英语人>词典>汉英 : 落魄者 的英文翻译,例句
落魄者 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
sorehead  ·  declasse

更多网络例句与落魄者相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He might be a total loser, and she loves him superficially, but not deeply.


Thwaite made his name young, studying France's wartime resistance movement while on a Fulbright scholarship to Paris, and is devoted to his wife of many years, a saintly lawyer who represents the "battered housewife or burly, knuckleheaded truant". To many people he is a hero.


Through the fascist agency , capitalism sets in motion the masses of the crazed petty bourgeoisie , and bands of the declassed and demoralized lumpenproletariat all the countless human beings whom finance capital itself has brought to desperation and frenzy .


Nadir of misery: the aged impotent disfranchised ratesupported moribund lunatic pauper.


更多网络解释与落魄者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


sordawalite /玄武玻璃/ | sordidly /肮地/下贱地/贪婪地/ | sorehead /发怒的人/发牢骚的人/落魄者/落魄的/


sorecausedbyvarnishpoisoning 疠 | sorehead 落魄的 | sorehead 落魄者


sorehead 落魄的 | sorehead 落魄者 | sorehead 发怒的人


sorehead /发怒的人/发牢骚的人/落魄者/落魄的/ | sorely /疼痛地/强烈地/非常/ | soreness /痛苦/悲伤/愤慨/

breadwinner the person who works to support a family with food,money,etc:养家糊口的人

bombard worry with questions,requests,complaints,etc困扰,质问... | breadwinner the person who works to support a family with food,money,etc 养家糊口的人 | deadbeat a lazy person,hippie 落魄者,游手好闲的...

Unworthy Dead:无名亡者

162Unnerve落魄US | 163Unworthy Dead无名亡者US | 164Vampiric Embrace吸血鬼之拥US

as Lucifer, the serpent of old:鲁西法(Lucifer;光明天使),那条古蛇

Man knows me 人将我认作 | as Lucifer, the serpent of old. 鲁西法(Lucifer;光明天使),那条古蛇. | The wretched hold my banner high. 落魄者高擎我的旗帜.