英语人>词典>汉英 : 蜜熊 的英文翻译,例句
蜜熊 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
kinkajou  ·  kinkajous

更多网络例句与蜜熊相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

With one lap of his to ngue the bear finished the honey.


Honey Bear Honey I can not sleep.


Little Honey Bear couldn't sleep.


Honey Honey Bear and his two partners, long ears, Lily, and little mice, found a silver moon paths, so they set off along the path they want and the moon with the tea.


Little Honey Bear and his two friends,Lily Long Ears and Teeny Tiny Mouse,discover a shining silver moonpath and set off to have tea with the moon,But the path gets steeper,the wind gets colder,and it suddenly gets very dark.


Our very own maple syrup, Bear.


Little Bear Cuffy Once there were three bears who lived together in a little house in the forest.

berry 浆果 honey 蜜,蜂蜜 carrot 胡萝卜小熊卡夫从前,有三只小熊生活在森林里的一座小房子里。

Kinkajous, like this one pausing between sips of balsa blossom nectar in Panama's Soberania National Park, are indigenous only to the tropical forests of Central and South America.


Kinkajous, like this one pausing between sips of balsa blossom nectar in Panama's Soberania National Park, are indigenous only to the tropical forests of Central and South America.


Photo Gallery: Tropical Rain Forest Wildlife Kinkajous, like this one pausing between sips of balsa blossom nectar in Panama's Soberania National Park, are indigenous only to the tropical forests of Central and South America.


更多网络解释与蜜熊相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

honey bear:蜜熊

"蜜熊"(Honey Bear)只是昵称,这种罕见小动物的学名是Potus flavus,大体是译自拉丁文"金色饮者"的意思. 这可能是因为蜜熊有着金色的皮毛并酷爱饮花蜜,也有可能是因为它的体型酷似波特懒猴(Perodictocus potto).


kink 结 | kinkajou 蜜熊 | kinkcough 百日咳


kinkajou 蜜熊 | kinkcough 百日咳 | kinkily 纠缠地

Tamandua mexicana:中美小食蚁兽

小食蚁兽(学名:'食蚁兽,分布於南美洲的南部,与分布在较北地区的中美小食蚁兽(Tamandua mexicana)共两种构成这一个小食蚁兽属. 蚁、白蚁及蜜蜂等. 与同科物种一样,强而有力的前肢使它们能捣毁蚁丘觅食. 蜜熊(Potos flavus)是生活在雨林中的一种浣熊科,

house cat:屋猫

家鼠 house mouse | 屋猫 house cat | 蜜熊 honey bear