英语人>词典>汉英 : 著迷 的英文翻译,例句
著迷 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
trance  ·  tranced  ·  trances  ·  trancing

更多网络例句与著迷相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Because of personal fascination and love of the past, I create an interface with analogic cassette tapes, using my experiences of cross-culture languages try to rethink and show the subtle relationships of communication between machines to people and people to people.


Whether you believe it or not, the mystery6 of the Bermuda Triangle will pull you in .


The point holds even in contemporary translation: bewitch consumers with what they don't already own.


"Neon Genesis Evangelion was the first animé series that I watched that got me into giant robots heavily, as well as influenced my character design and storytelling."

"《新世纪福音战士》(《Neon Genesis Evangelion》)是第一部让我对巨型机器人深感著迷的动画系列,它也对我的角色设计和叙事风格有著重要的影响。"

When I immerse myself in the world of ceramics, I was fascinated by its immenseness, mystery and dazzling beauty.


The Majorelle Garden is a botanical garden in Marrakech. It was designed by the expatriate French artist Jacques Majorelle (1886-1962) in 1924, during the colonial period when Morocco was a protectorate of France . The special shade of bold cobalt blue which he used extensively in the garden and its buildings is named after him, bleu Majorelle.The garden has been open to the public since 1947. Since 1980 the garden has been owned by Yves Saint-Laurent and Pierre Bergé. After Yves Saint Laurent died in 2008 his ashes were scattered in the Majorelle Garden .Posted by letmekiss at Sunday, April 05, 2009 Links to this post

法国景观艺术家马裘黑 Jacques Majorell 在1919年第一次来到马拉喀什,被其丰富色彩所著迷,而以沙漠植物盖了一栋风雅平静的花园别墅,作为创作的灵感缪思基地,这座以蓝色为基础的绿洲花园,装饰著伊斯兰工艺雕刻几何图形廊柱与瓷砖,星月图形、五角、十角、菱形等等纹饰,既精准又喧哗的色彩,令人心神荡漾,后来连法国服装大师圣罗兰看了这栋花园,二话不说将它接手作为私人宅邸。

A short distance away, angelfish and sweetlips glide above the coral, a turtle slips beneath the surface, and dolphins chase a small boat carrying captivated tourists.


At Oxford he studied bar billiards, ancient Greek agriculture and the care and feeding of small, temperamental Japanese motorcycle engines; interests which led him, perhaps inevitably, to qualify as a solicitor and emigrate to Somerset, where he specialised in death and taxes for seven years before going straight in 1995. Now a full-time writer, Tom lives in Somerset, with his wife, one daughter and the unmistakable scent of blood, wafting in on the breeze from the local meat-packing plant.

怪咖成性的他十三岁就出版诗集,却也和一般八0年代的青年一样,泡在酒吧的球台之间,对日本机车小而有气质的精致引擎,怀抱著高度兴趣,除此之外,他还著迷於古希腊的建筑…后来为了谋生,他迁回伦敦近郊讨生活,但不甘寂寞的Tom Holt,在那里再度重新迷上了特殊议题,像是死亡或者税赋…等等,直到七年后才脱离这些严肃讨论,走回「人生的正途」。

"Neon Genesis Evangelion was the first animé series that I watched that got me into giant robots heavily, as well as influenced my character design and storytelling."

&《新世纪福音战士》(《Neon Genesis Evangelion》)是第一部让我对巨型机器人深感著迷的动画系列,它也对我的角色设计和叙事风格有著重要的影响。&

They make up Massive Attack formally, they like U.S.A. underground music, Jamaica traditional reggae, acid house, spirit of thunder,, soul mix and stay, then incorporate the skill of composing music of the symphony in creating, send for Tricky, Shara Nelson,etc. have extensive mood singer and legendary singer Horace Andy of Jamaica of appeal serve as singing of melody still at the same time, create a kind of grand, bright artistic conception, also present the music style of anxious, lost mood, such happy wind will let listeners produce a kind of dizzy, fascinated phenomenon ...

80年代后期,三位来自布里斯托的小夥子参予了一个专门飙节奏的组合The Wild Bunch,1990年,他们正式组成了Massive Attack,他们喜欢把自己所热爱的美国地下音乐、牙买加传统雷鬼乐、acid house跟放克音乐、灵魂乐搅和在一起,然后又在创作上融入了交响乐的编曲技巧,同时还找来Tricky、Shara Nelson等深具情绪感染力的歌手以及牙买加的传奇歌手Horace Andy担任乐曲的演唱,创造出一种略带宏伟、明亮的意境感受,还透著焦虑、失落情绪的音乐风格,这种乐风会让听者产生一种昏眩、著迷的现象。。。

更多网络解释与著迷相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Avarice blinds our eyes:迷心港

At open doors dogs come in. 狗?檫著的樵中咄?. | Avarice blinds our eyes. ?迷心港. | Avarice increases with wealth. 越富越?.

Caught up:對她著迷

06. Burn 折磨 | 07. Caught Up 對她著迷 | 09. Superstar 超級巨星


8504不承兌商業匯票non-acceptance | 8505不抱幻想的不再著迷的人類眾生相disenchanted | 8506不抬頭支票金融銀行bearer check

about rock music:(我对摇滚 很著迷. )

14. I'm mad about Bruce Lee. (我迷死 小 . ) I'm crazy[著迷的;狂热爱好的] | about rock music. (我对摇滚 很著迷. ) | 15. How do I address you (我怎麼称呼你?)


\\"胡萝卜素著色症\\",\\"carotenosis\\" | \\"迷睡的,晕厥的,迷睡药,催眠药,颈动脉的\\",\\"carotic\\" | \\"颈[动脉]的\\",\\"carotid\\"

a'dha'ragata moha:對某物的執著迷戀

a'dha'ra:根基或庇護所,基礎、支柱、容器、亦指肛門的位置、能持、持、基質 | a'dha'ragata moha:對某物的執著迷戀 | a'dha'ragatavandhan:空間的束縛

enchants my heart:使我心裡著迷

因你的眼神 because the look in your eyes | 使我心裡著迷 enchants my heart | 啊已將我心輕輕的留住 Oh! it has softly captivated my heart

be intrigued by:因......著迷

15. nude a. 裸體的 | 1. be intrigued by... 因......著迷 | intrigue vt. 使著迷

And there she lulled me asleep:我被她迷得睡著了

With kisses four. 我在那兒四處吻著 | And there she lulled me asleep 我被她迷得睡著了, | And there I dreamed--ah! woe betide! 呵,做了個驚心的噩夢!

Seduces Me:令我著迷

04. MAKE YOU HAPPY/使你快樂 | 05. SEDUCES ME/令我著迷 | 06. LAA BY MYSELF/孤單一人