英语人>词典>汉英 : 血性 的英文翻译,例句
血性 的英文翻译、例句


red blood · courage and uprigtness
更多网络例句与血性相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He B1 homozygotes is an independent risk factor for cerabral infarction. There is not significant association between CETP-TaqIB genotype and the risk of cerebral hemorrhage.


Compose is built can detect at the same time large intestine of alvine haemorrhage sex dust rare bacterium O157:H7, Li Si of vibrio of deputy hemolysis sex, Sramana bacterium, choleraic vibrio, nucleus yield sheet is special bacterium, jejunum curves bacterium He Zhihe the few nucleotide of bacterium is acerbity chip, assess chip detect particularity, sensitivity and repeatability.


Methods The thriiodothyronine(T 3 ),thyroxine(T 4 ),thyroid stimulating horˉmonein102elderly patients with chronic heart failure and30normal people were determined by particle glimˉmer.The classes of heart function were assessed and the left ventricular ejection fractionwas observed by eˉchocardiography among the62low thiiodothyronine state cases in elderly patients with chronicheart failure and the40normal level thiiodothyronine state cases in elderly patients with chronic heart failure.

应用微粒子发光法检测102例老年慢性充血性心力衰竭住院病人及30例健康对照者的血清三碘甲状腺原氨酸(T3 )、四碘甲状腺原氨酸(T 4 )、促甲状腺素;检测62例低T 3 综合征老年慢性充血性心力衰竭患者和40例非低T 3 综合征老年充血性心力衰竭患者的左室射血分数,比较两组间心衰的程度。

Abstract] objective to discuss the value of artery embolism on the uterine hemorrhagic disease.methods collect the materials from july 1998 to january 2007,about 84 house patients of uterine hemorrhagic disease in the department of radiology,affiliated hospital of guiyang medical college,who were treated by artery embolism with dsa-guided seldinger technology.results except 1 case,other cases were succeeded in hemostasia after artery embolism.conclusion artery embolism can be used to cure the uterine hemorrhagic disease with the characteristics of quick and entire hemostasia and few in not only saving their life,but retaining the uterus.it is worth to be used in clinic.

目的 探讨动脉栓塞术在子宫出血性疾病中的应用价值。方法笔者收集1998年7月~2007年1月贵阳医学院附属医院介入科84例子宫大出血性疾病的住院患者,所有患者均在dsa下采用seldinger 技术行子宫动脉栓塞治疗。结果除1例患者外,其他患者栓塞术后均止血良好。结论动脉栓塞术治疗妇产科子宫出血性疾病,止血迅速、彻底,副作用小,尤其对产科患者,不仅能挽救其生命,而且能保留子宫,值得临床推广使用。

this article be main to used for the chicken non- typical model epidemic disease in Hsin-cheng, the contagion method surname bag, geniality flue, contagion bronchitis, contagion enterogastrtis, breed with breath system comprehensive disease, small virus, foot-and-mouth disease virus, false rabies;The kidney disease of the marine products animal fish disease, the issue of blood openings disease, crazy visit a disease, the terrapin issue of blood bowel way be bad dead, turtle mumps, grass carp bleed far-gone virus the Wen be febrile to prevent°from.


Methods: 40 cases with acute cerebral hemorrhage were divided into two groups at random,that is, the test group which have 21 cases and the control group which have 19 cases. The change of encephaledema and cephalophyma , the content of CRP and FIB,Chinese medicine symptom integral and NIHSS scores were examined in different periods after taking ningnaotang. Results: Compared with the control group, the content of CRP and FIB in the test group are obviously lower than the control group on the fourth after hemorrhage.


Ningnaotang have curative effects on cerebral edema at the Acute hemorrhagic Apoplexy Stage.So the dosis and the side effect of mannit were decreased. Ningnaotang has an effect on the content changes of CRP and FIB, the state of illness of the patients with acute cerebral hemorrhage. This investigation show Ningnaotang is helpful to the prognosis and curative effect for patients with acute cerebral hemorrhage


In addition, blood pressure may be an important effecting factor for CHD, non-haemorrhagic and haemorrhagic stroke occurrence among eastern population.


