英语人>词典>汉英 : 虻 的英文翻译,例句
虻 的英文翻译、例句

基本解释 (translations)
tabanid  ·  zimb  ·  oxfly

更多网络例句与虻相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

"Bee fly:any of various flies of the family Bombyliidae that resemble bees, feed on nectar and pollen , and have larvae that are parasitic on bees, wasps, and other insects."


"Bee fly:any of various flies of the family Bombyliidae that resemble bees, feed on nectar and pollen, and have larva e that are parasitic on bees, wasps, and other insects."


" Bee fly:any of various flies of the family Bombyliidae that resemble bee s, feed on nectar and pollen, and have larvae that are parasitic on bee s, wasps, and other insects."


"Bee fly:any of various flies of the family Bombyliidae that resemble bees, feed on nectar and pollen, and have larvae that are parasitic on bees, wasp s, and other insects."


The diphenylamine was deuterated by refluxing with a mixture of heptane and ??


The results indicated that the highest specific activity could be produced by colloidal chitin and shrimp cuticle, and then by cicada exuviae.


He was very considerate in taking care of his horse. Someday he saw a horsefly sucking blood on the buttock of the horse. In order to drive off the horsefly he slapped it. As a result the horse was frightened and broke off the rein, bit and the headstall.


The horsefly, Tabanus griseus Krober, is one of the commonest species ofTabanids found in Peking.


Someday he saw a horsefly sucking blood on the buttock of the horse.


The statistical correlation analysis between aphids and their predators showed that only the syrphids' movement was mostly affected by the distribution of aphids, displaying negative correlation (r=-0.6341), the other two feeders were barely influenced by aphids.


更多网络解释与虻相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Ligyra tantalus:小亞細亞清蜂虻 Bombyliidae 蜂虻科

Tabanus sp. Tabanidae 科 | Ligyra tantalus 小亞細亞清蜂 Bombyliidae 蜂科 | Allobaccha apicalis 紫額異巴食蚜蠅 Syrphidae 食蚜蠅科

小亞細亞清蜂虻 Bombyliidae 蜂虻科:Ligyra tantalus

Tabanus sp. Tabanidae 科 | Ligyra tantalus 小亞細亞清蜂 Bombyliidae 蜂科 | Allobaccha apicalis 紫額異巴食蚜蠅 Syrphidae 食蚜蠅科


当被中间宿主斑(Chrysops)吸入,微丝蚴在斑中肠脱鞘后移行至腹部脂肪,经2次蜕皮,发育为感染期幼虫移行至头部. 当斑再次吸血时,感染期幼虫自其口器逸出经皮肤创口侵入人体,在皮下组织约经1年发育为成虫.



Chrysops vanderwulpi:广斑虻

蚋和分别可作为盘尾丝虫病和罗阿丝虫病的媒介,还能机械性传播野兔热和碳疽病. 防制可参考"蠓". 是一类中、大型昆虫,俗称"牛"或"瞎". 全世界已知约3500种,我国已记录近400种,主要种为广斑(Chrysops vanderwulpi)和华(Tabanus mandarmus).

虻 Tabanidae 虻科:Tabanus sp

Psychoda sp. 毛蠓 Psychodidae 毛蠓科 | Tabanus sp. Tabanidae 科 | Ligyra tantalus 小亞細亞清蜂 Bombyliidae 蜂



Tabanus sp:虻 Tabanidae 虻科

Psychoda sp. 毛蠓 Psychodidae 毛蠓科 | Tabanus sp. Tabanidae 科 | Ligyra tantalus 小亞細亞清蜂 Bombyliidae 蜂

Tabanus mandarmus:华虻

蚋和分别可作为盘尾丝虫病和罗阿丝虫病的媒介,还能机械性传播野兔热和碳疽病. 防制可参考"蠓". 是一类中、大型昆虫,俗称"牛"或"瞎". 全世界已知约3500种,我国已记录近400种,主要种为广斑(Chrysops vanderwulpi)和华(Tabanus mandarmus).


Xylomyidae 木科 | Xylophagidae 食木科(樹科) | Vermileonidae 穴