英语人>词典>汉英 : 自由意志论 的英文翻译,例句
自由意志论 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
indeterminism  ·  libertarianism

更多网络例句与自由意志论相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This paper also attempts to explore the relationship between and the decisive effect of free will and determinism upon Coleman in his tragedy.


Epicurus was first to assert human freedom as coming from a fundamental indeterminism in the motion of atoms.


Risk is traditionally defined by means of indeterminism: Some events that occur are not the only possible outcomes of their antecedent conditions.


In summarize, justice view about capital penalty of enlighten ideologist includes different conclusions on exist or deposition of capital penalty from social contract theory, indeterminism and impossibility to remedy wrong judgments.


John Milton, one of the most renowned poets of the English language, dedicates great enthusiasm to the narration and exploration of the temptation theme.


The Frankfurt School has made an important contribution to rehabilitating the libertarian aspect of Marx's thought.


FRIEDMAN But as a matter of fact there are two really different versions of libertarianism.


ROBINSON Now you just touched on something very important because one of the things I'm trying to distinguish here is the extent to which your libertarianism is effectively a moral position, you do it because it's right and just, it creates the greatest conditions of justice and the extent to which you do it because it works.


The more extreme version of libertarianism has one central principle- it is immoral to initiate force on anyone else.


The criminal classical school began in the 17th century, which advocated libertarianism against determinism and formed objectivism criminal theory based on it.


更多网络解释与自由意志论相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


freewheeling 惯性滑行 | freewill 任意的 | freewiller 自由意志论


第二种观点称为"非决定论"或"自由意志论"(indeterminism),它认为,人与动物最大的不同就在于他有自由选择的能力. 我们必须先选择我们将要成为什么样的人,我们才会成为什么样的人,纯粹的个人存在只是"空无",我们的自由意志给它填充进"意义".


而"自由主义者"(liberalist)则相信"人间的律法",他们并没有"自由意志"论者那么浪漫,他们也会尽量避免那种正邪两元论的论说方法. 简单说来,他们相信当权者可以通过限制权力而去除"魔性",而不需要诉诸"暴力革命"去释放"自由意志".

Free will: compatibilism, libertarianism, or no free will:[自由意志:相容论,自由论,或没有自由意志

6. External world: idealism, skepticism, or non-skeptical reali... | 7. Free will: compatibilism, libertarianism, or no free will? [自由意志:相容论,自由论,或没有自由意志?] | 8. God: theism or atheism? ...

God: theism or atheism? [God:有神论,或无神论

7. Free will: compatibilism, libertarianism, or no free will? [自由意志:相容论,自由论,... | 8. God: theism or atheism? [God:有神论,或无神论?] | 9. Knowledge: empiricism or rationalism? [知道/知识:经验论...

unitary group:酉群

*酉群(unitary group)的表示论. 有人引用量子力学中的随机性支持自由意志说,但是第一,这种微观尺度上的随机性和通常意义下的宏观的自由意志之间仍然有着难以逾越的距离;第二,这种随机性是否不可约简(irreducible)还难以证明,


voluntarism 唯意志论 | voluntaryism 随意乐捐制度 | voluntaryism 自由志愿军制度


voluntarism /任意主义/唯意志论/ | voluntaryism /随意乐捐制度/自由志愿军制度/ | voluptuary /耽于酒色的/酒色之徒/


voluntarily /自动地/以自由意志/ | voluntariness /任意/自由意志/随便/ | voluntarism /任意主义/唯意志论/