英语人>词典>汉英 : 草鲤 的英文翻译,例句
草鲤 的英文翻译、例句


white amur · grass carp · Ctenopharyn odon idellus
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First choice of green, grass carp, carp and other fish and vintage flour, maize flour, and then juices sesame oil, salt, after kneading, rolling, steaming, cutting, drying processes from refining.


The RAPD results illustrate that the phylogenetic relationship betweenBothriocephalid tapeworm parasitic in Grass carpCtenopharyngodon idellus(C.et V.and Common carp(Cyprinus carpio L.)from different regions ofChina is infraspecific with noticeable variance bwtween them.Thephylogenetic trees based on the 3 sequences analyses above are constructed,which show the following relationships:Bothriocephalid tapeworms fromGrass carp,Common carp and Luciobrama are found to be monophyletic,and are very close to Bothriocephalus opsariichthydis,but are divergent toanother monophyletic group comprising Bothriocephalid tapeworms fromZacco,Hemiculter and Leuciscus.On the basis of phylogenetic reconstruction,autapomorphic species conceptis used in species delimitation suitablefor determining four species in the present study:B.acheilognathi,B.opsariichthydis,and two other bothriocephalids parasitic respectively inHemiculter and Leuciscus.It is also deduced that the differentiation time ofBothriocephalid tapeworms parasitic in cyprinids is earlier than that of theirhosts,and the most recent specification happened about one million yearsago.Key words Bothriocephalid tapeworm Molecular Systematics


An experiment was conducted using 1 440 Cyprinus carpio to study the effect of Medicago sativa meal and fresh M. sativa on the growing performance, meat quality and digestive enzymes.


The main breeding species are grass, silver carp and bighead carp, carp and tilapia, bream, Yuan Yu.


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Curlew Sandpiper:浒鹬

\\"无齿脂鲤科;草鲑鲤科\\",\\"CURIMATIDAE\\" | \\"浒鹬\\",\\"Curlew Sandpiper\\" | \\"库与氏症表徵;垂体嗜碱细胞增殖\\",\\"Cushingoid feature\\"

white amur:草鲤

white alloy 假银 | white amur 草鲤 | white ant 白蚁


青魚(Mylopharyngodon piceus Richardson)俗稱烏鰡、鰡仔,在分類地位上為鯉科(Cyprinidae)的淡水魚,原產於亞洲大陸東部的河流流域. ... 青魚是重要的淡水養殖魚類,與草魚、白鰱、大頭鰱合稱為「中國四大家魚」


穿山甲系脊索动物哺乳纲鲮鲤科(Manidae)动物穿山甲Manis Pentadacfyla Linnaeas)的鳞甲. 性微寒,味咸,归肝胃经. 本品具有活血化瘀、通经下乳、搜风通络、消肿排脓之功效. 穿山甲的炮制方法很多. <<本草原始>>:"或炮,或酥炙、童便炙、醋炙、或烧,