英语人>词典>汉英 : 舌音 的英文翻译,例句
舌音 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与舌音相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Some language users will retroflex alveolar trill and small / r / as ...


The sound segments are grouped into consonants and vowels.there are several basic ways in which articulation can be accomplished:the articulators may close off the oral tract for an instant or a relatively long period;they may narrow the space considerably;or they may simply modify the shape of the tract by approaching each other.manners of articulation:stop,fricative,approximant,lateral.other consonantal articulations include TRILL,TAP or FLAP and AFFRICATE.consonants may be produced at practically any place between the lip and the vocal folds.eleven places of articulation are distinguished on the IPA chart.


Enthusiasm for English is spreading— even in lingually correct Brussels.


I thought , Said:"There is no right or wrong, is retroflex wings."


These consonants are common in small retroflex R, plus velar R, R or throat of pharyngeal tone sound R.


In addition users can also be used to customize input, fuzzy sound settings, such as the importation of Chinese symbols, in addition to the different geographical support Alice / ping retroflex, before / after nasal as well as the fuzzy input southern accent.


The base of the tongue is too long, first of all, will affect the child's pronunciation, resulting in some confusion between the words made with retroflex; followed, particularly infants, the base of the tongue is too long, the next sticky palate, parents do not know the sound of children gland development, and small children time to practice speaking postponed, is not conducive to child growth and development of political parties.


In consonants, there are three characteristics in Chinese: aspirated versus aspirateless, retroflexed versus retroflexless, and front nasal versus back nasal.


The glottal stop and uvular "r" and "ch" in German "bach" are guttural sounds.


Fang was the first person who pointed and that no difference was made between the voiced and voiceless bilabials, and between lips, teeth, etc.


更多网络解释与舌音相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


co-referential 同指涉 | coronal 前舌音 | corpora 语料库


dentilabial 唇齿音的 | dentilingual 齿舌音 | dentin 象牙质

dentilingual:齿舌音的 (形)

dentilabial 唇齿音的 (形) | dentilingual 齿舌音的 (形) | dentin 齿质; 象牙质 (名)


domain schemata 特定範疇基模 | domal 翹舌音 | domesticated word 移植字;歸化字

Dorsal Initials:舌音

中央灰质背侧核:dorsal central gray nucleus | 舌音:Dorsal Initials | 背鳍:dorsal fin

retroflex sound:捲舌音;翹舌音

retroflex fricative 捲舌擦音 | retroflex sound 捲舌音;翹舌音 | retroflex stop 捲舌爆發音


喉音(guttural):包括喉音(glottal)、喉腔音(pharyngeal),有时也包括小舌音(uvular)在内. 唇化(labialization)--唇音性(labial)在元音是重要的区别性特徵,但在辅音却是「次要调音点」,在符号之后加上上标的w标示.


cacophony 發音不和諧;不悅耳的配音;粗音調 | cacuminal 翹舌音;捲舌音;頂音 | cadence 韻律;降句調


dentoid 齿状的 | dentolingual 齿舌音 | dentosurgical 牙齿外科的


rhotacization 捲舌音化;r音化 | rhotacized 捲舌音化;r音化 | retroflex consonant 捲舌輔音