英语人>词典>汉英 : 致命伤 的英文翻译,例句
致命伤 的英文翻译、例句


fatal injury · fatal wound · mortal wound · vital wound · death-wound
更多网络例句与致命伤相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

English isn't my Achilles heel.


B : :No,he spoke chinese, and you know that's my Achilles' heel..


This is the State-owned business card printings and membership cards making an Achilles ' heel of the enterprise.


But it can also be their Achilles heel.


I don't think the Achilles injury is going to have the same impact that the last two had.


The combination of strong songs and Travis's rich baritone, smooth and dark as apple butter, should win over anyone looking for real country music and not just a substitute for the soft rock of yesteryear.


Like a wild beast mortally wounded, bleeding and licking its wounds, for five weeks the French remain in Moscow, attempting nothing; and all at once, with nothing new to account for it, they flee back; they make a dash for the Kaluga road (after a victory, too, for they remained in possession of the field of battle at Maley Yaroslavets); and then, without a single serious engagement, fly more and more rapidly back to Smolensk, to Vilna, to the Berezina, and beyond it.


Doctors described the back of her head as a "boggy mass" and said the fatal injuries were inflected two or three days before her death.


After people on the roof of an adjacent building threw bricks at the police , the Alameda County Sheriff's deputies used shotguns to fire "00" buckshot at people sitting on the roof at the Telegraph Repertory Cinema, fatally wounding student James Rector and permanently blinding carpenter Alan Blanchard.


It is fatal for art if it is forced into official respectability and condemned to sterile mediocrity.---Gustave Courbet


更多网络解释与致命伤相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

absolutely normal number:绝对范数,绝对范数

absolutely fatal wound 绝对致命伤,绝对致命伤 | absolutely normal number 绝对范数,绝对范数 | absolutely stable 絶対安定

Achilles' heel:致命伤

有鉴于决策的认识过程可能对许多领导而言都是挑战,社会-情感因素就成为决策者的致命伤(Achilles' heel). 而且,领导人不仅要制定行动纲领,还需要动员和推动整个组织去有效地实施. 正如诺尔.迪奇(Noel Tichy)和戴夫.尤瑞奇(Dave Ulrich)所言,

achilles's heel:致命的弱点,致命伤

Give a good account of oneself表现很好 | Achilles's heel致命的弱点,致命伤 | Acid test 严峻的考验,真正的考验


配合致命伤(Lethality)和时机(Opportunity)来提高伤害, 并且通过决定命运(Seal Fate)快速产生组合点该匕首型配点在团队中能起更好作用关键天赋: 凶残(Malice), 致命伤(Lethality), 冷血(Cold Blood) ,

Nonfatal Injury:非致命伤

非暴力性死亡 non-violent death | 非致命伤 nonfatal injury | 非自然性死亡 unnatural death

nonfatal trauma:非致命伤. 不构成死亡的损伤

newborn postmortem examination 新生儿尸体检查 | nonfatal trauma 非致命伤. 不构成死亡的损伤. | nonviolent death 非暴力死

nonfatal trauma:非致命伤

nonfatal error 非严重错误,非致命错误 | nonfatal trauma 非致命伤 | nonfeasible states 非可行状态

sore spot:致命伤

sophisticated 装模作样的女人 | sore spot 致命伤 | spacingout 做白白梦

strike home:使受致命伤 取得预期效果 使清楚认识到

strike from 从...中划掉 | strike home 使受致命伤 取得预期效果 使清楚认识到 | strike in 突然插嘴; 干涉; (疾病)内攻

English is his Achilles heel:英文是他的致命伤

Sorry, I put my foot in my mouth. 对不起,我说错话了. | English is his Achilles heel. 英文是他的致命伤. | I'd be indebted. 我感激不尽. 我欠您(一个人情).