The hematolysis rate and biologic immunocompetence of PNS-5 were detected with hemolysis test and experiment of splenocyte proliferation respectively.


objective to evaluate the effect of urapidil on the treatment of congestive heart failure.methods thirty patients with congestive heart failure were included in the study.urapidil was given by intravenously guttae at 50mg 5~7days.results systolic blood pressure and l dbp were decreased and sao2 and cardiac output were increased after treatment.conclusion intravenous urapidil produces acute hemodynamic benefit in patients with congestive heart failure.

目的 观察利喜定治疗充血性心力衰竭的临床疗效。方法 30例充血性心力衰竭患者,先以利喜定12.5 mg稀释于20 ml生理盐水中于3~5 min内静脉注射,继以利喜定50 mg、多巴胺20mg加于250 ml液体中静滴,每日1次,滴速为利喜定100~400 μg/min,连用5~7 d。结果利喜定可显著降低收缩压、舒张压,升高血氧饱和度、左室射血分数,不引起反射性心率增快。结论利喜定治疗各种原因引起的充血性心力衰竭,可有效改善患者的临床症状和血流动力学指标。

更多网络解释与血性相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

anemic infarct:贫血性梗死

槟榔肝(Nutmeg liver) 心衰细胞 血栓形成 贫血性梗死(Anemic infarct)微血栓 淤血(Congestion) 静脉石 栓子 肺褐色硬化 梗死 栓塞出血性梗死 透明血栓(hyaline thrombus) 漏出性出血 羊水栓塞 出血峰窝织性炎症 渗出 积脓(empyema) 菌

anemic infarct:贫血性梗塞

anemia 贫血 | anemic infarct 贫血性梗塞 | anemic murmur 贫血性杂音

Chronic congest heart failure:慢性充血性心力衰竭

慢性充血性心力衰竭:chronic heart failure | 慢性充血性心力衰竭:Chronic congest heart failure | 慢性肺源性心脏病:chronic pulmonary heart disease

hemorrhagic cystitis:出血性膀胱炎

第五节 出血性膀胱炎出血性膀胱炎(Hemorrhagic Cystitis)是肿瘤患者在接受抗肿瘤治疗过程中最为常见的泌尿系统并发症,基础和临床的研究标明:抗肿瘤药物的毒副反应或者过敏反应,盆腔接受高剂量的放射治疗所引发的放射性损伤,

hemorrhagic infarct:出血性梗死

2、出血性梗死(hemorrhagic infarct)梗死区有显著出血,呈红色,称为出血性梗死,或红色梗死. 常发生在组织疏松可容纳多量血液的器官,如肺、肠. 但肺、肠梗死的形成,除动脉阻塞、组织疏松外,梗死前还需有严重淤血的先决条件. 因肺有肺动兹将两种常见的出血性梗死分述如下:

septic infarct:败血性梗死

因肺有肺动兹将两种常见的出血性梗死分述如下:3、败血性梗死(septic infarct)若梗死区有细菌感染,则形成了败血性梗死,此类梗死是由于含细菌的栓子阻塞血管所致.

hemorrahagic infract:出血性梗塞

hemorrahagic encepalitis 出血性脑炎 | hemorrahagic infract 出血性梗塞 | hemorrahagic leukoencephalitis 出血性白质脑炎

hemorrhagic internal pachymeningitis:出血性硬脑膜内层炎

hemorrhagic infarction 出血性梗塞形成 | hemorrhagic internal pachymeningitis 出血性硬脑膜内层炎 | hemorrhagic peritonitis 出血性腹膜炎

Pasteurella haemolytica:溶血性巴氏杆菌

血性曼氏杆菌(Mannheimia haemolytica)原为巴氏杆菌属中的溶血性巴氏杆菌(Pasteurella haemolytica),共有17个血清型,目前其中的11个划归溶血性曼氏杆菌,是反刍动物牛、绵羊的肺炎和新生羔羊急性败血症的病原菌.

Hemorrhagic measles; Black measles:出血性麻疹; 黑麻疹; 瘀血点麻疹; 红麻疹

Hemorrhagic gonorrhea; Black gonorrhea 血尿性淋病; 出血性... | Hemorrhagic measles; Black measles 出血性麻疹; 黑麻疹; 瘀血点麻疹; 红麻疹 | Hemorrhagic multiple granuloma 出血性多发肉芽肿; 自发多发出血性...