英语人>词典>汉英 : 蠢猪 的英文翻译,例句
蠢猪 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与蠢猪相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We are not Duke Hsiang of Sung and have no use for his asinine ethics.


B: Yes, he had had a pig is his greatest friend, called "Bock" is a prototype Nazhi idiot.


When Freeborn John must bow to a hog in armour?


International Soccer Association Asia Soccer association this crowd of 250 stupid pigs intelligence quotient simply with a prehistoric glacial epoch primitive biological rank!!!


To all of them I am just a pig, a hog.


It's not right to refer to students as silly cows.


Then the old cook scolded them, saying, You simpletons, you should have cut the rosebush in two and then broken off the rose and brought it home with you.


He was a heavy man in a tight-fitting yellow and blue uniform.

tight fitting本文是指衣服很紧,实际上是指这家伙像头蠢猪

Who's hiding, dickhead?


These dolts in their infinite wisdom missed seeing-counting a North Pole iceberg the size of Greenland.


更多网络解释与蠢猪相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Have someong drag in:[叫人把他拖进来]

If scofield doesn't get caught,he could still fix this mess. [如果他没被捕 还能收拾这烂摊子] | Have someong drag in. [叫人把他拖进来] | the bleeding pig. [这受伤的蠢猪]

Pathetically Hopeless Dweeb:毫无希望的蠢蛋

Pig-head doctor 猪头医生 | Pathetically hopeless Dweeb 毫无希望的蠢蛋 | Probably heavily in Debt 可能债台高筑的人

monkey around with:闲混

make a monkey out of 使...出洋相 | monkey around with 闲混 | pig-headed 蠢猪似的

play possum:装死

pig-headed 蠢猪似的 | play possum 装死 | road hog 鲁莽的驾驶员


在语言修辞中,也存在同样的中西方差异,如比喻句,所表达的意思相同,而媒介物(vehicles)却不同. 如中文形容人蠢较常见用"蠢猪"而不是"蠢驴",比喻顽固一般用"犟牛"而不是用"骡"作比喻,形容皮肤白皙,更不用"leprosy(白癜风)"去形容.

stupid walrus:蠢猪

during an arrest, and I was defending myself.|加斯拒捕而且袭击我 而我只是在自卫 | stupid walrus.|蠢猪 | The official version is that Gus tripped|官方对此的解释是

corta el rollo:省省吧

22. 你怎么敢! como te atraves! | 23. 省省吧. corta el rollo. | 24. 你这蠢猪! Eres un estupido!

Who's hiding, dickhead:谁藏了,蠢猪头

I'm the wrong guy to play hide-and-seek with.|玩藏猫猫你可找错人了 | Who's hiding, dickhead?|谁藏了,蠢猪头 | Don't. No.|别,不

Captain of the dorks:蠢猪的首领

l mean, look at you. You don't seem to mind that you're...|看看你 看上去根本不在意... | Captain of the dorks?|蠢猪的首领? | l wasn't going to say it like that.|我没想要这么说

Yoo-hoo, shitheads:蠢猪们

-You're weird.|-Hells, yeah, l am.|- 你真古怪|- 是呀 | Yoo-hoo, shitheads.|蠢猪们 | l just found a bag of fireworks|in the men's restroom.|我在男厕所里找到一包烟花