英语人>词典>汉英 : 范围不广的 的英文翻译,例句
范围不广的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与范围不广的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Bad is the most inclusive; it applies to what is regarded as being unpleasant, offensive, or blameworthy

Bad 是范围最广的词;它适用于任何被认为是不愉快的、讨厌的或该受责备的事

Researches show that the drive force characteristics of the electric tractor drive system based on series DC motor is close the ideal characteristics, the curves are concave, low speed with constant power, and high speed with constant torque; the electric tractor has large working speed under different shifts, but the extensive coincidence speed shows that the variable ratio of the gear is unreasonable; the maximum climbable gradient of this electric tractor is more than 30%, and does not need frequent shift when working for its extensive climbable gradient; there are many influence factors of continuous working time, which the more obvious factors are working speed and working load, the working time increases with the increase of the working speed and working load.2. Simulation researches on the drive characteristic of the electric tractor.


The conditional symmetry instability is the intermediate process between the stable and instable states of the atmosphere. The evolution of the atmosphere from the stable to unstable state or from unstable to stable state comes through two stages. The convective-symmetric instability circulation is related with the state and type of the instability. When the conditional instability lies in the lower level and conditional symmetric instability in the upper level, the circulation will have vertical updrafts in the lower level and slantwise updrafts in the upper level. The release of conditional symmetric instability gives rise to a mesoscale rain belt.


When there is statistical difference between training set and test set, robust learning algorithm should be used.


Object to, resort to, react to, contribute to, look forward to, be accustomed to, be committed to, be exposed to, be subjected to, be devoted to, be dedicated to, be opposed to, be reconciled to, be contrary to, be used to, come close to, get down to, give oneself up to, prefer…to, see to, set to, take to, in addition to, with regard to, with a view to, on the way to


But the difference tread electrical engineering to also have some weakness, the most is economically to can't carry out scope more wide smooth adjust soon;Have to absorb the 励 magnetoelectricity of 滞 to flow from the charged barbed wire net, make a charged barbed wire net achievement a type factor to lower.


This Palladacycle catalyzed Heck reaction was characterized by a wide variety of substrates, mildness of reaction conditions, freedom from protection of inert gases and high catalytic activity retainable after repeated uses.


As for the quantity and scope of the literary quotation used,he has overpassed the writers at that time and grand old mans. As for the state of literary quotation in the poems,they are assimilated by Xin into his own poems,and can hardly distinguish where they are from. As for the motivation of using the literary quotation,Xin is not only for using them,but for building better bourn and expressing the emotion. As for the methods,Xin always use them skillfully to meet different purpose with transfer,direct use and adduction.


Unlike other skiing disciplines, which are usually dominated by European athletes, freestyle aerialists cover a wider range.


Waterborne diseases are not usually as serious or widespread as water-washed diseases such as skin and eye infections, which result from insufficient water for personal hygiene.


更多网络解释与范围不广的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

boa constrictor:红尾蚺

红尾蚺(Boa constrictor)又称红尾蟒,顾名思义,红尾蚺的尾巴為红色﹔有数个亚种,分布范围很广,每种体色与花纹都不尽相同,顏色十分美丽. 图為祕鲁红尾蚺有部份区域个体尾部的顏色较鲜艳,例如苏利南...

droit maritime:海商法

法国海商法(DROIT MARITIME)的教学涉及范围较广,也不会忽视海洋法(DROIT DES OCEANIQUES). 而国内的海商法往往只涉及私法那一块,...


二、将想法(idea)转变为特殊的问题仅仅有想法不能使研究进一步深入. 将想法转变为特殊的问题,可使研究者明确问题,为范围较广的课题寻找到切入点. 这实质上是一个"聚焦"(focusing)的过程. 如"中学英语教学中语言与文化有什么关系?"这里,"中学英语教学"可以作为一个整体来


143.inclusive 包含一切的,范围广的 | 144.incogitant 无思维能力的,考虑不周的 | 145.incommensurate 不成比例的,不相称的


comprehensive 全部的 | incomprehensive 范围不广的 | commend 推荐 表扬


-重元素(Element)阻值均衡,因此熔断时间的散波范围不广. -绿色环保产品:绝不使用玻璃纤维(Glass fiber)和铅(Plumbum)-玻璃纤维(Glass fiber)和铅(Plumbum)是将2012年环境抵制物质对象


临床心理学家(Psychologist)和精神病医师(Psychiatrist)是不一样的,前者是"哲学博士",没有处方权,后者是有处方权的"医生",是医学博士. 心理医生(Psychologist) 私人、学校、罪犯、大学、经济领域、医疗健康系统都需要心理医生,你工作的选择范围很广.

Rallus aquaticus:秧鸡

数量虽不多而分布范围更广(伸展到非洲北部)的是水秧鸡(Rallus aquaticus),体细瘦而有淡红色的长嘴. 几个不能飞行的种类分布于离陆地的海岛上︰呆秧鸡(Atlantisia rogersi)仅见于南大西洋的特里斯坦-达库尼亚(Tristan da Cunha)群岛中的伊纳克塞瑟布尔(Inaccessible)岛;


派生依靠词缀完成,词缀分前缀、中缀(infixes)和后缀. 其中前缀和后级的使用范围更广、频率更高. 前级改变词的意义,通常不改变词性,如mis-,pre-,re-,un-. 后缀通常改变词性,如-ness,-ish,-ful,-ly等. 英语构词很少用中缀,


他们认为"类固醇"(steroids)的范围太广,它包含了胆固醇、性激素和皮质类固醇等具有共同多环结构的化合物. "皮质类固醇(corticosteroids )"和"类皮质激素(corticoids)"都不够准确,因为它不能明确是指肾上腺皮质合成的两类类固醇激素中的哪一种;