英语人>词典>汉英 : 草地沼泽 的英文翻译,例句
草地沼泽 的英文翻译、例句


meadow bog
更多网络例句与草地沼泽相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The following conclusions have been made in this paper.(1) Based on CO_2 flux data of eddy covariance, variation characteristics of gross primary productivity in four flux observation stations were studied, which are an alpine meadow, an alpine shrub meadow, a swamp alpine meadow and a steppe alpine meadow at Dongxiong. The results show that photosynthetic capacity of the alpine meadow is the highest, and the annual total GPP is 652.2g C/m~2. Daily-differencing approach is used to analyze the random error of CO_2 fluxes measurements. The results show that the distribution of random error follows more closely follows a double-exponential, rather than a normal distribution, capturing the high peak and thick tail, and the random error varies with environment variables, which violates the assumptions for the ordinary least squares fitting with normality and homoscedasticity, consequently, we introduce maximum likelihood method for parameter optimization.

本文主要在以下几个方面开展工作并获得了一些认知和结论:(1)通过分析样带区域内高寒草甸、高寒灌丛、沼泽化湿地和草原化高寒草甸四个通量观测站点草地生态系统总初级生产力变化特征,研究结果表明HBBT矮嵩草草甸生态系统植被光合作用能力较强,年GPP总量为652.2 gC/m~2,明显高于其他三种生态系统;通过利用"单塔日变化法"获得四站点通量观测数据随机误差,结果表明通量观测随机误差概率分布呈现尖峰厚尾的特征,与正态分布相比,更服从双边指数分布,进一步分析表明通量观测随机误差随环境变量(风速、温度和光合有效辐射)的变化而变化,这违背了普通最小二乘法进行生态过程模型参数优化正态分布且误差同质的假设,因此本研究中引入最大似然法进行生态过程模型参数优化。

Motts are small, stubby-legged quadrupeds that can sometimes be heard snuffling in the mudbanks and grasses of the Naboo swamps.


Barely two blocks back from the water, on either side of the bayou, the town abruptly stops, giving way to an endless maze of marsh grass and open water and more marsh grass adorned with statuesque snowy egrets fishing stone-still in a pose straight out of an Audubon painting.


The sun sets on some retired meadow, where no house is visible, with all the glory and splendor that it lavishes on cities, and, perchance, as it has never set before,--where there is but a solitary marsh-hawk to have his wings gilded by it, or only a masques lookout from his cabin, and there is some little black-veined brook in the midst of the marsh, just beginning to meander, winding slowly round a decaying stum We walked in so pure and bright a light, gilding the withered grass and leaves, so softly and serenely bright, I thought I had never bathed in such a golden flood, without a ripple or a murmur to it.


This is a forage grass, providing hay from swampy areas.


The result indicated that: with the change of ecological factors and intensification of human activities,strong stability of grassland community structure of the local alpine meadow type along the highway in this region was found,proportion of medium xerophilous、rhizomous grass increased;alpine grassland community had relatively low stability,grassland community successed naturally to adapt to the new environment;...


Wetland reduces 263122.5 hm2 from 1954 to 2000. The cultivated land increase engrosses lots of grassland and wetland; the woodland decreases except from 1954 to 1976;the village and town construction expands.


Main factors in different seasons have been known, Fractal character of the distribution pattern. the Box dimension, Information dimension and corelative dimension of the D.


In this paper, four different representative grassland types in Eastern Qilian Mountains were selected to be experimental samples. They were Polygonum meadow, Grass steppe, Swamp meadow and Kobresia meadow.


Seven different representative vegetation types of alpine grassland in Eastern Qilian Mountains, which were Rhododendron fruticosa shrub land, Salix cupularis fruticosa shrub land, Dasiphoru fruticosa shrub land, Polygonum grassland, Grass steppe, Swamp grassland and Kobresia grassland were selected to be experimental samples.

本文选取东祁连山七种具有代表性的高寒草地植被类型作为试验样地,即杜鹃灌丛(Rhododendron fruticosa shrub land),高山柳灌丛(Salix cupularis fruticosa shrub land),金露梅灌丛,珠芽蓼草地,禾草草地,沼泽草地,嵩草草地。

更多网络解释与草地沼泽相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Anabasis salsa:盐生假木贼

新疆植被类型多样,草地有草原、荒漠、草甸、沼泽四大草地类组的11个类25个亚类;天然森林有针叶林、落叶阔叶林和灌木林3种生态类型;准噶尔盆地北部有草原化矮半灌木荒漠,即含有沙生针茅(Stipa glareosa)、盐生假木贼(Anabasis salsa)和小蓬(Nanophyton erimceum)的砾漠,




ever frozen soil 永冻土 | everglade 沼泽草地 | evergreen forest 常绿林

grassy bog:禾草沼泽

grassland survey 草地甸 | grassy bog 禾草沼泽 | graticule 地理坐标网

wet meadows:湿草甸; 沼泽草地

wet lime熟石灰;消石灰 | wet meadows湿草甸;沼泽草地 | wet phosphoric acid湿法制备的磷酸

grass moor:禾草沼泽

grassland yield 草地产量 | grass moor 禾草沼泽 | grass-steppe 禾草草原

grass moth:草螟

grass moor 酸沼草原,禾草沼泽 | grass moth 草螟 | grass plot 小片草地[多指林间草地]

meadow barley:草地大麦

meachanical scanning ==> 机械扫描 | meadow barley ==> 草地大麦 | meadow bog ==> 草地沼泽,草甸沼泽,低洼沼泽,水湿地

meadow moor:草地沼泽,低位沼泽草地

meadow grass rotation ==> 草地轮作 | meadow moor ==> 草地沼泽,低位沼泽草地 | meadow moth ==> 草地螟

meadow moor:草甸沼泽, 草甸酸沼

Meadow ground 草地 | Meadow moor 草甸沼泽, 草甸酸沼 | Meadow prairie 草甸普列里,群落,草甸草原