英语人>词典>汉英 : 营业上的 的英文翻译,例句
营业上的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与营业上的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In order to know the operating profits and losses, it shall make account books and asset-liability statements.


Second, as there are some short-term liabilities which result from accrued expenses, the figure of cash payments for operating expenses is different from that of operating expenses in the income statement.


To be protected hereunder, CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION must be disclosed in written or graphic form conspicuously labeled with the name of the DISCLOSER as CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION, or disclosed aurally and be documented in detail, labeled as above, and submitted by DISCLOSER in written or graphic form to RECIPIENT within twenty (20) business days thereafter.

在此之下被保护,机要信息如上所述必须被透露以书面或图表形式显眼地被标记以DISCLOSER 的名字作为机要信息,或听觉上被透露和详细被提供,被标记,和由DISCLOSER 递交以尔后书面或图表形式给接收者在二十(20)营业日内。

These changes in the business involve the interests of all owners .


The changes in the business involve the interests of all stock owners.


In the filling station on the street open day and night?


The corner shop is open fifteen hours a day. The owner must be making money hand over fist.


This paper chooses 2000 stochastic retailing stores whose acreages all exceed 40km2 in the three circles of Wuhan city,after the analysis of spatial difference on acreages,number,population density,and manage forms,and makes a conclusion that the retailing spatial structure of Wuhan city has taken on figure of ring shape with hierarchy wholly and frame of centralization-diffusion and enchasing partially; Finally,the whole paper probes into the change mechanism and trends of retailing spatial structure.


All the banking financial institutions shall practically fulfill the "six service commitments" and handle special affairs in a special way to ensure smooth channels for earthquake relief donations and remittances; shall provide good services for payment and settlement of disaster relief funds to ensure that disaster relief funds be remitted to the accounts of payees as soon as possible; shall do a good job in capital dispatch and remittance to safeguard the needs of the clients in disaster areas for drawing cash and ensure the timely entry of disaster relief funds into accounts and the timely allotment of disaster relief funds; shall try to resume normal business operation of outlets in disaster areas, and may set up temporary outlets under a special circumstance to ensure the needs of clients for transactions; shall rapidly process international earthquake relief funds and reduce charges as much as possible; shall open green credit-granting channels for earthquake relief, actively do a good job in granting of disaster relief loans, support the timely purchase and circulation of earthquake relief materials, provide special financial services for the heavily affected industries and enterprises of power, communications, highway and railway, etc., guarantee the efficiency in examination and approval of loans and ensure the disaster relief funds be in place timely.


The collective needs of employees with work together.


更多网络解释与营业上的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A.M. P.M:营业时间上的上下午标示

NO PHOTOS 不准拍照 | A.M. P.M.营业时间上的上下午标示 | UP DOWN 往上调、往下调


资产净值(Assets):资产净值表示零售商真正所有,包括流动资产(Current Assets)与固定资产(Fixed Assets),流动资产是指可以在12个月内转换成现金的资产(如现金、应收帐款、存货),而固定资产则是营业上所需 的生财器具(如不动产、租赁装璜与设备).


"泊车"、"停泊"(parking) 除第(2)款另有规定外,指车辆的停定,不论车内是否有人,但为了及正在实际上装卸货物或上落乘客而暂时停定,则不在此限;"持证人"(licensee) 指有效客运营业证的持有人;"租用人"(hirer) 包括有意租用的人;


(由1978年第19号第2条增补)"泊车处"(parking place) 指委员会以标志或道路标记在受限制道路上指定为可停泊车辆的地方; (由1978年第19号第2条增补)"房屋"(housing) 指住用、工业用、商业用及营业用的房舍、建筑物或处所;

Tax Inspector:税务督察

对付那些实质上是雇员(de facto employee)的纳税人,但以签订服务合约(service agreement)将雇佣关系改为「购买服务酬则改由他控制的服务公司(service company)收取,按照第9A 条,有关的资料,遇上严重个案,更会派税务督察(tax inspector)到雇主的营业地理的

opening hours:营业时间

从十九世纪中期开始,英国对持有执照的场所(licensed premises)的营业时间(opening hours)等进行了限制. 同时,很多酒吧的详细记录可以追溯上百年,特别是不良记录(misdemeanours). 从2007年开始,

operating profits:营业利润

他们发现,遭割舍的业务在被贱卖之前,往往已有长达7年的时间,营业利润(operating profits)都是低于平均水准. 其实,企业主管不应为割舍业务感到自惭. 市场明确地显示,积极主动的割舍,在价值创造上扮演了重要角色.


在排名指标的选择上,我们延续了2005年以来的一贯做法,和美国<<商业周刊>>在评选InfoTech100时所用的四项指标相同:营业收入(Revenues)、营收增长率(Revenue Growth)、净资产收益率(Return on Equity)、股东投资回报率(Shareholder Return).

revenue expenditure:营业支出

与营业支出(revenue expenditure)的性 质不同. 在会计处理上, 前者属资产账户, 后者属损益账户. 必须明确划分这两种性 质不同的支出.否则,必然发生资产低估 或高估,本期收益高估或低估等情况. capital gain 资本利得,

Financial Shenanigans:(财政企图)

- Investment Intelligence From Insider Trading (从内线生意营业中获患上的投资情报) | - Financial Shenanigans(财政企图), Schilit | Post-Doc 3: (博士后3)