英语人>词典>汉英 : 蜂箱 的英文翻译,例句
蜂箱 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
beehive  ·  hive  ·  skep  ·  hived  ·  hiving  ·  beehives

更多网络例句与蜂箱相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is also known in English as "bee glue", since it is used to cover the cracks and fill up tiny gaps in the hive.


Thus, there is nothing to be found in a beehive that is not submerged in a bee.


Seeing a busy beehive is indicative of many opportunities for you to get ahead and increase your earning power.


If you want to gather honey, don't kick over beehive.


"If You Want to Gather Honey,Don't Kick over the Beehive"/2


They only serve to shake up the beehive by telling someone they're wrong.


The garden and beehive are all her physick and chirurgery, and she lives the longer for it.


One advantage of box hives is that their design makes it possible for the beekeeper to open them to inspect the colony.


Honey is stored in the beehive or nest in a honey comb, a double layer of uniform hexagonal cells constructed of beeswax and propolis.


At this time, the beehives are in particular demand by farmers who have almond groves; they need two hives an acre.


更多网络解释与蜂箱相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


保质期长 (9)多种分离头结构,满足不同产品加工工艺要求 2 缺点:(1)分离头组件需要专业打磨 (2)初期投资高于高速旋转式 美国蜂箱(BEEHIVE)公司能够生产多种机型(包括挤压式、高速旋转式、低速旋转式),

bee hive:蜂箱

bee glue 蜂胶 | bee hive 蜂箱 | bee house 养蜂场

bee hive:蜂房 蜂箱 蜂巢

battery 层架式鸡笼 | bee hive 蜂房 蜂箱 蜂巢 | hay 干草 草料

The Hive:蜂箱

276Sunglasses of Urza克撒的太阳镜R | 277The Hive蜂箱R | 279Throne of Bone骨头御座R

hive management:蜂箱管理

hive equipment 蜂箱设备 | hive management 蜂箱管理 | hoe 锄

hive management:蜂箱治理

hive equipment 蜂箱设备 | hive management 蜂箱治理 | hoe 锄

hive equipment:蜂箱设备

hive 蜂箱 | hive equipment 蜂箱设备 | hive management 蜂箱管理

Howling Mine:蜂箱

288Grinning Totem微笑图腾像6E | 289Howling Mine蜂箱6E | 290Iron Star嚎叫的矿井6E

ruche n.f:蜂箱,蜂群

rubrique n.f. 专栏,标题 | ruche n.f. 蜂箱,蜂群 | rude adj. 粗糙的,涩口的,粗野的


skene /短剑的一种/ | skep /篮子/蜂箱/ | skeptic /怀疑者/怀疑论者/无神论者/