英语人>词典>汉英 : 苜蓿 的英文翻译,例句
苜蓿 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
alfalfa  ·  clover  ·  lucern  ·  medick

purple medic · bur clover · clover blossom · heart trefoil
更多网络例句与苜蓿相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In clover lands, there is decreasing soil organic matter and other nutrients, and soil physical properties are better with lower salinity due to less human disturbance. On other hand, azotobacter of legume increases the available nitrogen content in surface soil.


To better understand the roles of LsrA protein in nodulation, a series of analyses of nodules using scanning electron microscopy, genetic and biochemical approaches have been carried out. Our analyses suggest that the lsrA1 nodules contain bacteroids in the invasion and establishing zone only. The lsrA gene expression is active early in the invasion zone and activated later than bacA genes. The lost of LsrA protein dramatically reduced the expression of nifA and fixK, and completely blocked the expression of the nifH gene for nitrogenase. LsrA protein functions early in the bacteroid development and it is essential for the development nitrogen fixing bacteroids.

前期的工作中,苜蓿中华根瘤菌Rm1021中90个候选LysR基因已经被定向插入突变,并筛选在自生生长时期、共生生长时期的表型,以期寻找更多在自生状态或共生固氮中有功能的LysR转录因子。1 针对前期鉴定出的共生固氮必需的lsrA基因,我们应用了一系列扫描电子显微镜技术、生物化学、分子遗传学等方法,发现lsrA基因主要在根瘤侵染区开始表达,表达时序也在侵染阶段左右,但晚于bacA基因表达;LsrA蛋白缺失后根瘤固氮区中缺乏具有固氮能力的类菌体,nifA和fixK基因的转录水平降低,nifH基因的转录被完全阻断,因此LsrA蛋白为根瘤发育所必需,是新的根瘤发育信号传导途径成员。2 通过表型筛选我们鉴定了苜蓿中华根瘤菌的oxyR基因,并研究了它的调节特性。oxyR突变后,苜蓿中华根瘤菌对过氧化氢敏感性提高,适应性降低。

The managing technique of weed control in the utilized first field was established by using Pendimethalin combiningwith shallow intertilling and raining after germinating, artificial control for weeds that still survive and germinate was carried on once or twice, and other perennial weeds and Convolvulus arvensis were sprayed Butoxone along the alfalfa line.


By collecting ,testing, comparing, and analyzing the soil samples, soil recovery under the various recovery conditions along Mian CountyNingqiang highway was studied. The results were as follows herbaceous recovery to the soil fertility recovery in the prior was greater than the combination of grass and irrigation or than the pure bushes recovery. In each of them, the content of organic matter were 13.84, 7.50, 6.00 g·kg-1; In the recovery of herbaceous ecology, to grow leguminous plant and granminaceous plant together was better than pure graninaceous plant or pure leguminous plant. In each of them, the content of organic matter was 29.67, 17.51, 9.37 g·kg-1; to sow ryegrass and alfalfa together with some local grass seeds or to grow coxcomb, alfalfa and local couch grass together could bring better effects than to plant the alfalfa only. In each of them the increased organic matter contents were 4.93,17.51 and 9.37 g·kg-1;the quotas of the organic matter and alkaline hydrolysis nitrogen in soil fetility factor were closely connected, mainly because of the difference between the generation quantity and resolution quantity of the organic matter in the soil surface.

采集土壤样品,经室内分析化验,用对比分析的方法对勉县至宁强高速公路生态恢复中不同恢复类型条件下的土壤恢复进行了研究,结果表明草本恢复类型对前期土壤肥力的恢复作用大于草灌结合,并大于单纯灌木恢复类型,其中有机质含量分别为13.84、7.50和6.00 g·kg-1;在草本生态恢复类型中,豆科植物与禾本科植物混播恢复类型大于禾本科植物恢复类型的作用,并大于单纯豆科植物恢复类型的作用,其中有机质含量分别为29.67、17.51和9.37 g·kg-1;黑麦草与苜蓿混播并有当地草种入侵以及小冠花与苜蓿混播并播入当地草种羊茅,明显优于纯苜蓿单播,其中有机质含量分别增加了4.93和3.32 g·kg-1;土壤肥力因子中有机质与碱解氮两个指标有较好的相关性,主要与土壤表层有机质的生成量和分解量之差有关。

