英语人>词典>汉英 : 艺文 的英文翻译,例句
艺文 的英文翻译、例句


literature and art · referring to books in general
更多网络例句与艺文相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The filming not only shows some arrestingly beautiful dancing, it also shows Sheu starting from the blank canvas of the practice studio to choreograph a work of the highest art.


The result showed by interviewing these persons: 1 There is the same goal between the department of corporate public relations and the corporate foundation, but carry into effect by the different orientation.


The result showed by interviewing these persons: 1 There is the same goal between the department of corporate public relations and the corporate foundation, but carry into effect by the different orientation. 2 The sponsorship of art and culture is the fusion of marketing and public relations, and become" Marketing Public Relations". 3 The relation between the foundation and the group of art and culture changes the direction to the" cooperation", but the" sponsorship". 4 The operators of the enterprise should ponder the ability of the enterprise, from the personnel specialized degree, the enterprise resources and the adjustment of stakeholders, to decide whether it should set up the corporate foundation to sponsor art and culture or not.


But according to the colophon by Wang Feng, the picture was painted for Yang Wei-chen, who, in turn inscribed a poem on the painting. The poem begins:"Nine pearl-like verdant peaks adjoin to Yun-chien"; hence, the title of the painting.


This thesis focused on Wang Guangyi's Great Criticism series and Political Pop, tried to observe the symbolic-context artistic milieu and the iconology of the propaganda posters symbols of this work, along with their effects on the development of Chinese contemporary art.


It was a time when composers did not have to use MIDI, but write music by hand without being complained of incomprehensibility -such as what I often experience. It was the summit point of Classical Music, the golden age of Western arts.


As the leader and the main actor of "Critical Point Theater Phenomenon", the almost most longevous little, avant-garde, experimental theater group, Hueiling has continually experience about theater manufacture and the performance near 20 years.

作为几乎是台湾历史最悠久的小剧场团体"临界点剧象录"的团长及主要演员,有将近二十年的持续剧场制作及演出经历。在巅峰时期于剧团经营的"生活剧场"与"白水艺文空间"曾经有一年推出超过15 个全新作品,上演近乎100 场次的演出纪录。

This research uses a questionnaire surveying many kinds of interpreters distributed from twenty-five sites about historic spots, art exhibitions, natural ecology, folk crafts, tourist sites, and miscellanea.


Keynes was not a traditional economist: He was a polemicist, iconoclastic public intellectual, peer of the realm, and political operative, as well as an openly homosexual Bohemian who befriended Virginia Woolf and E.

凯恩斯不是一般传统的经济学家,他不仅不讳言自己同性恋的波西米亚风格,跟当时著名画家邓肯 E 格兰特交往甚密,也跨界与艺文界的名人包括作家 Virginia Woolf 和 E。

Although Wang Mo-Lin has concerned little theatre, body culture, performing art, and avant-garde art for a long time, he is concerned as well as a sign of troublesomeness, heresy, rabidity , and clamor.


更多网络解释与艺文相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


该市不只是州立教育部(State Education Department)的总部,文化教育中心的州立博物馆、图书馆及档案馆(Archives)亦坐落在该市的帝国广场. 至於休闲娱乐方面,阿尔巴尼市有许多的艺文活动,包括有名的纽约州立博物馆、音乐会、戏剧及视觉艺术等;

Art and Culture Center:台北县政府","文化局","台北县艺文中心

104,"台北县政府","研考室","县政资料中心","County Government Information Center",... | 105,"台北县政府","文化局","台北县艺文中心",,"_____ Art and Culture Center" | 106,"台北县政府","文化局","参考室

drafting room:办公空间","绘图室

"办公空间","简报室","Briefing Room" | "办公空间","绘图室","Drafting Room" | "办公空间","艺文推广室","Arts Promotion Room"


自Friendly Campus中Campus的英文字母拆字,延伸出来六大主轴:关怀(Care)的校园、艺文(art)的校园、欢乐(merry)的校园、人本(epople-oriented)的校园、独特(unique)的校园、安全(safe)的校园,也是推动本计划的预期目标.


曼思菲尔的诞生地出现在她的短篇小说"序曲"(Prelude)、"龙舌兰"(The Aloe)及"生日的那一天"(ABirthday)之中. "打击文字"(Wordstrck)这个有趣的名字,是但尼丁的双周年艺文季. 这个节庆除了文学活动外,还音乐、舞蹈、戏剧、视觉艺术和影片与它穿插交错.


通常修完五十四学分,并通过综合考试或硕士论文(thesis)取得硕士学位,需时一定成长. 辛城的艺文活动亦相当丰富,音乐厅、戏剧表演厅(Playhouse)时有节目演出,门,美不胜收. 全美第二大 的市内公园-森林公园(ForestPark)位於本校正对面;

Creationary Culture Industry:文化创意产业

艺文与科技 Art and Technology | 文化创意产业 Creationary Culture Industry | 数位传播与流行文化 Digital Communication and Popular Culture


喜爱跳舞的何小姐,几年前专程前往西班牙小镇赫 雷斯(Jerez)参加佛朗明哥舞艺术季活动 ,同时也畅 饮当地知名的雪莉酒. 她说,赫雷斯原本是不怎麼有名 的小镇,因为雪莉酒和佛朗明哥舞,成为热门景点. 他 山之石,台湾要发展艺文观光,

art square:公共空间","艺术广场

"公共空间","艺文馆","Culture Center" | "公共空间","艺术广场","Art Square " | "公共空间","谱系室","Genealogical records "

Zhaoling Edicts and commands:詔令

35.-63.艺文 Yiwen Canonical writings | 64.-67.诏令 Zhaoling Edicts and commands | 68.-77.礼仪 Liyi Rites and etiquette