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自画像 的英文翻译、例句


self-portrait · self-portrayal · Animated Self-Portraits
更多网络例句与自画像相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Two of her related works underscore this: one is a series of portraits titled Self Portrait as Marcus Fischer (2000) where Ashery is performing a kind of transvestitism that broaches not only gender categories, but also cultural and religious ones.


Portrait de l'artiste sans barbe Vincent Van Gogh shaved his beard off and painted this self-portrait, Portrait de l'artiste sans barbe, for his mother before he killed himself.


On the sea, leaders of the Allies, George Patton, Mongo Mali, Eisenhower, de Gaulle are on a barque which symbolizes the traditional European man-of-war. And I am drawing a sketch "Self-Portrait" at the bow.


This is what my bod is looking like these days, a self portrait if you will


Van Gogh wrote to his brother Theo in August 1888,'I am hard at it, painting with the enthusiasm of a Marseillais eating bouillabaisse, which won't surprise you when you know that what I'm at is the painting of some sunflowers.


His paintings are characterized by luxuriant brushwork, rich colour, and a mastery of chiaroscuro.


Besides all kinds of brutality in the concentration camps, the gas room and cinerator, there is also a red-dressed Goethe sitting nearby on the grass below the castle. The soldier sitting beside him is the painter, who is questioning Goethe and the audience:"What's wrong with the great German people?"


Dec. 6, 2005 -- TRAVEL-INN-BOS -- The Cliffside Inn in Newport, R.I., is the former home of reclusive artist Beatrice Turner (1888-1948) who painted more than 3,000 works of art, some 1,000 of which were self-portraits.


ALTER EGO \ 自画像 Auction customer David Phillis viewed "Alter Ego," a self-portrait by artist Peter Howson in Glasgow, Scotland, Tuesday. More than 200 of Mr.

周二在苏格兰格拉斯哥,拍卖行主顾菲利斯正在欣赏艺术家豪森Peter Howson的自画像"自我"。

In the middle of the painting, it's I who am holding a gun in Soviet uniform. To the right side of my self-portrait, I used the figures of Siberian soldiers created by the Russian painter Surikov Vasili Ivanovich, to depict the function of Siberian troops in Volgograd Battle.


更多网络解释与自画像相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Self-Portrait in a Convex Mirror:<凸镜里的自画像>

(3) John Ashbery 约翰.阿什贝里 | Self-Portrait in a Convex Mirror | 6 Poetry with surrealistic trend 超现实主义倾向诗歌


那是张沃霍尔风格的自画像. 这真是是双重-或许三重的讽刺,因为他的工作场地是我参观过的最不像工厂的工作室,也是最不被艺术市场所驱使的. 它看上去像艺术家真正在亲手做作品的空间. 达米恩.赫斯特-格洛斯特郡(Gloucestershire),斯特劳德(Stroud)


伦勃朗后半生所画的所有悲剧人物--哈拿(Hannah)、扫罗(Saul)、雅各布(Jacob)、荷马(Homer)、尤利乌斯.西维里斯(JuliusCivilis)以及自画像--都是侍者. 他们的悲剧非但没有被隐匿,而且正在被描画允许他们等待. 他们所等待是的意义,

Tablet Inscription:碑记

5 自画像 Self-Portrait | 6 碑记 Tablet Inscription | 7 雕塑作品 Sculpture

Kauffmann, Angelica:考芙曼

老妪肖像画 Portrait of an Old Woman | 考芙曼 Kauffmann, Angelica | 自画像 Self-portrait

Mona Lisa:蒙娜莉萨

事实上,它不符合艺术、历史及>之处多达53项,包括蒙娜莉萨(Mona Lisa)有可能是达文西把自己画成女人的一幅自画像、耶稣与抹大拉马利亚结了婚,并有后裔留在法国、>是人为的产品等等,

Marilyn Monroe:梦露

在作品里,创作出家喻户晓的明星与政治人物画像如"玛莉莲梦露"(Marilyn Monroe)、"猫王"(Elivs)、"毛泽东"(Mao)等绢版画作. 当然也包括自己自画像. 他讽刺的说︰明星、偶像、事物的知名度都是时代潮流的产物, 在人们眼中只有15分钟的寿命,

self pollination:自花受粉

self-pollinated 自花受粉的 | self-pollination 自花受粉 | self-portrait 自画像

Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man ,James Joyce:《一个青年艺术家的自画像》詹姆斯-乔伊斯

18 <<尤利西斯>> 詹姆斯.乔伊斯 Ulysses ,James Joy... | 19 <<一个青年艺术家的自画像>>詹姆斯-乔伊斯 Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man ,James Joyce | 20 <<公主日记>>玫格.卡波The Princess Diaries,Meg Ca...

selfportrait:自画像 名词

selfpity 自怜 名词 | selfportrait 自画像 名词 | selfpossessed 冷静沉着的 形容词