The results showed that the total dissoluble proteins hands of 8% and 10% gel were 91 and 97, respectively, and the seed salt soluble proteins bands of 10% gel were 69; All of the five alfalfa species have their own characteristic bands, which are different in number, distribution, width, and concentration; Among three methods, the five species' seed dissoluble protein fingerprints of 10% gel' bands is relatively more, which genetic diversity scattered in A, B and C regions, and can be repeated in different experiments. So it's the best fingerprint. The fingerprints of the seed dissoluble proteins and seed salt soluble proteins of five species are unanimous, which showed that: the hybrid has the nearest genetic distance with Medico go sativa cv.

结果显示:5/个种10%和8%凝胶电泳的种子可溶性蛋白总带数分别为97和91, 10%凝胶电泳的种子盐溶蛋白共有69条谱带;5种苜蓿在种子可溶性蛋白和盐溶蛋白电泳图上都具有各自的特征谱带,谱带数目、位置、宽窄和颜色深浅都存在明显的差异;10%凝胶的可溶性蛋白指纹图谱谱带数目相对较多,种间遗传差异在A、B、C区均有分布,谱带的重复性好,是鉴别种的最好图谱。5种苜蓿种子可溶性蛋白和盐溶蛋白指纹图谱一致,表明杂交种和敖汉苜蓿的谱带相似性最大。

Medicago truncatula and Medicago scutellata wew prematurity type, the developmental stage was 95 days; Medicago polymorpha, Medicago littoralis and Medicago lupilina were serotinous type, developmental stage was 110,140 and 110 respectively.


In order to study the effect of high density ensilaging techniques on the fermentation quality of the silage, eight combination (alfalfa、smooth bromegrass、alfalfa + smooth bromegrass、alfalfa +corn flour、alfalfa + smooth bromegrass+ corn flour、smooth bromegrass + corn flour +urea、cornstalk and cornstalk + corn flour +urea) were used in this experiment.


In this paper, male sterile line of alfalfa was used to be improved with crossing, because the seed production of crossing is low. The affecting factors of seed production of male sterile line of alfalfa and its crossing progenies that are crossed with male sterile lines of alfalfa and good alfalfa that male is fertile were analyzed. The characteristics of female reproductive organs of male sterile line and its crossing progenies are analyzed in cell morphology. The genetic difference of male sterile line and its crossing progenies are analyzed in enzyme protein. The results showed: 1、Rate of podding of nature crossing and fecundity of artificial crossing of the male sterile plant BC1-2 that is the crossing progency of male sterile line of alfalfa and Medicago varia Martin.cv.'Caoyuan No.1'is higher than male sterile lines. Rate of podding of nature crossing and fecundity of artificial crossing of the male sterile plants BC1-19、BC1-21、BC1-22、BC1-23 that are the crossing progencies of male sterile line of alfalfa and Medicago sativa L.cv.

针对苜蓿雄性不育系杂交制种产量低的问题,采用杂交法对苜蓿雄性不育系进行改良,以原苜蓿雄性不育系为轮回亲本与雄性可育优良苜蓿品种杂交,分析苜蓿雄性不育系及其杂交后代种子产量的影响因素,从细胞形态学方面观察和分析杂交后代及原不育系在雌性生殖器官上的变异特点,从酶蛋白水平对杂交后代及原不育系的遗传差异进行分析,初步研究结果如下: 1、苜蓿雄性不育系与草原一号苜蓿的杂交后代不育株BC1-2,以及苜蓿雄性不育系与X′(苜蓿雄性不育系与新疆大叶苜蓿的杂种F1代)的杂交后代不育株BC1-19、BC1-21、BC1-22、BC1-23的天然杂交结荚率和人工杂交制种的结荚率和百粒重均高于原苜蓿雄性不育系。

Alfalfa is used as resourceful storeroom of soluble Dietary fiber, the nutrient alfalfa excel the podding alfalfa . Alfalfa is used as resourceful storeroom of insoluble Dietary fiber, the podding alfalfa excel the nutrient alfalfa .


