英语人>词典>汉英 : 苹果馅饼 的英文翻译,例句
苹果馅饼 的英文翻译、例句


apple pie · apple tart
更多网络例句与苹果馅饼相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

W:Here is your pie a la mode,sir.


C:Let me see...I'll have an apple pie a la mode.


I'll have the roast turkey dinner with tomato juice, mashed potatoes, string beans, Roquefort on the salad , apple pie a la mode and coffee later.


Anyway, the good thing about making an apple crumble is that everything can be made beforehand, which means I can concentrate on the 'pork' roast and the fish when I'm finished with dessert.


The traditional meal centres around a roast turkey stuffed with breadcrumbs and sage, supplemented by a generous assortment of candied yams topped with baby marshmallows, mashed potatoes with gravy,baked potatoes, potatoes au gratin, baked winter squash, mashed winter squash, jellied salad, green salad, stewed tomatoes, canned green beans, creamed onions, brussels sprouts, cornbread, dinner rolls,cranberry relish, celery, olives, pumpkin pie, apple pie, mince pie, Indian pudding, and ice cream.


Pie, apple pie, mince pie, Indian pudding, and ice cream.


Which means too many guys are eating the apples without leaving off the pie, strudel, and fritter part.


Henry prefers strawberry pie, but his wife always bakes apple pie.


The traditional meal centres around a roast turkey stuffed with breadcrumbs and sage, supplemented by a generous assortment of candied yams topped with baby marshmallows, mashed potatoes with gravy,baked potatoes, potatoes au gratin, baked winter squash, mashed winter squash, jellied salad, green salad, stewed tomatoes, canned green beans, creamed onions, brussels sprouts, cornbread, dinner rolls,cranberry relish, celery, olives, pumpkin pie, apple pie, mince pie, Indian pudding, and ice cream.


For piecrusts, the secret is not over-rolling or over-kneading the dough.


更多网络解释与苹果馅饼相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Apple Pie:苹果馅饼

当地特产的苹果馅饼(Apple Pie)每周上市一万个,还是供不应求,自酿的葡萄酒与蜂蜜也大受欢迎. 年轻恋人则喜欢在"白色圣诞"期间到小镇的教堂登记结婚,坐着古色古香的马车踏雪而行,追寻那种童话般的美妙意境.

offered apple pie:提供苹果馅饼

delicious=美味的; | ...offered apple pie....提供苹果馅饼........... | passion=激情;

Apple Tart:苹果馅饼

apple soda water 苹果汽水 | apple tart 苹果馅饼 | apple vinegar 苹果醋

fritter apple:油炸苹果馅饼

油炸馅饼 fritter | 油炸苹果馅饼 fritter apple | 胡里兹[连续白脱]制造法,胡里兹[连续奶酪]制造法 fritz process

apple pie; apple tart:苹果馅饼

苹果排 apple pie; apple tart | 苹果馅饼 apple pie; apple tart | 水果馅饼 fruit pie; fruit flan

Tarte Tatin:焦糖苹果馅饼

peche melba 冰淇淋桃和覆盆子调料 | tarte tatin 焦糖苹果馅饼 | creme caramel 焦糖奶油蛋羹

And crisp apple strudels:脆脆的苹果馅饼

Cream coloured ponies 奶油色的小马驹 | And crisp apple strudels 脆脆的苹果馅饼 | Doorbells and sleigh bells 门铃和雪橇铃,


applepancake苹果煎饼 | applepie苹果馅饼 | applepiealamode奶油苹果馅饼


applepiealamode奶油苹果馅饼 | applepie,Americanstyle美式苹果 | applepiewithcream奶油苹果馅饼


苹果排applepie;appletart | 苹果馅饼applepie;appletart | 水果馅饼fruitpie;fruitflan