英语人>词典>汉英 : 螳螂的 的英文翻译,例句
螳螂的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与螳螂的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

You'll also get a leather jacket, a witcher's steel sword, a witcher's medallion, some Celandine, and a scroll on frighteners.


The game can accommodate tens of thousands of players in a world of interaction, experience the story of drama, role players and the traditional militant fight from home, fighting a modern home, and the use of force in the ancient mystery of the special occupational choice, the study of eight Fist, Shaolin Fist,螳螂拳, Jeet Kune Do or Tai Chi Chuan and other powerful Tantra for Chinese martial arts fighting.


Filling a niche separate from its green cousins, Deroplatys trigonodera, a leaf-litter mantid, has evolved the look of a leaf decomposing on the tropical forest floor.

作为绿色的Deroplatys trigonodera的近亲,这只枯叶螳螂已经融入了周围环境。这种螳螂的外表,已经进化得就像落在热带森林地表之上的腐叶。

There was no mantis, of course.


How the Males Escape: The best known self-preservation tactic for male mantises is simply waiting until their partner has caught a snack - and to hoping she isn't still hungry after they finish copulating.


The female mantises always bite the heads off the males after mating.


It's a myth, for instance, that female mantises always bite the heads off the males after mating.


The Idolomantis Diabolica is sometimes known as the "King of all mantids" for the obvious reason: it's beauty, size and rarity, is one of the largest species of praying mantis that mimic flowers.

魔花螳螂学名&Idolomantis Diabolica&,有时也被人们称为&螳螂之王&。获得这一头衔的理由很简单:魔花螳螂外表美丽、体型独特、数量稀少,是所有模拟花朵的螳螂种群中体型最大的一种。

There are some attack and defence Movements, Cutting The Hibiscus With A Scissor in the lower section, Wasp Flying Out Of The Nest in the middle section, and turning around to step backward Leading The Cattle Across The River, and Mantis Exposing In The Sun in the upper section, and so on.


In the mantis is eating when Shannon, a blue-Zhou Yu will be seized mantis, the mantis stupid-looking response has not yet had time to come, they will become our spoils of war.


更多网络解释与螳螂的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


branch 树枝 | mantid 螳螂(的) | juvenile 少年的

We recombined termite and mantid DNA to create a counter agent:我们结合白蚁和螳螂的

So, with the aid of genetics labs across the country.|在全国遗传... | We recombined termite and mantid DNA to create a counter agent|我们结合白蚁和螳螂的DNA | a new species to be our six-legged ally|培殖...

Praying mantis:螳螂拳

(3)螳螂拳(PRAYING MANTIS):邵汉生先生曾给李小龙讲授过螳螂拳,而李小龙到美国后,又参考书籍自修过著名螳螂拳家罗昆玉先生的螳螂拳. 至今,振藩截拳道中很多地方都留有螳螂拳的影子,例如"打击要害"(SOME TARGET AREAS)中的"八打"与"八不打"便直接来自于螳螂拳.

Praying mantis:螳螂

这架机组人员亲切的称为"祈祷的螳螂"(praying Mantis)的6286号飞机失踪后,一连几天,美方先后出动数架飞机在航线上搜寻,中国政府也发动百姓查找协助救援,大家为"祈祷的螳螂"的平安在心中默默祷告,但直到抗战胜利,三年内战结束,

mind-blowing:使兴奋的. 影片中说:螳螂大侠等啊等,直到振奋人心的事情发生了

He takes a packed lunch to work every day. 他每天... | 3.mind-blowing:使兴奋的. 影片中说:螳螂大侠等啊等,直到振奋人心的事情发生了. | I've heard that story andit's really mind-blowing. 我听过那个故事,...


螳螂科(Mantidae)近2,000种体型大、行动缓慢的昆虫,特徵是前胸(上部)长,前足股节腹面有沟,沟两侧有刺列,胫节(下部)可嵌入沟内. 它只吃活虫,以有刺的前足牢牢钳食它的猎物. 受惊时,振翅沙沙作响,同时显露鲜明的警戒色. 常见於植丛中而非地面上,


虽然一般把它归在直翅目(Orthoptera)的螳螂亚目(Mantodea),但也可自成一目螳螂目(Mantodea),或和蟑螂(它们也有卵鞘)一起归入蠊螂目(Dictyoptera). 胸部具有翅2对、足3对;前胸细长,前足为1对粗大呈镰刀状的捕捉足,并在腿节和胫节上生有钩状刺,

Pericarpium arecae:(大腹皮)

lia) 白蘑科真菌雷丸的菌核桑螵蛸 (Ootheca Mantidis) 螳螂科昆虫大刀螂、子刀螂或巨斧螳螂的卵鞘花蕊石 (Ophicalcitum) 变质岩类岩石蛇纹大理岩雌黄(Orpiment) 硫化物类矿物雌黄族雌黄,药用大腹皮 (Pericarpium Arecae) 棕榈科植物槟榔的

a new species to be our six-legged ally:培殖出新的品种

We recombined termite and mantid DNA to create a counter agent|我们结合白蚁和螳螂的DNA | a new species to be our six-legged ally|培殖出新的品种 | in wiping out the roach population.|藉以消灭蟑螂

Kickstand for all Mantis Tiller/Cultivators:支架为所有螳螂分蘖/修炼

Features: 特点... | Kickstand for all Mantis Tiller/Cultivators支架为所有螳螂分蘖/修炼 | Easily attaches to any Mantis Tiller/Cultivator at the base of the tiller handles很容易的重视,任何螳螂分蘖/耕耘在...