Based on the first year's silage effect, half-hay+BM+PFJ was used with second year's xinmu No.1. It was compared and analyzed to the silage results and nutrient variety of xinmu No.1 in different stubbles and under different treating condition.

比较分析了新牧一号苜蓿不同年份与茬次营养变化和不同处理条件下苜蓿青贮效果。3根据前期各种青贮试验结果,2004 年用第二年生新牧一号苜蓿的第1 茬为试验材料,采用半干发酵、半干+PFJ 和半干+BM+PFJ 青贮处理方法,分别制作了600kg 的小型青贮,并用小型苜蓿青贮料作了不同处理的适口性试验。

更多网络解释与苜蓿相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


希波战争曾把"苜蓿"(Alfalfa)输入到希腊. 苜蓿是喂马的一种很好的饲料,希腊人称之为Mēdikē,因为大量生产于波斯境内的米底,而由希波战争时传如希腊的. 中国音译为苜蓿,可能出自波斯境内靠近里海一个地方的土语būso. 希腊人称桃子为波斯苹果,

alfalfa sprouts:苜蓿芽

文告说:"食品与药物管理局将会同苜蓿芽(alfalfa sprouts)生产商合力调查,确定哪一些种子和苜蓿芽与污染事件无关,以便尽快修订此项文告的内容. "美国食品与药物管理局说,密歇根、明尼苏达、宾夕法尼亚、南达科他、犹他和西弗吉尼亚六个州共有31个沙门氏菌(Salmonella Saintpaul)感染病例.

cloverleaf structure:苜蓿叶结构

clover oil 苜蓿油 | cloverleaf structure 苜蓿叶结构 | clupeine 鲱精蛋白

black medic; hop clover; Medicago lupulina:黄花苜蓿;天蓝苜蓿

黑头病 black head disease; histomoniasis | 黄花苜蓿;天蓝苜蓿 black medic; hop clover; Medicago lupulina | 黑芥(籽) black mustard

Medicago lupulina L.; yellow trefoil; black medick; hop clover:天蓝苜蓿;黑莱苜蓿;杂花苜蓿

苜蓿;母荠头;草头;黄花草子;金花菜(江南) Medicago hispida Gaertu. | 天蓝苜蓿;黑莱苜蓿;杂花苜蓿 Medicago lupulina L.; yellow trefoil; black medick; hop clover | 杂色花苜蓿 Medicago media Pers.

Medicago sativa:紫苜蓿,苜蓿

mediator 调解人,介体,介质,媒剂,媒质 | Medicago sativa 紫苜蓿,苜蓿 | medical academy 医学专科院校

Trigonella ruthenica L:花苜蓿;肩豆子;苜蓿草;野苜蓿

苜蓿;肩豆子;苜蓿草;野苜蓿 Trigonella ruthenica L. | 三数木科 Trigoniaceae | 三宝木属(大戟科) Trigonostemon

alfalfa meal; lucerne meal:苜蓿粉

"苜蓿耙","alfalfa harrow" | "苜蓿粉","alfalfa meal; lucerne meal" | "苜蓿;紫苜蓿","alfalfa; lucerne; Midicago sativa"

Medicago echinus Dc.; calvary clover:刺果苜蓿(于)

苜蓿(名医别录);天蓝 Medicago denticulata Willd; toothed bar clover; M. hispida Gaertu. | 刺果苜蓿(于) Medicago echinus Dc.; calvary clover | 野苜蓿;连花生 Medicago falcata L.

clover seed:苜蓿草籽

clover meal 苜蓿饲料粉 | clover seed 苜蓿草籽 | clover 苜蓿