英语人>词典>汉英 : 莲花状的 的英文翻译,例句
莲花状的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Just before death, they fit themselves in a tight-fitting hole that shapes their bodies into the shape of a lotus; the only contact with the outside world is a bell and an air tube.


Pineapple also known as pineapple, is a Bromeliad, is a perennial herb.


Try a barnyard garden, suggests Kraemer-Doell, using plants whose names have associations with barnyard animals---lambs ears, hen and chicks, and cowslip, for example.

Kraemer-oell 建议尝试一下谷场花园,栽种一些与谷场动物名称有关的植物----比如那种叶子白色呈棉状的植物、石莲花和黄花九轮草。

Although Pulsatilla can easily be distinguished from Anemone by the former having a long, plumose beak on the achenes formed by the persistent style, phylogenetic studies have shown that they are probably congeneric.

尽管Pulsatilla 能容易地通过其在瘦果上有宿存花柱形成的长的、羽状喙,与银莲花属区分,系统发育的研究显示它们可能是同属。

Any of various perennial herbs of the genus Anemone, native chiefly to northern temperate regions and having palmately lobed leaves and large flowers with showy sepals.


Leaves pinnatisect, penninerved; pollen grains spinulose

羽状全裂的叶,羽状脉;花粉粒具微刺 26 Anemoclema 罂粟莲花属

Therefore, we selected common species of Ranunculaceae. comparative primordial plants in Alpine Meadow at Eastern QinghaiTibetan Plateau, and studied the reproductive strategies, such as reproductive allocation, especially sex allocation, to understand how the plants adapt the environmental conditions. The results showed:(1) At higher altitude, the self-incompatible plant, such as Trollius ranunculoides tended to become limited by pollination rather than by nutrient availability, while the self-compatible plants, such as Anemone rivularis and A. obtusiloba seemed not to be limited by pollen availability, which suggested that ability of self pollination for alpine plants may be a mechanism of reproductive assurance.(2) Influences induced by high altitude on the reproduction of these species occurred on different reproductive characters, which suggest species-specific adaptive strategies. The influences are dependent on plant size to some extent.

因此,我们选择在青藏高原东部的高寒草甸,以比较原始的植物类群—毛茛科植物为研究对象,选择一些常见种探讨其繁殖对策,如繁殖分配和性分配问题,试图揭示这些植物如何适应环境条件,最后的结果表明: 1高寒草甸高海拔区,自交植物(如小花草玉梅A.rivularis和钝裂银莲花A.obtusiloba)的繁殖不受花粉限制,而完全异交植物(毛茛状金莲花T.ranunculoides)的繁殖受花粉限制,表明高海拔地区植物的白花授粉能力可能是一种繁殖保障机制,能够避免恶劣环境对植物有性繁殖的不利影响; 2海拔高度对植物的影响因种而异,不同的物种受影响的繁殖性状不同,即使同属亲缘种间也存在差异,表明不同物种对相似环境压力的适应对策不同;而且,海拔高度对植物的影响在一定程度上依赖于植物个体大小,说明植物通过调整其个体大小与繁殖性状的关系来适应环境梯度的变化; 3植物花期和果期的繁殖分配并不完全随海拔升高而减小(只有小花草玉梅的果期RA随海拔升高而减小30%),与Iwasa和Cohen的预测不完全一致(他们认为繁殖分配随生长季缩短而减小)。

Any of several plants of the genus Trollius having palmately lobed leaves, solitary, usually yellow flowers, and many follicles.


Drilling giant salamander Lotus pattern in the drift of fish-shaped diamond dolls Lin change, clearly showing the person to fish metaphor, the theme of women and have children, fish stomach and the head of the Lotus dolls are a symbol of genital symbols.


Patens, having large blue, purple, or white flowers, each producing many conspicuously plumed achenes.


更多网络解释与莲花状的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Tropaeolum majus:旱金莲

文章摘要:旱金莲(Tropaeolum majus)又称金莲花,是原产南美洲的一种鸟媒传粉植物,现广泛栽培于我国各地的花坛. 它的叶片盾状,花红、橙、黄等色,象旱地生长的莲(荷)叶,故名. 开花时花朵高举在植株上部,十分惹人喜欢. 其实它不单是一种观赏植物,


4.分支分析和系统学 以同属于毛茛亚科的金莲花属(Trollius)和铁筷子属(Helleborus)为外类群,基于花序和花的发生发育特征、管状分子特征及维管束结构和前人的研究结果进行了分支分析.