英语人>词典>汉英 : 虐待者 的英文翻译,例句
虐待者 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
misuser  ·  torturer

更多网络例句与虐待者相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

His father was physically and emotionally abusive, Livingstone says.

Livingstone 说他的父亲是身体和情绪的一位虐待者

Trauma and fear combine to prevent the target from being able to find the right words to identify, unmask and call to account their tormentor contact us for a list of phrases and strategies


The mental abuser struggles with his own feelings of worthlessness and uses his relationship to create a feeling of personal power, at his partner's expense.


For all his overmastering zeal, Bernard was by nature neither a bigot nor a persecutor.


Kip later learned from a third party that Theresa had been regaling friends with the story of her all-time worst abuser—him.


She also says abusers may simply change their method of exercising control, to try to reduce their chances of getting caught.


Not only did the songs relate harrowing personal experiences but the band members started 'zines and websites through which teenagers who had been molested could communicate with one another.


Generally it is the tortured who turn into torturers.


There are still, alas, a significant number of people in our political life who stand on the side of the torturers.


The healthy man does not torture others. Generally it is the tortured who turn into torturers.


更多网络解释与虐待者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


get away 摆脱 | abuser 虐待者 | has gone answered 得到响应


masochismmasochist 被虐待狂 | masochist 受虐待者 | masonic 共济会会员的


prosecutor 原告,起诉人,检举人 | persecutor迫害者,虐待者 | executor 执行者,受托者

persecutor:迫害者; 虐待者; 困扰者 (名)

persecution 迫害, 烦扰 (名) | persecutor 迫害者; 虐待者; 困扰者 (名) | perseverance 毅力, 不屈不挠, 忍耐 (名)

Sadist's Collar:虐待者頸圈 虐待者項圈

The Soul Harvester's Bindings 靈魂收割者護腕 靈魂收割者束腕 | Sadist's Collar 虐待者頸圈 虐待者項圈 | Handstitched Leather Pants 手工皮短褲 手工皮便褲

Tolling for the mistreated, mateless mother, the mistitled prostitute:为被虐待者,为独身母亲,为被逼做娼者

Tolling for the deaf an' blind, tolling... | Tolling for the mistreated, mateless mother, the mistitled prostitute 为被虐待者,为独身母亲,为被逼做娼者 | For the misdemeanor outlaw, chased an' cheated by...


capturer 俘获者,捕获者 | torturer 虐待者,拷问者 | posturer装腔作势的人,杂技演员

torturer:拷打者; 虐待者 (名)

torture 拷问, 折磨, 曲解 (动) | torturer 拷打者; 虐待者 (名) | torturous 拷问的; 痛苦的 (形)


Abuse Trends Linkage Assessment System;滥用趋势关联评估系统(评估系统);ATLAS;评估系统 | abused;被虐待者;; | abused children;受虐待儿童;;

abused children:受虐待儿童

abused;被虐待者;; | abused children;受虐待儿童;; | abused women;受虐待妇女;;