英语人>词典>汉英 : 蒸汽轮船 的英文翻译,例句
蒸汽轮船 的英文翻译、例句


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John Stevens, a colonel in the Revolutionary War, purchased from the State of New Jersey in 1784 the land included in the present-day 55-acre campus of the college.


There are other excursions from Labarge to places of interest: an abandoned telegraph station, an abandoned Mountie post, an abandoned shipyard, where an entire steamboat has been hauled out of the water, its great wooden hull girded with iron bands, the curve of the wheelhouse shredded by time.


American engineer who produced ironclad steamships, bridged the Mississippi River at St. Louis(1874), and improved the navigability of the mouth of the Mississippi.


American engineer who produced ironclad steamship s,bridged the Mississippi River at St.Louis1874,and improved the navigability of the mouth of the Mississippi.


This period preceded the era of iron ships and steam, and both ship material and the power source of ships 10 remained unchanged.


M/s|Rqu V steam-ship n.


And also the SS Great Britain, which was a steamship that was quite revolutionary at the time.


He was eating an apple , and giving a long , melodious whoop , at intervals , followed by a deep - toned ding - dong - dong , ding - dong - dong , for he was personating a steamboat


Then suddenly a little nail breaks,which had stopped the machine for a few moments;and now the wheels turn again,the floats break the force of the waters,and the ship continues its course;and the beam of the steam engine shortens the distance between far lands from hours into minutes.


Livingston also supported Robert Fulton, whose steamship, Clermont, named for Livingston's estate in New York, became the first successful steam-propelled vessel.


更多网络解释与蒸汽轮船相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

the Great Britain:大不列颠"号

接着,1845年,第一艘暗轮船"大不列颠号"(the Great Britain)首次下水. 但直到20世纪初汽轮机发明后,蒸汽船才无可争议地取代了帆船在航海中的地位. 从1817年往后看,新式洲际横帆船和双桅帆船一直到19世纪80年代,也就是范德比尔特过世后多年,

paddle steamer:明轮蒸汽机船

paddle steamer 明轮船 | paddle steamer 明轮蒸汽机船 | paddle steamer 明轮蒸汽机船舶


短炮护卫舰 Carronade Frigate | 改装巡防舰 Razee | 蒸汽轮船 Steamship

steam shovel:蒸汽挖掘机

steam ship 轮船 | steam shovel 蒸汽挖掘机 | steam sprayer 蒸汽雾化器

steam shovel WESTBANK:汽铲

steam ship WESTBANK 轮船 | steam shovel WESTBANK 汽铲 | steam superheater WESTBANK 蒸汽过热器


RMS 原本是 Royal Mail Steamer 的缩写,但由于现今的轮船已不再由蒸汽引擎驱动、所以她是利用燃气涡轮引擎和柴油引擎,以驱动电动的推进器来航行,而 S 代表的蒸汽船(Steamer) 亦变成了船(Ship).


steamroll /用压路机碾/粉碎/压倒/以不可抗拒之力前进/ | steamroller /蒸汽压路机/强行压倒/ | steamship /汽船/轮船/


impressive 给人深刻印象的 | steamship 蒸汽轮船 | vessel 大木船

at full steam:放足蒸汽, 开足马力, 尽力

at full steam 放足蒸汽, 开足马力, 尽力 | blow off steam 放汽 [俚]大发牢骚 (工作后)松弛娱乐 | by steam 坐轮船

steam roller WESTBANK:蒸汽压路机

steam return line WESTBANK 蒸汽回管 | steam roller WESTBANK 蒸汽压路机 | steam ship WESTBANK 轮船