英语人>词典>汉英 : 艾梅 的英文翻译,例句
艾梅 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与艾梅相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Those currently working with Studio Azzurro in various roles include: Marco Barsottini, Elisa Bolis, Reiner Bumke, Matteo Cellini, Mario Coccimiglio, Daniele De Palma, Elisa Giardina Papa, Francesca Gollo, Tommaso Leddi, Carmen Leopardi, Chiara Ligi, Chiara Longo, Mauro Macella, Alberto Massagli Bernocchi, Daniela Mezzela, Elisa Midali, Alessandro Pecoraro, Silvia Pellizzari, Giulio Pernice, Sonia Ragno, Lorenzo Sarti.


Islay梅斯兰泰达and to break led chica Dragon Emperor began attacking other 12 main gods and guardian.


Just as every English school child knows Rowena, Rebecca, Ivanhoe, and Sir Brian de Bois Guilbert, so every French reader knows the poor but beautiful gypsy Esmeralda with her little goat; the alchemist-priest Claude Frollo, who desires her; and Quasimodo, the "hunchback of Notre Dame," who loves her and tries to save her.


"I've seen it, too," she said. I read a poem once about a little white bird that came to rest on a window sill and the lady who lived in the house began to put out food for it.


Persuaded by a friend, Ahmet is reluctantly involved in the theft of an antique and invaluable Quran. However, this act pushes him into unwanted and unfamiliar territory.


Unai Emery has warned any club interested in David Villa that Valencia consider the striker 'priceless'.


And when her son-in-law blustered how he was going to get even with the boss who had docked his pay, Imedle fixed him with a cold eye and said,"Little fish does not eat big fish."


He appeared to take great delight in wheeling her to the end of the pier, picking her up out of the chair, balancing himself to set her into the boat, then collapsing the chair and setting it on its side on board.


"A Saxon heiress of large possessions," replied the prior Aymer, a rose of loveliness, a jewel of wealth; the fairest among a thousand, a bundle of myrrh, and a cluster of balsams.


I knew Aime would love it, but just outside the front door, a handsome, frowning young man was anxiously pacing, obviously waiting for Nureyev, so I took a pass.


更多网络解释与艾梅相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


Ailsa 艾尔萨,含义:快乐的姑娘 | Aimee 艾梅,含义:可爱的人 | Albert艾伯特,含义:崇高,聪明

Saving Aimee:拯救艾梅

Ring of Fire - 火环 | Saving Aimee - 拯救艾梅 | Seven Brides for Seven Brothers - 七对佳偶

Aimee Warren:艾梅.沃伦

格伦.莫肖沃 Glenn Morshower | 艾梅.沃伦 Aimee Warren | 达妮埃尔.沃伦 Danielle Warren

Brittany Murphy:妲妮梅菲

本片由荷里活年青笑匠艾斯顿.吉查主演,艾斯顿.吉查是现今荷里活炙手可热的新人,人气急升,近期作品有与贝妲妮.梅菲(Brittany Murphy)合演的爱情喜剧>(Just Married),以及明年2月美国开画的>.


>获得一个奖项的提名,我去了洛杉矶,站在艾美奖颁奖现场的后台等着领奖时,德布拉.梅辛(Debra Messing)站在我旁边. 德布拉在电视剧>(Will and Grace)中的表演广受好评,她也赢得了艾美奖. 我一向喜欢她,

Des Moines:艾奥瓦州 得梅因

IN Indiana 印地安那州 印地安那波利斯 Indianapolis | IA Iowa 艾奥瓦州 得梅因 Des Moines | KS Kansas 堪萨斯州 托皮卡 Topeka


然而这却是艾丝梅拉达(Esmeralda)一切悲惨命运的开端, 最后逃脱不了为爱而死的宿命. 因为:『加西莫多自惭形秽,只敢把爱意深埋心中. 艾丝梅拉达爱上了腓比斯,引起弗侯洛的妒恨,他趁著艾丝梅拉达与腓比斯幽会时,刺伤了腓比斯,


艾梅塔(Ilmater)虔信者 4梅勒尔(Malar)虔信者 3此法术制造出1d4个闪动的电光尘,它们像妖火(faerie fire)一样聚在你周围转动. 你可以施法完成后立即引导任意多的电光尘飞出去攻击处于作用范围内的目标. 它们可以多个一起攻击同一目标,

Mel Brooks:梅尔.布鲁克斯 导演/制片人

91 Annika Sorenstam 安妮卡.索伦斯坦 女高尔夫球手 | 93 Mel Brooks 梅尔.布鲁克斯 导演/制片人 | 94 Emeril Lagasse 艾梅里尔.拉加西 厨师

Emeline Lauderdale:艾梅兰.隆达特尔

茱蒂丝Justine | 艾梅兰.隆达特尔Emeline Lauderdale | 梦妮安娜.爱尔雷特Merediana