英语人>词典>汉英 : 营业额 的英文翻译,例句
营业额 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
turnover  ·  businesses  ·  turnovers

business volume · volume of business
更多网络例句与营业额相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

International sales account for 30 percent of the league's overall global merchandise business.


When you have a total turnover of more than 660 yuan since you can get 15% of retail profits, a total of more than 2200 yuan, you can get 20% of the retail profits, more than 10,000 when it is 23%, more than 30,000 is 26%, 60,000 more than you will get a maximum allocation of 28% of the profits, just like other businesses, we Nahuo to manufacturers, you Nahuo the higher the turnover, profits have been higher.


Shaw Industries, the world's largest manufacturer of broadloom carpet, also had a record year. Led by Bob Shaw, who built this huge enterprise from a standing start, the company will likely set another earnings record in 2004. In November, Shaw acquired various carpet operations from Dixie Group, which should add about $240 million to sales this year, boosting Shaw's volume to nearly $5 billion.

Shaw地毯-全世界最大铺地地毯制造商,去年同样也缔造了历史记录,在Bob Shaw的领导之下,从一家小公司发展成大企业,一般相信2004年该公司的获利会持续创新高,同年11月Shaw又透过购并的方式买下年营业额2.4亿美元的Dixie集团,使得Shaw的年营业额一举突破50亿美元。

Turnover remained stable in the two cities, but a strong rebound in the afternoon there will be an obvious incremental capital to meet the turnover significantly enlarge.


Not only has the total turnover in April this year, a record since the implementation of the "non-reduction of the size of the new regulation," since a new high, at the same time, the bulk of this month's daily average trading volume is a breakthrough 4401.32 million shares, 1118.7 million shares in October than the daily average Turnover ratio of 2.93 times magnification, reaching record highs.


However, show bets, the rapid turnover of the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets significantly enlarged, the Shanghai stock market turnover reached 117,740,000,000 yuan, which is nearly two months, the first time Shanghai 100,000,000,000 Yuan's turnover.


The ANGEL west dining hall starts business on February , 1999 so far, because the turnover is not really ideal therefore, dispute that ANGEL west dining hall problem having discussed turnover go up without end all round , survival having initiated Western-style food culture in Chinese southward value: Be to ought to copy changelessly, still be going to have the pertinency field to cater to taste of great majority consumption crowd but to do appropriate adjustment, ability makes a turnover rise?


So-called medium-sized and small enterprises, is according to enterprise fixed assets , the annual turnover, hands in income tax and partitional enterprise employee scale one kind of enterprise shape aspiration , is to point to those fixed assets like present less than ten thousand yuan of l00O, the annual turnover teaches hundred not worth 500 people enterprise till ten million yuan of number , the enterprise employee.


Last year NetJets again gained about 70% of the net new business going to the four companies that dominate the industry. A portion of our growth came from the 25-hour card offered by Marquis Jet Partners. Marquis is not owned by NetJets, but is instead a customer that repackages the purchases it makes from us into smaller packages that it sells through its card.

营业额大幅成长70%,持续主宰整个市场,其中一部份系去年 NetJets 的营业额大幅成长,持续主宰整个市场,推出的25小时券小时券,的关系企业,来自 Marquis 推出的小时券,Marquis 并非 NetJets 的关系企业,不过批发时数后,再包装卖给终端消费者,它向 NetJets 批发时数后,再包装卖给终端消费者, Marquis 只专作 NetJets 的生意,并以 NetJets 的卓越名声做为行销的重点。

The total turnover of all stock trades last cut across the board, with a total volume of transactions to reduce the minimum rate of the three types of industries are tourism hotels, media, communications and education, reduce the rates were 7.425 percent and 11.628 percent and 11.943 percent; the highest rate of reduction in the total turnover The three types of iron and steel industry, engineering, construction and electricity, the growth rate of 46.522 percent, 45.664 percent and 42.191 percent.


更多网络解释与营业额相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Royal Ahold:皇家阿霍德

其中,沃尔玛排在首位(其实沃尔玛在前两年就荣登榜首了),营业额2630亿美元;家乐福(Carrefour)排名第22位,营业额798亿美元,已成为法国的第三大公司,仅次于道达尔(Total)公司和AXA公司;皇家阿霍德(Royal Ahold)排名第37位,营业额635亿美元,


SAS Institute 是位于北卡罗来纳州凯里(Cary)的年营业额达 12 亿美元的私有软件巨头,它去年的收入增长了 6%. 位于渥太华的年营业额达 4.91 亿美元的 Cognos 公司,以及位于圣何塞(San Jose)的年营业 额为 4.54 亿美元的 Business Objects 公司,

fixed cost:固定费用

而在损益平衡分析上,所谓固定费用(Fixed cost)乃是与营业额的增减无关,是一定期间内所发生的定额费用,所以固定费用的分担率是与营业额的增减成反比例.

Fortune Magazine:<财富杂志>

我们可以按照企业的各种关键数据对其进 行排名,例如营业额-->(Fortune magazine)便使用此项数据、雇 员人数及利润情况. 虽然每种排名都令人关 注,但我们觉得,这些评估方法存在一定的缺 陷. 以营业额为例,

hot topic:热门话题

自从贝西E麦可萝芙琳(Betsy Mc Laughlin)在2000年出任「热门话题(Hot Topic)服饰公司」的执行长以后,热门话题的业绩直线上升,从2000年的营业额1.7亿美元,成长到2003年的营业额4.4亿美元,成长速度惊人.


前十位中唯一变动的是新面孔"Cargil国际",瑞士航空(Swissair)退至第9位. 雀巢集团在最大企业排名中已是第三次位居榜首,在营业额、企业盈利和员工数字上无人出其右,847亿的营业额比第二名格林考尔 (752亿)和第三名麦德龙(747亿)多出不少.

turnover tax:按营业额征收的税项;营业税

trustor 信托人 | turnover 交投量;营业额;成交额 | turnover tax 按营业额征收的税项;营业税

Turnover tax payable:应税营业额

Tax reduced items 减免税项目 | Turnover tax payable 应税营业额 | Current Period 本期


亦称"营业收入"(revenue)或"营业额"(turnover). 已经超过了200亿元,它的使用范围也非常广,每年我国大约有4亿人使用中药注射剂,由于牵涉到人民的生命健康安全,再加上新医改和基本药物目录发布的契机,对中药注射剂安全性再评价无疑是一个正确的选择,

propagandizing project of 2007 national day:策划 2007 年国庆黄金周"蚝门蟹宴"的宣传方案, 7 天内营业额创新高

.策划 2008 寻味春天系列推广活动宣传方案 propaga... | .策划 2007 年国庆黄金周"蚝门蟹宴"的宣传方案, 7 天内营业额创新高 propagandizing project of 2007 national day | .酒店尊贵版会员卡项目的建立和推广工作 ...