺培南对g+球菌和g-杆菌均具有较高的敏感率。

Methods to analysis the change of blood viscidity and coagulation in angiopathy,50 cases of blood sample coming from the patients and 102 cases of blood sample coming from healthy persons were collected, the relevant data was compared by hemorrheology compute analytical instrument.


ResultsHematological system diseases accounted for a certain proportion in the causes of gestation complicated anemia and gestational hemopathy can be caused by many kinds of hematopathy. The degree of gestation complicated anemia was mild or middling usually, severe anemia was less. Thrombocytopenia was more caused by hematopathy, and middle or sever degree was more. Gestation complicated anemia, hematological system disease and thrombocytopenia could increase the harmful effects on mother and fetus.


Aailable eidence-based blood conseration techniques include (1) drugs that increase preoperatie blood olume or decrease postoperatie bleeding,(2) deices that consere blood (eg, intraoperatie blood salage and blood sparing interentions),(3) interentions that protect the patient's own blood from the stress of operation (eg, autologous predonation and normoolemic hemodilution),(4) consensus, institution-specific blood transfusion algorithms supplemented with point-of-care testing, and most importantly,(5) a multimodality approach to blood conseration combining all of the aboe.


Yang Zhichao's "Macau" attempts to show the whole process of how the blood of the artist loses the original environment and the inherent functions of blood after experiencing well-technology-based "drift" and thus becomes dissimilated in shape and purpose : the blood in the body of the artist is quantitatively exsanguinated for three times within 45 minutes and then poured into a dice-shaped mould, and the dice is taken out after the blood curdles.


The modified mode has 16 segments, which including 66 layers and a center blood element. Conclusions can be made as followings,Firstly, The disadvantage of the blood tree model and current blood system model are analyzed. New skin and inside three layers blood perfusion models are developed at this paper. Conclusion can be made that the AVA phenomenon is properly solved and a significant improvement of the accuracy is available at this model.


Objective: To observe the influence of high and low flux hemodialysis on microinflammatory state in maintenance hemodialysis patients, to study the function of high flux hemodialysis on of microinflammatory state maintenance hemodialysis patients.


更多网络解释与血液相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

arterialization:静脉血液动脉化 静脉血液动脉化

arterialtraffic干线交通 | arterialization静脉血液动脉化 静脉血液动脉化 | arteriarctia动脉狭窄

blood coagulation:血液凝固

血液凝 固(blood coagulation) 指血液由流动的溶胶状态变成不能流动的凝胶状态. 直接参与凝血的物质称为凝血因子. 血液凝固包括三个基本步骤:凝血酶原激活物的形成、凝血酶的形成和纤维 蛋白的形成. 传统上分为Ⅻ因子启动的内源性凝血和Ⅲ因子(tissue factor,

blood coagulation:血液凝固 血液凝固

2.血液凝固与抗凝 (1)血液凝固 血液凝固(blood coagulation)或血凝是指血液由流动的液体状态变成不能流动的凝胶状态的过程. 血液凝固后1~2小时,血凝块发生收缩,释出淡黄色的液体,称为血清(serum).

BF Blood Filterability:血液滤过性,血液滤过力

BF Biofeedback 生物反馈 | BF Blood Filterability 血液滤过性,血液滤过力 | BF Blood Filtrate 血滤液



blood replenisher:血液補充藥 血液补充药

blood products 血液製劑 血液制品 | blood replenisher 血液補充藥 血液补充药 | blood substitute 血液代用品 血容代用品


除了在癌细胞实验外,MILAGEN已在血液(SERUM)中寻找致病的蛋白质,一般而言这是一件非常困难的工作,MILAGEN运用相同的平台,在摄护腺癌的病患血液中,成功的发现好多种异常蛋白质,这种成就可以提早从血液检验中找到了癌细胞初期形成的指标(MARKER) ,


hematoscope 血液分光镜 | hematoscopy 血液分光镜检查 | hematospectrophotometer 血液分光光度计


hematoscopy 血液分光镜检查 | hematospectrophotometer 血液分光光度计 | hematospectroscope 血液分光镜


hematospectrophotometer 血液分光光度计 | hematospectroscope 血液分光镜 | hematospectroscopy 血液分光镜检查