英语人>词典>汉英 : 良莠不齐 的英文翻译,例句
良莠不齐 的英文翻译、例句


good and bad mixed together · a motley crowd
更多网络例句与良莠不齐相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The rest of the market is a mixed bag.


In one hand, in the progress of children"s socialization, television medium, instead of family and schools, play the role of advancer in some extent. In another hand, because of television programs" different qualities, there are a lot of differences in different childrens moral, communication, studying and entertainment. The fifth part show the conclusion of this paper.


Zibo classifies mother the net customer service personnel after receiving your this question, you proposed after the question has consulted the Zibo know-it-alls, specially gives the reply: does is an entity shop management matrimonial agency, in shop some warm prompts is necessary.


In the meantime, chinese ambry course of study still lacks perfect competitive system and specific administration provision, the industry presents the state that gives the good and bad are intermingled.


There are 4 reasons leading to it: firstly, stimulated by the interests, the standards of selecting the news by the journalists and editors is not measured by its social value and real meaning but only to catering to the a audiences psychological needs seeking for the bizarreness etc.


Unfortunately, the old name of Beijing's four special technique, like Cloisonne painting mixed market.


Nurse Mrs Gamp and the hypocritical Mr Pecksniffhave become a'0f literary legend,but MartinChuzzlewit is a dark and uneven novel,betrayingsigns of exhaustion.


They have misunderstood the original works by Karl Marx, not only causes the law valve objectively groundless and become a subjective with an intermixture of the good and the bad, but also will probably be harmful to practices.


They hxdye misunderstood the original works by Karl Marx, not only causes the law valve objectively groundless and become a subjective with an intermixture of the good and the bad, but also will probably be harmful to practices.


However, they have misunderstood the original works by Karl Marx, which not only causes the law valve objectively groundless and become a subjective with an intermixture of the good and the bad, but also will probably be harmful to practices.


更多网络解释与良莠不齐相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]







Phalaenopsis amabilis:蝴蝶兰

蝴蝶兰(Phalaenopsis amabilis)是兰科的多年生附生兰,原产于热带和亚热带,是世界上栽培最广泛、最普及的洋兰之一. 近年来我国蝴蝶兰产业迅速发展,但在生产中存在不少问题,栽培技术仍不够成熟,产品质量良莠不齐,与进口产品质量仍然存在较大的差距.


尤其春夏两季开花最盛,业者以盆花的方式生产也越来越多,但品质良莠不齐,栽培技术必须加以提升才行. 或许是因为扶桑花在台湾太普遍了,反而没有受到重视,甚至有「大红花不知丑」的说法. 蝶形花科(Papilionaceae)刺桐属(Erythrina)

half a minute later:不过只用了半分钟

But it in a blender 只是有些混杂有点良莠不齐 | Half a minute later 不过只用了半分钟 | I got myself one big sweet 我就为自己弄了一个大甜点