英语人>词典>汉英 : 蒲公英 的英文翻译,例句
蒲公英 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
dandelion  ·  dandelions  ·  Tumbleweeds

更多网络例句与蒲公英相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I think my mother really does not boil dandelion soup, but home from school the next day, as usual to see a door panel on the case in a big bowl of dandelion soup, are sorting food in the debris of the mother looked at my door, I looked also hot wind around the dandelion soup, can not tell what it's like mind, I obediently finished school, went to chopping board before the Duanqi Wan, like mother, like breath grunt, a bowl of dandelion soup into my stomach , I secretly smiled to see her mother!


The downy flower head of a dandelion that has gone to seed.


Botany The downy flower head of a dandelion that has gone to seed.


Now and then the dandelion with the fascicular roadside in recalling memory, pick below a few to be inserted in making up good straw hat constantly, cluster round again livelily; coming home now and then the dandelion that the summer in recall countryside grows, in folding below a few to be put in headroom to grow wind constantly, hold the post of nap to face wind fleet.


The paper studies the effect of the quick-freeze and rehydration conditions,regarding polyploidy dandelion as the material,which it can provide reference for the quick freeze and preservation.


Dandelion our hillside home everywhere, people here call it Jingang Gang, a green plant can be tender when eaten as vegetables, the same old flowers open rundlet, winds on the drift to the End of the World, Seed case of earth as their home ground, spring is coming spring moisture to germinate, so everywhere dandelion, dandelion is very general vitality is particularly stubborn.


But dandelions aren't just annoying weeds; they've been used throughout history in a variety of ways. Dandelion leaves have been eaten as salad greens and dried to make dandelion tea; and dandelion flowers have been used to make wine and schnapps.


I seem to hear us sing in a small stream that the old songs, in the beautiful north woods of the dandelion, Taraxacum away so happy that we dream.


In order to accelerate development of storage and transportation technique of Taraxacum mongolicum,the effects of storage temperature on its postharvest physiology and quality were studied and the optimal storage temperature was explored.


A high performance liquid chromatographic method was established for determination of caffeic acid contents in tetraploidy taraxacum officinale and diplontic taraxacum dissectum.


更多网络解释与蒲公英相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


此前,英国馆曾邀请中国民众为其推荐昵称,在征集到的众多名称中,"蒲公英"(dandelion)脱颖而出. 对此,艾琳表示,"我们很喜欢这个美丽的名字,蒲公英有着美好的寓意,代表了对未来的许愿,而且与英国一样,也含有一个'英'字. "


蒲公英(TaraxaciHerba),为菊科(Campositae)蒲公英属(Taraxacum)各种植物之全草. 本属植物种类特多,以蒲公英为其代表. 新修本草始著录,本名蒲公草,列于草部下品,为治疗妇人乳部痈肿之要药,至图经始称:「俗呼为蒲公英. 」又讹为仆公罂.

Taraxacum mongolicum:蒲公英菊科蒲公英属

披针叶苔草 莎草科苔草属Carex onoei | 蒲公英菊科蒲公英属Taraxacum mongolicum | 歧茎蒿菊科蒿属Artemisia igniaria

Taraxacum mongolicum:蒲公英 蒲公英、黄花地丁

佩兰 佩兰 Eupatorium fortunei | 枇杷 枇杷叶、卢橘 Eriobotrya japonica | 蒲公英 蒲公英、黄花地丁 Taraxacum mongolicum

Taraxacum SP:蒲公英(唐本草)

蒲公英(唐本草) Taraxacum sp. | 蒲公英属(菊科) Taraxacum;dandelion | 蒲公英黄色素 taraxanthin

Leontodon taraxacum L:食用蒲公英

蒲公英(唐本草,中药志) Taraxacum mongolicum Hand.-Mazz. | 食用蒲公英 Taraxacum officinale Weber;common dandelion;T.dens-leonis Desf;Leontodon taraxacum L. | 东北蒲公英 Taraxacum ohwianum Kitam.

Taraxacum officinale Weber;common dandelion;T.dens-leonis Desf;Leontodon taraxacum L:食用蒲公英

蒲公英(唐本草,中药志) Taraxacum mongolicum Hand.-Mazz. | 食用蒲公英 Taraxacum officinale Weber;common dandelion;T.dens-leonis Desf;Leontodon taraxacum L. | 东北蒲公英 Taraxacum ohwianum Kitam.

taraxacin:蒲公英苦素 蒲公英素

taraxacerin /蒲公英华/ | taraxacin /蒲公英苦素/蒲公英素/ | taraxacum /蒲公英属之植物/由其根制成泻剂/


taraxacin 蒲公英苦素 | taraxacin 蒲公英素 | taraxacum 蒲公英属之植物


taraxacerin 蒲公英华 | taraxacin 蒲公英苦素 | taraxacin 蒲公英