英语人>词典>汉英 : 舞台舞蹈 的英文翻译,例句
舞台舞蹈 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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From 1995-1998 she was a member of the Artistic Advisory Committee for the Choreographic Center based in Canberra.


Opera is music, drama, literature, dance, theater and art as a comprehensive integration of art, usually by the Aria, Recitative, ensemble, chorus, Overture, Intermezzo, dances and other components.


The troupe has been committed to carrying forward the art and culture of east Tibet ever since its inception. With a view to serving the society with its artistic expertise, it has presented a variety of inpressive performances. Many of its plays, songs and dances have claimed honors in the Tibet Autonomous Region and in the country at large. Its prizewinning works include the play The Red Detachment of Women (1975), dances A Triumphant Return (1984), Saltpan Girls (1984), Sparkling Mind (1984)and Greeting Spring With Drums (1998), and songs Qamdo Girls (1984), Auspicious Storks (1992) and Heavenly Fairics(1996).In 1996, the troupe went on a performance tour to Japan under the arrangement of the Department of Culture of the Tibet Autonomous Region. Some of the artists in the troupe also gave performances in Europe and the United States along with the Tibet Song and Dance Troupe.In the past 30 years, the troupe has maintained close contact with the grassroots Tibetan communities, thus drawing inspiration from them.


The play is one kind of comprehensive stagecraft, she with the aid of art media and so on literature, music, dance, fine arts portrays the stagecraft image, the revelation society is contradictory, reflection real life.


From a darkened stage, the pulsating sound of taps signal the opening of a production that superlatively combines music, choreography, staging and costume design.


Of course, I know most of the Leonard Bernstein–Stephen Sondheim score; I've seen enough clips to be familiar with the famed Jerome Robbins choreography; and I'd have to be a pretty benighted theatergoer not to know at least the central conceit of the story — Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet transplanted to the street gangs of New York City in the 1950s.


They have always had a passion for virtuosity complemented by charismatic theatricality and is committed to promoting programmes which have a wide appeal.


Between Madonna and her dancers, and Gogol's manic, mustachioed frontman Eugene Hütz and grinning guitarist Sergey Ryabatsev, the stage was a nonstop blur of color and movement, the music a crazy-quilt mélange of Balkan rock and dance music as they stormed through what has to be the most memorable ever version of "La Isla Bonita."


The choreography reflects this cycle. The riverwoman dances alone, her soft-shoe dance evoking the flow of the river. As she crosses the land, the earth, represented by the male dancer, awakens and bursts forth onto the stage. As the strength of the river builds, so dancers gather, signifying new life and energy, until the full Riverdance line swells to fill the stage as the river meets the sea. Then earth and river dance in harmony, as the water of life renews the land.


Riverdance is a very popular form of dancing based on Ireland's intricate folk dances which are rearranged and modernized and adapted onto current stage performance.


更多网络解释与舞台舞蹈相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

choleric - ill-tempered:易怒的

356) chivalrous - honorable 有武士风度的,侠义的 | 357) choleric - ill-tempered 易怒的 | 358) choreography - art of the dance 舞蹈术, 舞台舞蹈

choreographic:舞蹈术的, 舞台舞蹈的

choreographer /编舞/舞蹈指导/ | choreographic /舞蹈术的/舞台舞蹈的/ | choreography /编舞/舞蹈术/舞台舞蹈/


舞台舞蹈choreography | 舞台舞蹈的choreographic | 舞台下面mezzanine

choreographic:编舞的; 舞艺的 (形)

choreographer 编舞者; 舞蹈指导 (名) | choreographic 编舞的; 舞艺的 (形) | choreography 舞蹈术; 舞台舞蹈 (名)

Choreography: Dance:舞台舞蹈

Choral Education and Music Education 音乐合唱教育 | Choreography: Dance 舞台舞蹈 | Clinical Neuroscience 神经系统科学

chorine:歌舞团女队员 (名)

choreography 舞蹈术; 舞台舞蹈 (名) | chorine 歌舞团女队员 (名) | chorion 绒毛膜 (名)

Vero Follet, France, stage design, dance, song, hat-show and making:法国,舞台设计、化妆、人声、舞蹈等

Pan Nan, china, guzheng 中国,古筝 | Vero Follet, France, stage design, dance, song, hat-show and making 法国,舞台设计、化妆、人声、舞蹈等 | Li Qiang, china, multi-media 中国,多媒体


"CENSORSHIP","剧院督导" | "CENTER FOR DANCE MEDICINE (CDM)","舞蹈医学中心" | "CENTER LINE","中心线;舞台中心线"


她使用的摄影术使舞蹈和活人静态的舞台造型(tableaux)之间难分彼此:人们不清楚,到底是图像记录了舞蹈表演,还是图像本身就具有某种表演的功能. 她制作了一本精美豪华的书,按照叙事的次序排列她雕像般的裸体,经典希腊式的造型,

Vincent Paterson:助理舞蹈及舞台设计

助理舞蹈及舞台设计:Vincent Paterson | 布景:Tom McPhilips | 灯光:Allen Branton