英语人>词典>汉英 : 草甸沼泽 的英文翻译,例句
草甸沼泽 的英文翻译、例句


meadow moor · meadow bog
更多网络例句与草甸沼泽相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The following conclusions have been made in this paper.(1) Based on CO_2 flux data of eddy covariance, variation characteristics of gross primary productivity in four flux observation stations were studied, which are an alpine meadow, an alpine shrub meadow, a swamp alpine meadow and a steppe alpine meadow at Dongxiong. The results show that photosynthetic capacity of the alpine meadow is the highest, and the annual total GPP is 652.2g C/m~2. Daily-differencing approach is used to analyze the random error of CO_2 fluxes measurements. The results show that the distribution of random error follows more closely follows a double-exponential, rather than a normal distribution, capturing the high peak and thick tail, and the random error varies with environment variables, which violates the assumptions for the ordinary least squares fitting with normality and homoscedasticity, consequently, we introduce maximum likelihood method for parameter optimization.

本文主要在以下几个方面开展工作并获得了一些认知和结论:(1)通过分析样带区域内高寒草甸、高寒灌丛、沼泽化湿地和草原化高寒草甸四个通量观测站点草地生态系统总初级生产力变化特征,研究结果表明HBBT矮嵩草草甸生态系统植被光合作用能力较强,年GPP总量为652.2 gC/m~2,明显高于其他三种生态系统;通过利用"单塔日变化法"获得四站点通量观测数据随机误差,结果表明通量观测随机误差概率分布呈现尖峰厚尾的特征,与正态分布相比,更服从双边指数分布,进一步分析表明通量观测随机误差随环境变量(风速、温度和光合有效辐射)的变化而变化,这违背了普通最小二乘法进行生态过程模型参数优化正态分布且误差同质的假设,因此本研究中引入最大似然法进行生态过程模型参数优化。

After nest found, the dominating ecological factors with definite distance to nest tree (less than 10 meters) including tree species, tree height, habitat type of nesting-tree, nest position, the type of nesting tree branch, nest type, the type of nest-site, the viability status of tree and branch was described and measured. Geography coordinates (latitude-longitude) was converted into orthogonal coordinates, and add to Arcview3.2 as shape-file, and measured the distance between nest and the habitat type including double-line river, lake, seasonal lake, shallow mire, deep water mire, meadow mire, farmland, sparse forest, forest marsh, the boundary of Nature Reserve and road.


The region in the altitude f rom 4400 to 4600 meters , which is mainly covered by alpine meadow and alpine swamp meadow , is st rongly degraded by the stock raising with it s influence radius of about 24 kilometers. The influence distance perpendicular to roads is also 24 kilometers , since road const ruction accelerates human2induced destruction to vegetation. Vegetation in shade aspect is rising due to the increase in precipitation , while vegetation in sunny aspect tends to be stable or degraded because of the enhancement in sunlight . Furthermore , the vegetation coverage is influenced by the groundwater level . In near riverbed fields , where the depth of groundwater is shallow , plant s can easily grow ; while in far riverbed fields , vegetation is prone to degrade due to drainage. The radius of river influence is 24 kilometers.


The plant community composition changed and the community coverage increased over the wetland succession from primary swamp, through swampy meadow, to meadow. The number of associated species increased, while the dominant species abundances decreased. Through succession, the content of soil organic matter and total nitrogen declined. In contrast, the soil enzyme activity of catalase, protease and invertase increased; however urase declined.


In the alluvial fan edge parts, mainly meadow marsh soil and meadow saline soil; this to the desert between, places the desert soil salinization and alkalization the main agricultural use value is not high.


Habitat utilization of root vole was studied in the region of Haibei Alpine Meadow Ecosystem Research Station, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, from July to September of 2002 and 2003. Three indexes of activity intensities, runway length, runway branch number and burrow entrance number were used to estimate root vole's utilization intensities on four types of habitats, manual cultivated land, true meadow, swamp meadow and Dasiphora fruticosa shrub.


With the deflected succession of aquatic ecotype plant functional group,the dominance of mesophytes and xerophytes increased,while the dominance of aquatic and hygric plants decreased. However,there are only planting crops in the reclaimed wetland. In the composition of plant biotype functional group,the hydrophytes reduced quickly with the deflected succession and the dominance of perennial herbs is mostly marked,and there are only annual herbs in reclaimed wetland. Compared with primary swamp,the species diversity index of meadow is the highest,the swampy meadow follows,and the reclaimed wetland is the lowest.


The results indicated that there was an ecological succession of wetland plant communities and that the successive series is as follows: aquatic plant→helophytes→swampy prata→herbosa with the changes of habitat from aquatic to mesophytic. The horizonal distribution regularity of plant communities showed symmetric distribution at loop lake or banks of small stream and con centric distribution at depression. The vertical distribution regularity is as follows: aquatic vegetation→moor vegetation→swampy prata vegetation→subalpine meadow subalpine shrub from the center of lake to the hilltop.


Main factors in different seasons have been known, Fractal character of the distribution pattern. the Box dimension, Information dimension and corelative dimension of the D.


It was same that three indexes of activity intensities trended in four types of habitats. The activity intensities of root vole on four types of habitats were in ascending order of the manual cultivated land, true meadow, swamp meadow and D. fruticosa shrub. Three indexes of activity intensities were different significantly between each two types of habitats, except the runway length and runway branch number between the true meadow and swamp meadow.


更多网络解释与草甸沼泽相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

lowland meadow:低地草甸

lowland bog 低位沼泽 | lowland meadow 低地草甸 | lowland moor 低地沼泽

swamp meadow:沼泽草甸

calcium sulphate [化]硫酸钙 | swamp meadow 沼泽草甸 | inner die surface 模内面

swamp meadow:沼泽化草甸

潮褐土:meadow cinnamon soil | 沼泽化草甸:swamp meadow | 亚高山草甸:Subalpine meadow

meadow steppe:草甸草原

meadow soil 草甸土 | meadow steppe 草甸草原 | meadow swamping 草甸沼泽


一般包括:草本沼泽 mashes),灌丛沼泽(swamp),苔藓泥炭沼泽(bogs),湿草甸(wetmeadow),泡沼(potholes),浅水沼泽(sloughs)以及滨河泛滥地(bottom land),也包括生长挺水植物(emergent vegetation)的浅水湖泊或浅水水体,

meadow swamping:草甸沼泽化

meadow steppe 草甸草原 | meadow swamping 草甸沼泽化 | meagre clay 瘦粘土

wet meadows:湿草甸; 沼泽草地

wet lime熟石灰;消石灰 | wet meadows湿草甸;沼泽草地 | wet phosphoric acid湿法制备的磷酸

meadow barley:草地大麦

meachanical scanning ==> 机械扫描 | meadow barley ==> 草地大麦 | meadow bog ==> 草地沼泽,草甸沼泽,低洼沼泽,水湿地

meadow moor:草甸沼泽, 草甸酸沼

Meadow ground 草地 | Meadow moor 草甸沼泽, 草甸酸沼 | Meadow prairie 草甸普列里,群落,草甸草原

brackish water meadow:半咸水草甸,微咸水草甸 微鹹水草原

brackish water 半咸水 微鹹水 Y | brackish water meadow 半咸水草甸,微咸水草甸 微鹹水草原 Y | brackish water swamp 半咸水沼泽,微咸水沼泽 微鹹水沼澤 Y