英语人>词典>汉英 : 英国民兵 的英文翻译,例句
英国民兵 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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By July, American General Horatio Gates, who had assembled a replacement force of untrained militiamen, rushed to Camden, South Carolina, to confront British forces led by General Charles Cornwallis.

在七月之前,美国霍雷肖盖兹上将,已经装配一个未经训练民兵的替换力量,对 Camden ,南卡罗莱那州冲了,面对被 Cornwallis 查尔斯上将引导的英国军队。

At the same time, he became an Arab nationalist and began procuring weapons to be smuggled into the former British Mandate of Palestine, for use by irregulars in the Arab Higher Committee and the Army of the Holy War militias.


However, the British military personnel is 50 percent of Canada's militia.


Catching and killing them is useful propaganda for the Shabab, not least for indoctrinating its young fighters and suicide-bombers in the belief that America, Britain, Italy, the Vatican, along with Ethiopia and Kenya, are all "crusaders" trying to convert Somalis to Christianity. The UN lurks nefariously behind. Israel, of course, is also doing its bit to undermine Islam.


Catching and killing them is useful propaganda for the Shabab, not least for indoctrinating its young fighters and suicide-bombers in the belief that America, Britain, Italy, the Vatican, along with Ethiopia and Kenya, are all "crusaders" trying to convert Somalis to Christianity. The UN lurks nefariously behind. Israel, of course, is also doing its bit to undermine Islam.


Henry II relied for armed support upon a militia made up of English Freemen.


The makeshift rebel militia, the Minutemen, rose under the leadership of George Washington and defeated the British forces in the battle of Lexington and Concord, an event Sam notes in chapter one.


Meanwhile, American emissaries met Syria's President Bashar Assad in Damascus and Britain said it would talk to Lebanon's pro-Syrian Shia party-cum-militia, Hizbullah.


Meanwhile, American emissaries met Syria's President Bashar Assad in Damascus and Britain said it would talk to Lebanon's pro-Syrian Shia party-cum-militia, Hizbullah.


Meanwhile, American emissaries met Syria'sPresident Bashar Assad in Damascus and Britain said it would talk toLebanon's pro-Syrian Shia party-cum-militia, Hizbullah.


更多网络解释与英国民兵相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


fyke 长袋网 | fylfot 万字形 | fyrd 英国民兵


fylfot 万字形 | fyrd 英国民兵 | fytte 歌




fyrd 英国民兵 | fytte 歌 | G-force 地球引力