英语人>词典>汉英 : 范围检验 的英文翻译,例句
范围检验 的英文翻译、例句


range test
更多网络例句与范围检验相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The set of values of the test statistic for which the test rejects the null is the rejection region, and the values of the test statistic for which it does not reject the null is the acceptance region.


To analyse the signal test, binomial probability law was used for significance testing of signals in the images emitted from human hand in different period of time, which proved that human hand can emit ultra-weak bioluminscence, the photon inensity emitted from fingers is in the range of 300~550 photons/s and the whole hand in 850~1200 photons/s.


Only in cauchy distribution are expected value and variance non-exist. By sas programming with SQL and MACRO we solve the fit of frequency distributions of data with these distributions. Meanwhile good-of-fit test is actualized so that the bound of parameters of distribution function is dwindling until the desired accuracy is arrived. The process is executed by the circle of macro.


Testing field: Manufacture license testing, pattern examination and consignation testing of food-use plastic package and container products, voluntary products certification testing arranged by authentication organizations, testing for photo-degradation products, testing for other plastic packaging and relevant products.


The first approach was a qualitative test method, and gave statistical correlation trend. Second and third approaches were quantitative test methods, and indicated the goodness of fitting and the ranges of the residual estimation errors.


Limiting the alternatives of model by residual variance, together with parameters estimation, the correlation of the estimates matrix, the autocorrelation check of the residuals and the fitting test, can help to search for suitable model quickly and accurately.


Materials and Methods: There were 91 prostate cancer patients included in this study. We analyzed the characteristics of each item of the EORTC QLQ-C30 and EORTC QLQ-PR25 by CTT and IRT. The infit statistics of Rasch model was used to examine the unidimensionality of each domain, and also evaluate the item difficulty, the range of item threshold, item targeting and the reliability of the two questionnaires. Furthermore, patients were measured before therapy and at 1, 3 and 6 months after the start of therapy and then compared each health-related quality of life score of the post-therapy groups with the baseline scores. Finally, the item psychometric properties were examined for different groups stratified by age and disease severity.

材料与方法:本研究共计收案91名摄护腺癌患者,利用传统测量与项目反应理论(item response theory, IRT)比较分析问卷各题目的特质,以适合度指标检验各向度是否符合单一向度的假设,并检验每一题目的难度、门槛值范围、适中性,以及问卷的信度;然后,再检验各题目在治疗前后、不同疾病严重度或不同年龄族群中之心理计量特质是否相同。

Business: metal processing machinery manufacturing, mold | fixture | Instruments accessories processing | repair and sales of major products: flat-panel inquiry scraping, grinding plate, testing platform, crossed platform, the assembly platform , Maohan platform, surveying platforms, the basic platform, testing platform, welding platform, San Zuobiao platform, combined platform, T-slot splicing platform, parallel-foot, the bridge-foot, rectangular-foot, point-foot , Cubic feet, to me, V-Rail, the partial-place check, the new partial-place, micrometer, school-axis, flatness Qiaoban adjustable, adjustable level of regulation, crossed disk, magnetic to me, magnetic V-type planes, V-shaped pieces of steel planes, machine damping Sizing Block, adjustable Sizing Block, ladder Sizing Block, Pad, chrome-plated jack, the southbound span Jack, Park-testing wand, Park-Jiaochi, table with chrome Park Jiao Chi-chu, Her taper gauge, Her taper shank test rods, 7:24 taper shank test rods, proof-reading Cypriot ring for smooth, sinusoidal regulation, the board cards, aluminum model of the arc, the arc of mold Model-foot aluminum, magnesium-alloy-foot primers, Dummy Bar, granite slab, granite-foot, granite cubic feet, granite, me, V-shaped granite blocks, wrenches Plum, knock - Wrenches, stay wrenches, single wrenches, bending handle wrench, straight handle wrench, convex-wrench, pry bar wrenches, sockets and heavy anti-explosive tool product line.


Paired t-test analysis was performed on the thresholds of SVR and PTA at each frequency (0.5, 1, 2 and 4kHz), and analysis of variance was performed on the difference between the pure tone audiometry threshold and the evoked potential threshold among different frequency.


Test field: Manufacture license testing, pattern examination and testing of food-use paper package and container products, voluntary products commission testing arranged by authentication organizations, degradation products testing, like paper product, amylum-made product, etc., testing for toxicant and injurant in electron or electric manufactures, testing for other packaging and relevant products.


更多网络解释与范围检验相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


检验一个国家是否存在无政府状态,并不在于境内或者统治范围内是否出现了不同程度的无序状态,以及管理不善的状况. "无政府"(Anarchy)一词原来在希腊语中的含义是"无君",即"没有君主了".


6 均匀性 (Homogeneity) 物质的一种或几种特性具有相同组分或相同结构的状态. 通过检验具有规定大小的样品,若被测量的特性值均在规定的不确定度范围内,则该标准物质对这一特性来说是均匀的. 7 稳定性 (Stability) 在规定的时间间隔和环境条件下,

extent of defect in:缺陷百分率

exposure distance 防火距离 | extent of defect in % 缺陷百分率 | extent of inspection 检验范围

extent of defect in:缺陷百分比

exposure distance 防火距离 | extent of defect in % 缺陷百分比 | extent of inspection 检验范围

range of variation:变差范围

range of a variable 变量范围 | range of variation 变差范围 | range test 范围检验

range test:范围检验

range of variation 变差范围 | range test 范围检验 | rank 秩


对临床症状的解释是症状学(semiotics). 医生的检查检验通常称为test. 不同职位有不同的需要,你可以从招聘广告或该职位的职责范围中找到. 试用红笔圈出一些描述资历、经验、技能和其他要求的主要字眼(Key words),然后确定所有字眼都显示在履历表当中.


4.1 中子活化分析(naa)是确定物质元素成份的定性和定量的分析方法,它具有很高的灵敏度和准确性,能够在微克和纤克(毫微克)的范围内检验元素. 在gsr的检验中,naa用于检验射击者手臂上的锑和钡的存在和数量. 这些元素是许多子弹底火的成份,

Agreement on Preshipment Inspection:装运前检验协议

<<装运前检验协议>>(Agreement on Preshipment Inspection)是世界贸易组织管辖的一项多边贸易协议. 它由前言和9条组成. 它的主要条款有:适用范围和定义、用户成员的义务、出口成员的义务、独立审议程序、通知、审议、协商、争端解决、最后条款等.

stannous chloride:氯化亚锡

1.适用范围:本检验方法适用於大浆果类、小浆果类、小叶菜类、包叶菜类、瓜果类、瓜菜类、米类、豆菜类、果菜类、柑桔类、核果类、根菜类、乾豆类、梨果类、麦类、杂粮类中二硫代胺基甲酸盐类(dithiocarbamates)之检验. 2.2.试药:盐酸、乙醇及氯化亚锡(stannous chloride)均采用化学试药特级;二硫化碳为分光光度级.