英语人>词典>汉英 : 英国圣公会的 的英文翻译,例句
英国圣公会的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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In time, these churches gained independence, but retained connections with the mother church in the Anglican Communion.


So Anglicanism is a pet project from him to enhance his sex life, and still, today, the British are Anglican.


In the liturgical sense, the term Gospel is applied to the short selections from the four Gospels that are read or sung in the Roman Catholic Mass and the Anglican Communion service, between the Epistle and the creed.


Roman Catholic, Orthodox and many Anglican Christians venerate Mary, as do the non-Chalcedonian or Oriental Orthodox, a communion of churches that has been traditionally deemed monophysite (such as the Coptic Orthodox Church of Egypt and the Ethiopian Tewahedo Church).


In this and other areas Protestantism's scriptural principle has itself been articulated in different ways, both to sanction the retention of traditions not repugnant to Scripture (a typically Lutheran and Anglican approach) and to debar from the church's life anything not explicitly warranted in Scripture (a tendency of Reformed Protestantism implemented most consistently by Puritanism and some derivative traditions).


On July 8 , 1969 , a plan calling for merger of the Methodist and Anglican communions faced defeat at the hands of the Anglican Convocations where the concept of historic episcopacy as an office and not an order proved unacceptable .

对1969年7月8日,一项计划,要求合并的循道卫理和英国圣公会 communions 面对败在手中圣公会convocations那里的概念,历史之故,作为办公室,而不是为了证明,是不能接受的。

Of, having to do with, or characteristic of the Church of England or any of the churches related to it in origin and communion, such as the Protestant Episcopal Church.


By a strange quirk of history the Protestant Episcopal Church in America drew on this book in compiling its liturgy, and thus today the Anglican Communion embraces provinces of more Catholic or Protestant theological outlook depending on whether their liturgy is ultimately derived from the 1549 or 1552 archetype.


Others, such as the Anglican communion, were less stringent and regarded many traditional practices, though without scriptural warrant, as adiaphora.


The condemnation of Anglican Orders by Pope Leo XIII in the Bull "Apostolicae Curae", 13 September, 1896, shuts out the hope entertained by some of what was termed "corporate reunion", even if it had ever been possible, which Newman did not believe.

谴责英国圣公会的订单由罗马教皇利奥十三,在牛市的& apostolicae curae &, 1896年9月13日,关闭了,希望受理的一些什么被称为&企业团聚&,即使它已被以往任何时候都可能,纽曼没有相信。

更多网络解释与英国圣公会的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]




Adam亚当 | Anglican英国圣公会的 | apocalypse(基督教)启示

Anglican Church:同上,英国国教(中国称为)圣公会

Anglican Church, 同上,英国国教(中国称为)圣公会 | The Episcopal Church 英国国教(在美国的称呼) | Evangelism 福音派


自伊利莎白女王一世以来,英国圣公会成为主教制,就是由女王直接委任主教治理地方教会,并在公共崇拜中遗传许多天主教的礼仪,此举引起许多改革的新教徒的不满,这群忠于改革的人就是当时的清教徒. 在1643年,查理士(Charles)当政之时(1625~1649),当时议院的议员以

Episcopal:主教的, 主教制度的, 英国国教的 (形)

episcopacy 主教统辖制度; 主教之职务 (名) | episcopal 主教的, 主教制度的, 英国国教的 (形) | Episcopalian 主教派教会; 圣公会成员 (名)


一八六七年全球圣公会在英国兰贝斯(LAMBETH)召开代表大会,同时决定每十年举行一次类似的会议. 此后不久,誓反教改革教派也成立"改革教派全球联盟"(ALLEANZAMONIALEDELLECHIESERIFORMATE);浸信会也成立"全球浸信会联盟"(ALLEANZABATTISTAMONDIALE);


圣餐有各种不同的名称:罗马天主教称之为"弥撒"(Mass),东正教称之为"圣餐仪式"(Divine Liturgy),浸礼派称之为"主的晚餐"(Lord's Supper),而英国圣公会称之为"感恩圣餐"(Eucharist).


他们制造出如 此大的冲突,以至于造成了很多黑人家庭关系的破裂,而且,甚至更糟,尤其当 天主教徒,英国圣公会 教徒(Anglican),循道宗信徒(Methodist),长老会教徒(Presbyterian)遍及非洲的时候.这种蓄谋导 致的同一类冲突,

protestant episcopal church:圣公会

(4) 当改革宗教会传入新大陆之后,就实际上产生了各式各样的加尔文派教会,主要的有:由荷兰移民所设立的美洲改革宗教会(Reformed Church of America),由英国移民开始的复原派圣公会(Protestant Episcopal Church)和由苏格兰移民所设立的改革宗长老教会(Reformed Presbyterian Church),

Sharia law:伊斯兰教法

这几天来,圣公会坎特伯雷大主教若望.威廉斯(Rowan Williams)的一番有关英国法律与伊斯兰教法(sharia law)可以共享法权的讲话,在英国掀起喧然大波. 政党、媒体,不论左中右,都强烈地批评了威廉斯的提议;圣公会内部,保守派和开明派同时表示不满,