英语人>词典>汉英 : 蜂虻科 的英文翻译,例句
蜂虻科 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与蜂虻科相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

"Bee fly:any of various flies of the family Bombyliidae that resemble bees, feed on nectar and pollen , and have larvae that are parasitic on bees, wasps, and other insects."


"Bee fly:any of various flies of the family Bombyliidae that resemble bees, feed on nectar and pollen, and have larva e that are parasitic on bees, wasps, and other insects."


" Bee fly:any of various flies of the family Bombyliidae that resemble bee s, feed on nectar and pollen, and have larvae that are parasitic on bee s, wasps, and other insects."


"Bee fly:any of various flies of the family Bombyliidae that resemble bees, feed on nectar and pollen, and have larvae that are parasitic on bees, wasp s, and other insects."


更多网络解释与蜂虻科相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Ligyra tantalus:小亞細亞清蜂虻 Bombyliidae 蜂虻科

Tabanus sp. 虻 Tabanidae 虻科 | Ligyra tantalus 小亞細亞清蜂虻 Bombyliidae 蜂虻科 | Allobaccha apicalis 紫額異巴食蚜蠅 Syrphidae 食蚜蠅科

Bibionidae:毛蚋科 (毛蚊科)

Aulacigastridae 角蛹蠅科 | Bibionidae 毛蚋科 (毛蚊科) | Bombyliidae 蜂虻科 (長吻虻科)


属双翅目(Diptera)蜂虻科(Bombyliidae)昆虫. 许多种似蜂. 多数有长吻,能从花中取蜜. 体被密毛;许多种的体上(有时在翅上)有纤细的鳞片形成的斑. 有几种很小,尚未见其幼虫和蛹的发育阶段. 多数种分布在热带. 温带种体长1公分多(0.4吋).

Bombyliidae:蜂虻科 (長吻虻科)

Bibionidae 毛蚋科 (毛蚊科) | Bombyliidae 蜂虻科 (長吻虻科) | Calliphoridae 麗蠅科

小亞細亞清蜂虻 Bombyliidae 蜂虻科:Ligyra tantalus

Tabanus sp. 虻 Tabanidae 虻科 | Ligyra tantalus 小亞細亞清蜂虻 Bombyliidae 蜂虻科 | Allobaccha apicalis 紫額異巴食蚜蠅 Syrphidae 食蚜蠅科

虻 Tabanidae 虻科:Tabanus sp

Psychoda sp. 毛蠓 Psychodidae 毛蠓科 | Tabanus sp. 虻 Tabanidae 虻科 | Ligyra tantalus 小亞細亞清蜂虻 Bombyliidae 蜂虻科

Tabanus sp:虻 Tabanidae 虻科

Psychoda sp. 毛蠓 Psychodidae 毛蠓科 | Tabanus sp. 虻 Tabanidae 虻科 | Ligyra tantalus 小亞細亞清蜂虻 Bombyliidae 蜂虻科