英语人>词典>汉英 : 莫斯塔尔 的英文翻译,例句
莫斯塔尔 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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But crucial trials are outstanding or still in process - the leadership of the Bosnian Croat war machine, which laid murderous siege to East Mostar and set up a gulag for Muslims, is currently standing trial; notorious paramilitary warlord Milan Lukic awaits trial, accused of locking scores of families in houses and burning them alive in Visegrad.


De Costa said he is confident that those responsible for the attack on President Ramos Horta will be caught.


Mr. Ramos Horta is being treated at Australia's Royal Darwin Hospital after being airlifted there Monday.


President Jose Ramos Horta has been flown to Darwin in northern Australia for treatment.


East Timor's government is planning to order the arrest of 18 rebel soldiers believed to have been involved in the shooting Monday of President Jose Ramos Horta.


A crescent in stone, the humpbacked bridge at Mostar spans the Neretva River in Yugoslavia's Bosnia-Herzegovina Republic.


A crescent in stone,the humpbacked bridge at mostar spans the neretva river in yugoslavia's bosnia-herzegovina republic.


Photo Gallery: Süleyman the Magnificent A crescent in stone, the humpbacked bridge at Mostar spans the Neretva River in Yugoslavia's Bosnia-Herzegovina Republic.


Smaltz had followed Starr's playbook in the Espy investigation, spending more than $17 million and indicting everybody he could in an effort to force them to say something damaging against Mike.


The next day, I traveled south to Mostar (population 105,000), the chief city in the region of Herzegovina.


更多网络解释与莫斯塔尔相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

TAVERAS GUZMAN, Juan Aristides:胡安.阿里斯蒂德斯.塔韦拉斯. 古斯曼

TAVASSOLI HODJATI, Morteza;莫尔泰扎.塔瓦索利.霍德贾蒂;; | TAVERAS GUZMAN, Juan Aristides;胡安.阿里斯蒂德斯.塔韦拉斯. 古斯曼;; | TAVIANI, Paolo Emilio;保罗.埃米利奥.塔维亚尼;;

KOSSEV, Christo:克里斯托.科塞夫

KOSSAMAK NEARIRAT, Sisowath Monivong;西索瓦.莫尼旺.哥沙曼.尼亚里丽王 后陛下;; | KOSSEV, Christo;克里斯托.科塞夫;; | KOSTARCZYK, Andrzej;安杰伊.科斯塔尔奇克;;

Expert Group on Exhumation and Missing Persons:挖掘遗骸和失踪人员专家组

European Union Administration of Mostar;欧洲联盟莫斯塔尔行政当局(欧莫行政当局... | Expert Group on Exhumation and Missing Persons;挖掘遗骸和失踪人员专家组; ; | Geneva Agreed Basic Principles;日内瓦议定的...

Horta? Yes:澳尔塔? 是的

Ramos-Horta arranged it.|拉莫斯-澳尔塔安排的 | Horta? Yes.|澳尔塔? 是的 | Well, I think we might get going, actually.|我想我们该动身了


HORTALOPEZ,Andres安德烈斯.奥尔塔.洛佩斯 | HORTA,JoseRamos若泽.拉莫斯.奥尔塔 | horticulturalgoods园艺产品

CASTANO, Juanita:胡安妮塔.卡斯塔尼奥

CASTANEDA-CORNEJO, Ricardo Guillermo;里卡多.吉列尔莫.卡斯塔内达-考内霍;; | CASTANO, Juanita;胡安妮塔.卡斯塔尼奥;; | caste society;(世袭)阶级社会;种姓社会;;

Mateus:马特乌斯 (博阿维斯塔)

Manucho 冈卡尔维斯(曼联) | Mateus 马特乌斯 (博阿维斯塔) | 21-Richard Eromoigbe 埃罗莫吉比 (索菲亚列夫斯基)

STABILE Guillermo:吉列尔莫.斯塔维莱

SCOPELLI Alejandro 阿莱汉德多.斯科佩里 | STABILE Guillermo 吉列尔莫.斯塔维莱 | PIAGGIO Edmundo 埃德蒙多.皮亚乔



Moreau, Gustave:古斯塔夫.莫罗

Moravia,Alberto阿贝尔托.莫拉维亚 | Moreau,Gustave古斯塔夫.莫罗 | Moreau,Jeanne让娜.莫萝