英语人>词典>汉英 : 色情画 的英文翻译,例句
色情画 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与色情画相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

There is a soft-porn ★perversity[20] about many of Fuselis muscular super-heroes and ★nubile[21] ★nymphs[22], particularly his Titania from "A Midsummer Nights Dream".


There is a soft-porn ★ per versity[20] about many of Fuseli's muscular super-heroes and ★ nubile[21] ★ nymphs[22], particularly his Titania from "A Midsummer Night's Dream".


Today's best-preserved ancient Buddhist monks pornographic paintings of homosexual activities.


Bathroom with ground glass, body art is no bathroom glass is not closed . pornographic film lay in a bathtub with shower. Human art is a bathtub with water but no more- Shuai gg at the side of pornographic films eat rice, Art is born of human sausage, pornographic movies were filmed in China, Japanese art is the human body's film is pornographic films within three minutes really not in months. Human art is less than three minutes stripped of clothes, is a film pornographic films, only one female, the human body is an art they have some film actress, is a film pornographic movies Lane women exposed to less than 2 times. the human body is an art film Lane women exposed more than three times. pornographic film has been adapted to the garden machine-jet wet clothes. the human body art h 哥 sas been the kitchen faucet-jet wet clothes. is a screen pornographic films, only one screen, Human art is a screen with four pictures, that is pornographic films for Health Services received a bath mm tip, Art is human health services do not accept tips, using mm body as a tip. pornographic films and everyone can see the stitches, Art is human and everyone can have silenced the pornographic film

洗澡间用毛玻璃的,是人体艺术洗澡间没玻璃也没有关门的,是色情电影躺在浴缸里洗澡的,是人体艺术浴缸里没水却多了个帅 gg 在旁边的,是色情电影吃米饭的,是人体艺术吃香蕉香肠的,是色情电影中国人拍的,是人体艺术日本人拍的,是色情电影三分钟内没有动真个的,是人体艺术三分钟不到衣服就脱光了的,是色情电影一个影片里只有一个女主角的,是人体艺术一个影片里有几个女主角的,是色情电影一个影片里女人裸露2次以下的,是人体艺术一个影片里女人裸露3次以上的,是色情电影被花园里的撒水机喷湿衣服的,是人体艺术被厨房里的水龙头喷湿衣服的,是色情电影一个屏幕里只有一个画面的,是人体艺术一个屏幕里有四个画面的,那是色情电影服务生找洗澡 mm 收小费的,那是人体艺术服务生不收小费,用 mm 身体当小费的,是色情电影和大家一起看还可以哈哈大笑的,是人体艺术和大家一起看却鸦雀无声的,是色情电影

Shunga, or "pictures of spring," as rings the metaphor in Japanese, is a subtle monicker for some of the least subtle erotic art on record.


The erotic drawings and prints by him and his pupil Theodor von Holst are so explicit that the Tate has hung a veil between them and Fuseli's popular fairy paintings nearby, which are a favorite with children.

由于Fuseli和他的学生Theodor von Holst的素描和版画的色情描绘过于直接,因此泰特美术馆拉了一副帘子,将这些画与旁边的Fuseli的被人们,尤其是小孩所喜爱的仙女画隔开。

The ★erotic[23] drawings and prints by him and his pupil Theodor von Holst are so explicit that the Tate has hung a veil between them and Fuseli's popular fairy paintings nearby, which are a favourite with children.


The★ erotic[23] drawings and prints by him and his pupil Theodor von Holst are so explicit that the Tate has hung a veil between them and Fuseli' s popular fairy paintings nearby, which are a favourite with children.


The ★erotic[23] drawings and prints by him and his pupil Theodor von Holst are so explicit that the Tate has hung a veil between them and Fuselis popular fairy paintings nearby, which are a favourite with children.


The ★ erotic[23] drawings and prints by him and his pupil Theodor von Holst are so explicit that the Tate has hu ng a veil between them and Fuseli's popular fairy paintings nearby, which are a favourite with children.


更多网络解释与色情画相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


"跨世纪华文文学"经过王君"扩大"与"重画",差不多只剩下鲁迅所谓 "奇特的(grotesque),色情的(erotic)东西"了. 鲁迅很早就意识到,"奇特"和"色情"是欧美一些文艺家在落后国家与地区热衷探寻的,现在却于王君书中意外得之,不亦痛哉.


Alan John McEwan被起诉持有和访问儿童色情图像,他的所谓"儿童色情图像"是由一系列修改自动画片>的卡通角色组成,画中的巴特(Bart)、莉萨(Lisa)和玛吉(Maggie)在做爱.


印象派马奈的(Manet Edouard)"奥林比亚"(Olympia)于1865年在沙龙展出引起一场震动,这幅作品的灵感显然来源于后宫画的白奴/黑奴主题. 十八世纪以后,散页平版石印画盛行市肆,这类印刷画题材通俗,主题多半讽刺或者色情,




可是很多人都是把它当成教科书来使用. 在庞培古城妓院里,墙壁上那些关于性爱画面,其实功能类似于餐馆里菜单,害羞顾客可以不必开口描述,指一指某幅画,别人就会知道他想要什么. 顺便说一句,色情(pornography)这个词就是从妓女(prostitutes)演化而来.


Alan John McEwan被起诉持有和访问儿童色情图像,他的所谓"儿童色情图像"是由一系列修改自动画片<<辛普森一家>>的卡通角色组成,画中的巴特(Bart)、莉萨(Lisa)和玛吉(Maggie)在做爱.