英语人>词典>汉英 : 蝗虫 的英文翻译,例句
蝗虫 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
grasshopper  ·  locust  ·  hoppergrass  ·  grasshoppered  ·  grasshoppering  ·  grasshoppers  ·  locusts  ·  Acridid

更多网络例句与蝗虫相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Pattern of use for these resources was analyzed from three vegetation types by examining species-specific niche breadths, overlaps and partitions of resource utilization as well as population sizes.


That which the palmerworm hath left hath the locust eaten; and that which the locust hath left hath the cankerworm eaten; and that which the cankerworm hath left hath the caterpiller eaten.

004 剪虫剩下的,蝗虫来吃;蝗虫剩下的,蝻子来吃;蝻子剩下的,蚂蚱来吃。

After all, the man whose horse trots a mile in a minute does not carry the most important messages; he is not an evangelist, nor does he come round eating locusts and wild honey. I doubt if Flying Childers ever carried a peck of corn to mill.


The author investigated the community of grasshoppers in Changbai Mountain area during the period of July to September 2001, complementally collected specimen and systematically collected and measured environmental factors from July to October in the following year, and consulted to specimen collected by Fengling Zhang and Yanlong-yang in 1979, 1980 and 1981. By analyzing and classifying the data of five years, the author analyzed the community construction and ecological adaptability of the grasshoppers in the area. The main aspects dealing with the grasshoppers are as follows:(1)the community construction and faunal geographical elements;(2)characteristics of their ecological distribution;(3)vertical distribution of grasshoppers in the northern slop;(4)the relationship between environmental factors and differences in shape of grasshoppers in different vertical belt of northern slop, etc.


Through prevention and cure locust experiment with 20% chlorine cyanotype zinc butter ,explicit the result of prevention and cure locust,attain in the purpose which act for the high and poisonous agrochemical.


Their results show that locusts behaving the most gregariously (in swarm-mode) had approximately three times more serotonin in their systems than the calm, solitary locusts.


The physical method in controlling locust disaster, not only brings the effect of killing locust innocuously, but also conquers the disadvantages of organic toxin remaining in farm produce, locust and entironment brought by chemical controlling.


A lobster and a locust may share a common source for their name,that is, the Latin word locusta, which was used for the locustand also for a crustacean that was probably a kind of lobster.

龙虾和蝗虫的名字可能源于同一出处,即拉丁词 Locusta ,它用于指蝗虫,也用于表示可能是一种龙虾的甲壳类动物。

And South African scientists have developed , and Mauritanian ones deployed , a fungus that kills locusts by the swarmload as a bonus , the dead swarms are a bonanza for local wildlife .


In terms of faunal geographical elements of grasshopper communities, 48 species of grasshopper were recorded, belonging to 31 genera, 7 families. Among those species, the palaearctic species with 41 species recorded are dominant, accounting for 85.42% of the total species number of the region; the endemic species with 2 species, accounting for a comparable small part; the widly-distributed accounting for a relatively larger proportion, with 5 species and 10.42% of the total.


更多网络解释与蝗虫相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


蝗虫--diagl | 大蝗虫--bax | 野猪--laiv


现在它已经第一次飞行验证了"蝗虫"(Grasshopper)小型无人机的全飞行控制、传感器控制以及自动发射和自动回收. Advanced Subsonics and Xiphos公司已经在艾伯塔的无人机会议上用STANAG4586标准的无人机控制站(VCS)演示了"蝗虫"无人机.

grasshopper control:蝗虫防治

grasshopper 蝗虫 | grasshopper control 蝗虫防治 | grassland 草地

swarms join up with other swarms:一团蝗虫云也会和其它蝗虫云汇合

As they fly|在飞行过程中 | swarms join up with other swarms|一团蝗虫云也会和其它蝗虫云汇合 | to form gigantic plagues|从而形成巨大的灾害,

Locust Pose:(蝗虫式)

16. Cobra Pose (眼镜蛇式) | 17. Locust Pose (蝗虫式) | 18. Full Locust Pose (全蝗虫式)

Locust Pose:(蝗虫式) qiR康宝莱训瘦营 互联网健康减肥第一品牌 康宝莱营养餐正品专卖

16. cobra pose (眼镜蛇式) qiR康宝莱训瘦营 互联网健康减... | 17. locust pose (蝗虫式) qiR康宝莱训瘦营 互联网健康减肥第一品牌 康宝莱营养餐正品专卖 | 18. full locust pose (全蝗虫式) qiR康宝莱训瘦营 互联网健...

Locust Swarm:蝗虫群

时有15/30/45%的机会射出甲虫(小机器人)对敌人造成额外伤害 大绝:蝗虫群(Locust Swarm):当鼠标横扫过敌人时会射出一群蝗虫攻击敌人造成50hp的伤害 魔兽版CS-八种族版的玩法详解>>二、 本篇具体讲解商店菜单的用法: 商店菜单有两个,

locust control:蝗虫防治

locust 蝗虫 | locust control 蝗虫防治 | lodging 倒伏

Schistocerca gregaria:沙漠蝗虫

库森在牛津大学的实验室里和毛里塔尼亚野外对另外一种昆虫-沙漠蝗虫(Schistocerca gregaria)进行了研究. 在"独居"期间,这些蝗虫不去危害他人,平静地生活在小型而分散的队伍里. "它们是很害羞有又很神秘的绿色蝗虫",库森说道. 可是在某种条件下,

locusts and grasshoppers:蝗虫和蚱蜢

local matching;本地相对部分;; | locusts and grasshoppers;蝗虫和蚱蜢;; | Locusts, Migratory Pests and Emergency Operations Group;蝗虫、迁移害虫和紧急作业组;;