英语人>词典>汉英 : 草鱼 的英文翻译,例句
草鱼 的英文翻译、例句


grass carp
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The morphogenesis and some important characteristics in the course of reproduction of two kinds of pathogenic virus of Hemorrhage of Grass Carp, Reovirus and Picornavirus.in fish cell culture were studied by means of electron microscope and electron microscopic autoradiography.


The EPA and DHA content in the fat of muscle and entrails of 5 varieties freezing sea fishes such as salmon,hairtail,little yellow croaker,blackbluespotted mackerel and silver butterfish, and of 9 varieties fresh water fishes such as river perch,Chinese perch,Chinese sturgeon,silver loweye carp,bighead carp,African crucian carp,bluntsnout bream,common carp and grass carp have been determined.

通过对鲑鱼、带鱼、黄花鱼、鲅鱼和鲳鱼 5种市售海水鱼的肌肉与鲈鱼、鳜鱼、中华鲟、鲢鱼、鳙鱼、罗非鱼、武昌鱼、鲤鱼和草鱼 9种市售淡水鱼的肌肉和内脏脂肪中EPA、DHA的含量的分析比较,结果显示,除鲤鱼和草鱼外,无论是海水鱼还是淡水鱼,其脂肪中均含有一定数量的EPA、DHA。

The studies on the capacities of immune responses of lymphocytes in peripheral blood and immune organs of Grass Carp (Ctenpharyngoden idellus Cuvier et Valencinnes) to PHA and SPA with incorporation of 〓H-TdR and active reaction of Acid α-Naphthyl Acetate Esterase indicated that there were T and B lymphocytes in peripheral blood of grass carp, but only T lymphocyte and no B lymphocyte in the thymus of grass carp. It was justified that the T lymphocytes in peripheral blood was originated from the thymus, and B lymphocyte could be from the spleen and anterior kidney of grass carp.


The results indicated: 1) the rate of the PCR positive test for 1 120 transgene carps reached 60%; 2) the rate of the PCR positive test for 258 transgene carps' cross F1 generation reached 53.8%; 3) the rate of the PCR positive test for 36 transgene Carps' cytogenesis F


The flesh hardness and gumminess were also increased (P.05) by feeding immersed or sprouted broad bean, compared with that of fish fed with formulate feed.

分别以配合饲料、浸泡蚕豆、发芽蚕豆喂养体质量为(530±20)g的草鱼 77d,以考察投饲蚕豆对草鱼生长和肌肉品质的影响。

Fish of sprouted broad bean group had higher FEAA, TFAA, hardness and gumminess than those of immersed broad bean group.


This may be due to hydrolytic chelating, precipitation and the sediment or hydrobioes attachment, absorption etc. The honewort had stronger ability of accumulating La because of its large leaf surface that could attach La. The accumulating ability of snail and fish to La was relatively weaker but some organs of them had higher contents of La especially in the intestines, shell of snail, and in gill, internal organs, scales, head, bone of fish, rare in muscle. The total accumulating quantities of La in each component of simulated aquatic ecosystem were a decreasing order of: sediment >honewort>snail>fish, and the sequence of bio-concentration facter was as follows: honewort>snail>fish.


The water quality also has some effects on crisping of Grass Carp by influencing the fish's physiology and metabolization.


To develope the deep processing utilizing of freshwater fish, this paper researched grass carp and performance for the hot-air drying on tested and fresh and frosen fish slices in different thickness on the temperature of 40℃, 50℃ and 60℃.


On the one hand, grass carp as a species of freshwater fish culture popular in the Pearl River Delta,"Clenbuterol" After the incident, the consumption of pork in the region by a certain amount of impact to some extent, to stimulate local consumption of grass carp; but on the other hand With the advent of hot weather, grass carp will be transported to the north have been hampered sales, which rose to the price of grass carp have a certain influence.


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