英语人>词典>汉英 : 蓝领阶级的 的英文翻译,例句
蓝领阶级的 的英文翻译、例句


blue-collar · blue collar
更多网络例句与蓝领阶级的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The results suggest that the physical work load of blue-collar workers is not affected by age.


With the economy the way it is, I could only find a blue-collar job for now.


Research also suggests that middle- and working-class parents approach child-rearing in different ways.


Another disturbing outgrowth of the mushrooming of universities has been that the shortage of blue-color labor has become critical.


From the Motown sound that dominated the popular music of the 60's to the gospel artistry of Aretha Franklin and on through the "Detroit sound" of such rockers as Mitch Ryder, Bob Sager and MC5, the music of the city has always come from its blue-collar guts' an unfiltered authentic expression of life's realities.


As identified by the three indices, deep-green voters tend to have the following characteristics: over 50 years old, less-educated, Bensheng-minnan ethnicity, and lower class.


I'm a blue collar worker, so I must have muscles.

我是个蓝领阶级工作者( Uka注: TIK意谓自己是个做粗活的人),所以我一定有肌肉啊。

Writing Style Palahniuk has written this as an epistolary novel, each chapter is a dispatch from the main character, Pygmy, and is presumably to his home country's government.


Elmont is primarily a middle-class and blue-collar suburb, but there is plenty of fear and loathing, too, in Huntington, L.I., an upper-middle-class town that is venting its spleen at a ''.


更多网络解释与蓝领阶级的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

blue-eyed boy:宠儿;红人

blue-collar 蓝领阶级的, 工人阶级的 | blue-eyed boy 宠儿;红人 | blue-ribbon 头等的, 第一流的

blue-eyed boy:宠儿

blue-collar | 蓝领阶级的, 工人阶级的 | blue-eyed boy | 宠儿 | blue-pencil | 以兰色删改(稿件等), 修正, 删除


blue-collar 蓝领阶级的 | blue-pencil 修正 | blue-ribbon 头等的

Vera Drake:地下觀音

迈克李近期的作品>(All or Nothing)及>(Vera Drake),调子比较沉郁. 前者以英国蓝领阶级家庭为题材,讲述开计程车的丈夫与在超市当收银员的妻子,生活枯燥平淡,直到儿子突然被诊断患上先天性心脏病,这家人才又开始沟通,

blue eyed:碧眼

blue-collar 蓝领阶级的 | blue-eyed 碧眼 | blue-sky 不保险的

Jack Thompson:杰克.汤普森

导演:乔夫-波顿(Geoff Burton) 主演:罗素.克洛(Russell Crowe),杰克-汤普森(Jack Thompson) 这是一个平凡蓝领阶级的单亲家庭,开明的父亲哈利和同性恋儿子杰夫都在寻找他们生命中的Mr.Right. 哈利的母亲是一位女同性恋者,哈利曾经目睹母亲被迫和主演:罗素.克洛(Russell Crowe),杰克-汤普森(Jack Thompson)

blue-blooded:贵族的, 系出名门的, 纯种的

black art 妖术, 魔法 | blue-blooded 贵族的, 系出名门的, 纯种的 | blue-collar 蓝领阶级的, 工人阶级的

pink collar:粉领

大批粉领( pink collar)工作兴起,人们能够避免蓝领工作的危险条件,因此他们自称"中产阶级",即使他们的收入要比加入工会的蓝领工人还要少. 在美国,到了20世纪末,更多的人把他们自己描述为中产阶级,而不是低等阶级(lower class)或者"工人阶级".

blue collar:蓝领阶级的, 工人阶级的

blue-blooded 贵族的, 系出名门的, 纯种的 | blue-collar 蓝领阶级的, 工人阶级的 | blue-eyed boy 宠儿;红人

blue collar:蓝领阶级的

blue-chip 独特的 | blue-collar 蓝领阶级的 | blue-pencil 修正