英语人>词典>汉英 : 虫类 的英文翻译,例句
虫类 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与虫类相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Any of numerous relatively small elongated soft-bodied animals especially of the phyla Annelida and Chaetognatha and Nematoda and Nemertea and Platyhelminthes; also many insect larvae.


Through investigation, 26 kinds of soil animal were collected , which could be classified into 9 classes belonging to 4 phyla. The dominent group taxa of among them were Nematoda, Collembola and Acarina.


They could be sorted into 31 groups, with Acarina, Collembola and Nematoda, being the dominant groups, which occupied 92.33% of the total samples, and formed the main body of the forest soil animal community.


A total of 20 groups of meiofauna in the Southern Yellow Sea: Nematoda, Copepoda, Polychaeta, Kinorhyncha, Bivalvia, Ostracoda, Amphipoda, Tanaidacea, Isopoda, Cumacea, Gastropoda, Gastrotricha, Halacaroidea, nectochaeta, Amphiura, Nemertina, Insecta, Priapulida, Turbellaria and others were identified.


Any of various sporozoan protozoans of the order Gregarinida that are parasitic within the digestive tracts of various invertebrates including arthropods and annelids.


Results indicated that both the amount of bacteria, epiphyte and actionmyces sharply and the amounts of acarina, collembolan and nematode were increased by application of organic fertilizer and the combined application of inorganic fertilizer with organic fertilizer for a longtime. Soil animal collembolan and nematode were significantly related to soil organic material and available phosphorous and available nitrogen. Acarina was significantly related to soil organic phosphorous, available potassium and available nitrogen.


There were Suncus murinus, Rattus norvegicus, Mus musculus and Crocidura dracula in different residential areas.


Meanwhile Cumacea mainly distributed in the Taiwan Strait and its adjacent sooth waters. Iphinoe tenera and Heterocuma sarsi are common species of Cumacea in the East China Sea because they occurred in three seasons with relatively high abundance and occurrence frequency. Leueon sp.

浮游涟虫类主要分布在台湾海峡和东海南部海域浮游涟虫类有4种,细长涟虫和萨氏异涟虫在3个季节出现,丰度和出现率较高,是东海涟虫类的常见种;无尾涟虫Leueon sp。

Protozoans of the order Gregarinida that are parasitic within the digestive tracts of various invertebrates including arthropods and annelids.


New genus and species names following: eocrinoids- Guizhoueocrinus yui gen.et sp., G. bifomis gen. et sp.nov.,; Hyolithid- Ambrolinevitus magna sp. nov., Allatheca striolatus sp. nov.; arthropods- Tuzoia kailiensis sp. nov., Alutella kailiensis sp.nov., Yaoyingella repsis sp. nov., Leshanella guizhouensis sp.

新属、新种名单如下:始海百合类Guizhoueocrinus yui gen.et sp.nov,G.bifomis gen.et sp.nov。;软舌螺类:Ambrolinevitus magna sp.nov。,Allatheca striolatus sp.nov。,大型双壳节肢动物:Tuzoia kailiensis sp.nov。;高肌虫类:Alutella kailiensis sp.nov。,Yaoyingella repsis sp.nov。,Leshanella guizhouensis sp.nov。。

更多网络解释与虫类相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


hydroxyzine 安泰乐 | hydrozoan 水息虫类的 | hydrozoan 水息虫类的虫


hydrozoan 水息虫类的 | hydrozoan 水息虫类的虫 | hyetographhyetometerhyetometrographombrometerpluviometerudometer 雨量计



nematoid:线状的; 线虫类的 (形)

nematode 线虫类 (名) | nematoid 线状的; 线虫类的 (形) | Nembutal 宁比泰镇静催眠药 (名)


polyvinylpyrrolidone 聚乙烯吡咯烷酮 | polyzoa 苔藓虫底藓苔虫类藓苔虫类 | polyzoa 藓苔虫类


polyzoa 苔藓虫底藓苔虫类藓苔虫类 | polyzoa 藓苔虫类 | Pomerene Act 波美林尼法美


不死生物(Undead) 不死生物没有生命,因此你通常不能变形为不死生物(但请参看第四部分) 虫类生物(Vermin) 你获得的: --只熟练于天生武器. (你不会忘掉你原来所知,但变形为虫类形态后,除了列出的这些,你不能保持对其它武器的熟练) --不熟练于盔甲.


zoophyte 植虫类 | zoophytes 植虫类 | zoophytology 植虫类


zoophytes 植虫类 | zoophytology 植虫类学 | zooplankton 浮游动物


phoresy 携运 | phoronidea 帚虫类 | phoronids 帚虫类