英语人>词典>汉英 : 花托 的英文翻译,例句
花托 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
receptacle  ·  thalamus  ·  torus  ·  receptaculum  ·  thalami  ·  cephalophorum  ·  phycostemones

更多网络例句与花托相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Hip is gathering to be born in caving thalamus to form by a certain number of achene achene.


Aggregate achene achene is another kind of as similar as hip gains, it is gathering to be born at protuberant thalamus surface to form by a certain number of achene achene.


Flowers inserted on discoid or concave, fleshy receptacle; achene with crested or U-shaped appendix at apex.

花着生于盘状的或凹,肉质的花托;瘦果具脊或U形附属物在先端 7 Lecanthus 假楼梯草属

Strawberry: Any of various low-growing plants of the genus Fragaria, having white flowers and an aggregate fruit that consists of a red, fleshy, edible receptacle and numerous seedlike fruitlets.


Any of various low-growing plants of the genus Fragaria, having white flowers and an aggregate fruit that consists of a red, fleshy, edible receptacle and numerous seedlike fruitlets.


Any of various low-growing plants of the genusFragaria, having white flowers and an aggregate fruit that consists of a red, fleshy, edible receptacle and numerous seedlike fruitlets.


In this paper, callus culture, derived from leaf or petal, and capitulum culture combined with irradiation of γ-ray for mutation were introduced.


The results showed that the nectaries were not upgrowth, no obvious shaped nectaries and they were just gland cells and secretory cavities. Nectary cells were at the receptacle surface which was at the bases of the furthest outside gynoecia.


Perianth lobes of female flowers usually 4 or 5, much shorter than ovary, or strongly reduced, not corniculate at apex; achene 6-10-ribbed; male inflorescences usually with receptacle, rarely cymose; female inflorescences with discoid receptacle and bract

通常的雌花的花被裂片4或5,远短于子房,或者强烈降低,并非具小角状突起的在先端;瘦果6-10 肋;雄花序通常具花托,很少聚伞状;雌花序具盘状的花托和苞片 9 Elatostema 楼梯草属

Inflorescences solitary, axillary, often pedunculate, seated on a receptacle; receptacles at first broadly subcampanulate, soon expanded, of unisexual flowers; male and female inflorescences often separate or sometimes mixed in same receptacle, rarely male ones capitate or cymose without receptacle; involucral bracts in 1 or 2 whorled rows along margin of receptacle.


更多网络解释与花托相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

chaffy receptacle:颖状苞花托

有颖状苞的;有小苞片 chaffy | 颖状苞花托 chaffy receptacle | 刺激连锁 chain of stimuli


(兰科植物的)花药床 clinandrium | (菊科头状花的)花托 clinandrium | 黏核 cling stone

hypanthium:花托盆 由花托延伸而成的杯狀構造

hydrophyte 濕生植物 具濕生型特徵的植物 | hypanthium 花托盆 由花托延伸而成的杯狀構造 | hypodermis 下皮層 表皮下一或數層源自基本分生組織

hypanthium;tubular recepatacle:筒状花托

"白花莨菪","Hyosyamus albus L." | "筒状花托","hypanthium;tubular recepatacle" | "隐头花序","hypanthodium"

tubular receptacle;hypanthium:花托筒

管状花 tubular flower | 花托筒 tubular receptacle;hypanthium | 管状组织 tubular tissue


一朵完整的花可分为五个部分,即花柄(pedicel)、花托(receptacle)、花被(perianth)、雄蕊群(androecium)和雌蕊群(gynoecium)(图4-12). 花托是花柄或小梗的顶端部分,一般略呈膨大状,花的其他各部分按一定的方式排列在它上面.


thalamencephalon 丘脑 | thalamus 花托 | thalassemia 地中海贫血,珠蛋白生成障碍性贫血

athalamous:无花托的 对孢子无子囊盘、床或盾的

Athabascan family | 阿萨巴斯卡语系 | athalamous | 无花托的 对孢子无子囊盘、床或盾的 | athalposis | 温觉缺失


coenangium 多核孢子囊 | coenanthium 总花托(用于菊科) | coeno- 共,同


conophorium 针叶林群落 | conopodium 圆锥花托 | consanguineal 血亲的,近亲的